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Forums » Introductions » Hello!


New face but old soul, just wanted to drop in and say hello to everyone again. Its been quite a while since I've been active on the forums but life finally settled down and I really wanted to get back into RPing. It seems a lot of the names and faces have changed so a new introduction seemed like a necessary evil. I prefer Sci-Fi or medieval fantasy but can always do something modern with a mix of something else if you have a idea. I like a healthy amount of combat to help move things along but am ready to try something different. If anyone would like to talk or want to RP please feel free to drop me a PM and we can discuss things. Thanks again ahead of time and have a wonderful day!
Hey there and welcome! I noticed you joined a Star Wars group already, glad to see another fan! :) I'm pretty big into Sci-Fi and Fantasy, so maybe we can have an RP sometime soon. Hope you're enjoying the site so far! Seems like you know your way around pretty well already, but if you ever need help don't hesitate to ask.
hey there, welcome to RPR!

if you got any questions or just want to rp, hit me up my man!

Well welcome to RPR and welcome back to forum RP <3 I really hope you have a great time and manage to make a lot of RP buddies/friends here, It's pretty easy to do here on RPR, The community is very diverse and rather lively.
Hi Lucas, welcome to RPR! :)
Welcome back to RPR, Lucas! It's still the same friendly site as you can see. ;) That sounds awesome; I'm still no good at writing combat scenarios, but I enjoy reading them! Wish I could find the time to read more soon.

Hope you stay much longer this time and find RPs that are very much to your liking! Cheers!
Welcome to the RPR, I'm sure you'll love it here, there's tons of new people to meet and roleplay with!

Welcome to the RPR! Sci Fi is one of my favorite types of rp. If you wanna rp some time, hit me up!

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