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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Why did I run? (open)

Nomti (played by EonRising)

He didn't know. He was a guardian of the dead, a servant of Anubis, devourer of fear: an Anubite. "It's those damn snakes," he muttered as he stumbled through the hot sand, his skirt torn and his black furred chest caked in now dry blood.
In the distance, he saw a silhouette, but with the heat haze, he couldn't tell if it was real or not, he just hoped it wasn't one of his brothers.
Lydrea (played by Freyya)

Lydrea, who had been wandering over this empty desert, was finally seeing someone. Or at least she thought she did. She definately hoped so, for she's near dehydration. Her last water had been used up several days ago and the little magic she possessed had almost been spent in sustaining her body. "Please let it be real..." She muttered. She started down the dune she was standing on, but her knees couldn't support eher weigt anymore, and she fell down, rolling all the way down the dune. She just laid there, eyes half closed and near unconsciousness.
Nomti (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

It was upon seeing the figure fall Nomti realized it wasn't a hostile. He could sense and taste her fear, yes definitely a her... Was it fear of death he tasted? He couldn't tell but he absorbed some of her fear and ran towards her; maybe they could help each other.
He fell to his knees by her head, "Hey, are you alright? What do you need?"
Lydrea (played by Freyya)

Lydrea found her throat to be too dry to speak, so she just mouthed "water". She looked at him with hopeful, desperate eyes.
Nomti (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

He nodded and fumbled around his waist for the flask he carried. He didn't need to drink a lot of water and so it was almost full. He wrapped an arm around her neck and lifted her so she was sitting with her shoulder against his chest and held the flask to her lips.
Lydrea (played by Freyya)

Lydrea drank greedily. Once she had enough, she leaned against him and gave in to the sleep that's been chasing her for three days.
Nomti (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

His eyes widened a bit as she do quickly fell asleep in his arms and looked around, a bit confused on what to do.
He couldn't just leave her there or real Jackals might come to get her. The only other thing he could think of to do was sit there and hold her, which wasn't a bad thing in his opinion.
The Anubite looked around nervously before moving into a more comfortable position with her sitting sideways in his lap, one arm around her shoulder, holding her to his cut up, furry chest and the other resting on her lap.
Lydrea (played by Freyya)

A few hours later, Lydia awoke again. as she noticed she was leaning against something soft, she looked up. She saw the jackal's head, Her eyes widened. She screamed in surprise and fell of his lap. It was only then that she realised it was the same person who'd helped her earlier. I must have fallen asleep... "Where am I?" she looked up at Nomti, confused.
Nomti (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

The fearful scream startled Nomti but also energized him a bit and he also jumped in surprise.
"The desert," he said bluntly, "I'm a fugitive right now."
Lydrea (played by Freyya)

The desert. right. She could've figured that one out. "Where exactly? I can't remember how I ended up here."
Nomti (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"About two miles from the Great Pyramids," he said quietly and moved back to her side, "Are you alright?"
Lydrea (played by Freyya)

"I... I'm fine." She felt a bit dizzy, so she closed her eyes and rubbed her temples.
Nomti (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Do you need more water?" he asked and whispered something into his hand. When he opened his hand, there was a large orb of water hovering above his hand and he filtered it into the flask.
Zoey (played by scarheart12)

Zoey was walking in the desert searching for water, the heat didn't bother her much but she still liked to drink.
Nomti (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

He sensed Zoey's presence, catching her scent and his ears twitched a bit and he growled. Whoever it a's wasn't mortal and he wasn't having much luck with immortals recently.
Lydrea (played by Freyya)

Lydrea opened her eyes. "What's wrong?" she asked.
Nomti (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"There's someone else coming," he said quietly the focused his attention on her again and repeated his question, "Do you want more water?" he gestured to the now full flask.
Lydrea (played by Freyya)

Lydrea's eyes widened. "How did you do that!?"
Nomti (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Magic," he said, but not in a joking way. He wore a serious face as he said it and handed her the flask.
Lydrea (played by Freyya)

"You know magic too?" She hadn't seen another mage since she ran away...

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