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Forums » Looking for RP » STRANGE. (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

genre: romance, modern, fantasy.
you have recently moved to the big apple. in moving, you desperately needed a cheap place to live. you were running out of money and running out of cheap motels to stay at. luckily, on your constant search for an apartment, you stumble upon a surprisingly cheap apartment. it was perfect, you didn't have to pay full rent and you had a roommate. finally, you wouldn't be alone in the huge city! finally, the day comes where you meet your roommate. she is short, quiet, beautiful, but the whole apartment is covered with objects from various eras of the past. not to mention, the first few nights you stay there, you hear strange noises. whispers, giggles, footsteps, doors creaking.

your roommate is barely ever home to help explain these noises and weird objects. one day, you confront the small girl. in confronting her, she takes your hand and leads you to the roof of the building, smoking an american spirit cigarette. in this fateful conversation, you learn a little bit about the girl... she's confusing, yet intriguing. while the noises and odd feelings make you want to leave, she makes you want to stay.
is she really worth the sleepless nights?

hello! i am glad you have clicked on this topic. if you have gotten this far, the storyline has obviously snatched your attention. if you are willing to rp this with me, feel free to reply here or shoot me a message! this is with my only character, asteria. she's bisexual and will work with most personality types. this is a 1x1, but i am willing to rp with more than one person in two different threads!

i am also willing to make changes to this so it fits your vision!
thank you for taking the time to read this,
Argenti Lupine (played by Raziel_Samael_Ray)

Would you be okay with a werewolf partner????
oddeye Topic Starter

Argenti Lupine wrote:
Would you be okay with a werewolf partner????
Argenti Lupine (played by Raziel_Samael_Ray)

Awesome! Because I'm totally interested in this!
Warren White (played by Bryce)

Hey! This is very interesting to me, would a vampire be alright?
I have two characters that might work for this after some editing. A female vampire or a male.... essentially a vampire hunter. I don't really have 'normal' characters ^_^; But I could probably make them 'human' if you prefer. PM me if you're interested.


rolled 10d6 and got 39

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » STRANGE. (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus