This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Part of their world.
All Caspian wanted was to be a part of their world.
A part of the human world.
Thing is, he wasn't a human. Well, maybe only half of a human. In fact, he was a mermaid. A merman, to be more precise. He didn't mind being called either, though. Because they both meant the same thing: a half fish, half human creature. And with being a creature like that came many rules. Rules that Caspian never seemed to listen to. The number one rule for mermaids was to never go near the shore, or be close to the humans. And of course, Caspian just had to break it. Every day, he'd swim up to the surface of the water, lightly peeking his head above the waves to inspect and watch the humans walk and talk with each other.
Caspian didn't get it. They didn't look harmful, like how his parents had warned him they were, so why did he have to stray away from them? He understood that he couldn't be seen, since there was a possibility that someone could use and experiment on him and his species, but if he was never seen, then what was the trouble? He could watch them, and get away as fast as possible. It was an easy deed, especially considering how fast Capsian was. He was in and out, every day. But, that was the thing. He didn't want to leave, ever. He wanted to stay above the shore, and interact with the humans. He longed to just talk with one of them, and become their friend. Then maybe, it would be easier to know all about them. It would be much better to simply conversate with a human than to collect artifacts they left near the sands, or to listen in to their conversations like some kind of nosy nobody. If only he could just..
It wasn't allowed.
If Caspian was caught talking with a human, he wouldn't ever see the end of it. He'd be stuck underwater for the rest of his fish days, not being able to go to the surface and even get a peek at the humans ever again. He'd be locked up in his room and that would be it. He'd be done. He knew that if he did this, he'd be imprisoned for the rest of his life. It was a reckless and stupid thing to do.
But it was worth it.
Caspian awoke with an eager smile on his face. He dashed out of his bed with one goal in mind: befriend a human. He exited his house and twirled around in the shiny blue ocean, before getting ready to take off to the shore. That is, until he heard an awfully familiar voice forcing him to stop in his tracks.
"And where do you think you're going?"
Caspian frowned, turning around and looking at his perfect older sister. She was excelled in everything Caspian wasn't. Academics, she had it. Fitness, check. Even being the favorite child, she had easily managed to snag. Though that didn't ever stop Caspian from loving her, of course. They had their differences, but Caspian couldn't remember a time when they were ever arguring, or disputing with each other, like normal siblings did. In fact, they had an inseparable bond that tied them together. Except when Aquamarine had to be responsible, and her motherly side took over, of course. And unluckily for Caspian, that side had sprang into action right now.
With a sigh, Caspian locked eyes with his elder sister, crossing his arms and watching as she had placed her hands at the base of her hips in a responding-like way. He inhaled sharply, before speaking.
"Hey, sis!! Did I ever tell you how beautiful, and smart, and absolutely amazing you are??~ I mean, you're so awesome, I-" he began, before being cut off by his sister.
"I didn't come here for praises, Caspian. I can count on mom and dad to do that. You wouldn't know how that felt, though. Let me repeat myself. Where. Are. You. Going?" She asked, speaking rather slowly, as if Caspian would've gotten lost if she hadn't had. With a pout, Caspian began again.
"I wanna go see the humans!! What else??" He whined, motioning his arm upwards and frantically waving it around to emphasise his point.
There really was nothing else Caspain did, besides going up to the shore to watch the humans. His time was always spent doing that, or bothering his sister to cover for him. Of course, out of love, Aquamarine had reluctantly agreed, but she hoped this time, she would be able to shape her younger brother's mind. But of course, she already knew what the end result would be, as it always was.
"Cover for me, please??? This is the last time, I promisssee!! Please sis?? Please? Please pleasee??" Caspian begged with a reoccurring pout, clasping his hands together and swimming up to his sister, looking up at her with a pleading glance. Aquamarine sighed, raising her hand to rub her forehead, suspecting that if she didn't shut her brother up at this second, she'd get a massive headache. But.. what if he got caught? What if someone saw him? It would be her fault, for allowing him to go to the surface. All of it would be her fault. Could she even trust her brother to stay away from the humans?
Aquamarine groaned, staring into her brother's puppy dog eyes and eventually giving in.
"Please? Aqua? Yes? Please. Pleasee? Plspls-" He asked, now poking his sister and tugging on her hand with an innocent tilt of his head, wondering if she could even hear him, or if she had zoned him out by now.
"Fine! Gosh, you're so annoying. Last time, okay? No more covering for you after this. And be careful, Caspi. Don't talk to any of those humans, and never get too close for them to see you." She told her brother with a cautious tone. At those words, Caspian's face instantly lit up, and a large grin made its way across his face, before he eagerly nodded at her, only paying attention to the part where she said she'd agree, and not the other details.
"Thank you, thank you thank you!! You're the best, I love you sis!!! Last time, I swear!" He told her, giving her a quick hug, before zooming upwards to the shore. From below, Aquamarine sighed, rubbing her temples, before muttering to herself.
"Gotta put a leash on him or something.."
Caspian made his way to the shore, being sure to say hello to some small fishes, whales, and dolphins on his way there. Being a rather friendly person, Caspian made it his mission to be friends with every sea critter he came across in his lifetime. It wasn't a matter of time until he had befriended the whole ocean, however. He always traveled long and far, so it wasn't a surprise that he knew so many of the fishes surrounding him, being able to separate them out by name. It was an admirable factor he held, though he never saw it as anything special. It was just fun meeting new friends, as Caspian liked to say, so he did, and he remembered each and every one of them. It would be rude to forget them, of course, as they had remembered who he was every time, as well. Though of course, it was probably easier for them, considering that Caspian was easy to recognize with his blue hair and matching tail, and millions of identical fish weren't. Nonetheless, Caspian never got any of them confused from the other, and he kept it that way ever since he was a child, from when he had first met the fishes. He remembered it like it was just yesterday. A small, four year old Caspian, with his vibrant blue hair and tail, swimming around the ocean alone, a large stack of seashells and artifacts stacked in his tiny hands, all while he was lightly humming to himself. He had gotten lost, and the fish had helped him find his way home. It was funny to them, how a small child wasn't scared at all at being lost. In fact, he seemed to enjoy it. The ocean was his friend, as he had told them with a toothy grin once they asked. Afterwards, when he had returned home, Caspian had thanked and befriended the fishes in return for their help, and from then, he never forgot their names. How could he, anyways?
The following days after, he always visited them, and easily got along with them. They were his friends.
His only friends.
With a giant grin, Caspian rose his head above the shore, glancing around his surroundings and making sure it was his usual spot: a small rock near the sand. Caspian had traveled to that spot ever since he was a child, and it was always his favorite spot to watch the humans from afar, without being caught. He remembered how he would visit the rock every day, observing the humans and always wanting to talk to them, rather than just inspecting them from a distance. And for once, Caspian was certain he was going to make that dream come true. Because why did his dreams have to stay only dreams, if he could grant them himself, right then and there? Of course, it'd come with a consequence if he was caught. He'd be hit, badly. He'd have to face his worst fear. The thing that made him pull back and whimper every other day before today. The reason why Caspian never tried talking with the humans. Because he feared he would be caught, and hurt. Badly. But today, he was going against his fears, and he was going to talk to a human. It would be a quick interaction, or it would be a long one. He didn't mind either, because he knew he wouldn't be caught. Aqua was covering for him, after all. And she had never let him down once. Why would she start now? His consequence would only come if he was caught. And he wouldn't be. He was sure of it.
Now, he just had to find a human to talk to.
But, who?
There were millions of fish in the se- er, humans on the land. Which one of them would catch his eye?
Okay, so hi. I'm looking to start a roleplay with Casp over here. Obviously, as his starter provides, he's a mermaid. He's looking to befriend a human, aka, your character. Romance is possible but not required. Paragraph responses are preferred, though it doesn't matter to me the length, as long as it's not a one-liner. Apologies if that's you're style; I just can't seem to work well with that short of a reponse. That being said, this is the longest starter I've ever written, so my responses won't ever be that lengthy, but they won't ever be any shorter than two paragraphs. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and other than that, I look forward to roleplaying with some of you.
All Caspian wanted was to be a part of their world.
A part of the human world.
Thing is, he wasn't a human. Well, maybe only half of a human. In fact, he was a mermaid. A merman, to be more precise. He didn't mind being called either, though. Because they both meant the same thing: a half fish, half human creature. And with being a creature like that came many rules. Rules that Caspian never seemed to listen to. The number one rule for mermaids was to never go near the shore, or be close to the humans. And of course, Caspian just had to break it. Every day, he'd swim up to the surface of the water, lightly peeking his head above the waves to inspect and watch the humans walk and talk with each other.
Caspian didn't get it. They didn't look harmful, like how his parents had warned him they were, so why did he have to stray away from them? He understood that he couldn't be seen, since there was a possibility that someone could use and experiment on him and his species, but if he was never seen, then what was the trouble? He could watch them, and get away as fast as possible. It was an easy deed, especially considering how fast Capsian was. He was in and out, every day. But, that was the thing. He didn't want to leave, ever. He wanted to stay above the shore, and interact with the humans. He longed to just talk with one of them, and become their friend. Then maybe, it would be easier to know all about them. It would be much better to simply conversate with a human than to collect artifacts they left near the sands, or to listen in to their conversations like some kind of nosy nobody. If only he could just..
It wasn't allowed.
If Caspian was caught talking with a human, he wouldn't ever see the end of it. He'd be stuck underwater for the rest of his fish days, not being able to go to the surface and even get a peek at the humans ever again. He'd be locked up in his room and that would be it. He'd be done. He knew that if he did this, he'd be imprisoned for the rest of his life. It was a reckless and stupid thing to do.
But it was worth it.
Caspian awoke with an eager smile on his face. He dashed out of his bed with one goal in mind: befriend a human. He exited his house and twirled around in the shiny blue ocean, before getting ready to take off to the shore. That is, until he heard an awfully familiar voice forcing him to stop in his tracks.
"And where do you think you're going?"
Caspian frowned, turning around and looking at his perfect older sister. She was excelled in everything Caspian wasn't. Academics, she had it. Fitness, check. Even being the favorite child, she had easily managed to snag. Though that didn't ever stop Caspian from loving her, of course. They had their differences, but Caspian couldn't remember a time when they were ever arguring, or disputing with each other, like normal siblings did. In fact, they had an inseparable bond that tied them together. Except when Aquamarine had to be responsible, and her motherly side took over, of course. And unluckily for Caspian, that side had sprang into action right now.
With a sigh, Caspian locked eyes with his elder sister, crossing his arms and watching as she had placed her hands at the base of her hips in a responding-like way. He inhaled sharply, before speaking.
"Hey, sis!! Did I ever tell you how beautiful, and smart, and absolutely amazing you are??~ I mean, you're so awesome, I-" he began, before being cut off by his sister.
"I didn't come here for praises, Caspian. I can count on mom and dad to do that. You wouldn't know how that felt, though. Let me repeat myself. Where. Are. You. Going?" She asked, speaking rather slowly, as if Caspian would've gotten lost if she hadn't had. With a pout, Caspian began again.
"I wanna go see the humans!! What else??" He whined, motioning his arm upwards and frantically waving it around to emphasise his point.
There really was nothing else Caspain did, besides going up to the shore to watch the humans. His time was always spent doing that, or bothering his sister to cover for him. Of course, out of love, Aquamarine had reluctantly agreed, but she hoped this time, she would be able to shape her younger brother's mind. But of course, she already knew what the end result would be, as it always was.
"Cover for me, please??? This is the last time, I promisssee!! Please sis?? Please? Please pleasee??" Caspian begged with a reoccurring pout, clasping his hands together and swimming up to his sister, looking up at her with a pleading glance. Aquamarine sighed, raising her hand to rub her forehead, suspecting that if she didn't shut her brother up at this second, she'd get a massive headache. But.. what if he got caught? What if someone saw him? It would be her fault, for allowing him to go to the surface. All of it would be her fault. Could she even trust her brother to stay away from the humans?
Aquamarine groaned, staring into her brother's puppy dog eyes and eventually giving in.
"Please? Aqua? Yes? Please. Pleasee? Plspls-" He asked, now poking his sister and tugging on her hand with an innocent tilt of his head, wondering if she could even hear him, or if she had zoned him out by now.
"Fine! Gosh, you're so annoying. Last time, okay? No more covering for you after this. And be careful, Caspi. Don't talk to any of those humans, and never get too close for them to see you." She told her brother with a cautious tone. At those words, Caspian's face instantly lit up, and a large grin made its way across his face, before he eagerly nodded at her, only paying attention to the part where she said she'd agree, and not the other details.
"Thank you, thank you thank you!! You're the best, I love you sis!!! Last time, I swear!" He told her, giving her a quick hug, before zooming upwards to the shore. From below, Aquamarine sighed, rubbing her temples, before muttering to herself.
"Gotta put a leash on him or something.."
Caspian made his way to the shore, being sure to say hello to some small fishes, whales, and dolphins on his way there. Being a rather friendly person, Caspian made it his mission to be friends with every sea critter he came across in his lifetime. It wasn't a matter of time until he had befriended the whole ocean, however. He always traveled long and far, so it wasn't a surprise that he knew so many of the fishes surrounding him, being able to separate them out by name. It was an admirable factor he held, though he never saw it as anything special. It was just fun meeting new friends, as Caspian liked to say, so he did, and he remembered each and every one of them. It would be rude to forget them, of course, as they had remembered who he was every time, as well. Though of course, it was probably easier for them, considering that Caspian was easy to recognize with his blue hair and matching tail, and millions of identical fish weren't. Nonetheless, Caspian never got any of them confused from the other, and he kept it that way ever since he was a child, from when he had first met the fishes. He remembered it like it was just yesterday. A small, four year old Caspian, with his vibrant blue hair and tail, swimming around the ocean alone, a large stack of seashells and artifacts stacked in his tiny hands, all while he was lightly humming to himself. He had gotten lost, and the fish had helped him find his way home. It was funny to them, how a small child wasn't scared at all at being lost. In fact, he seemed to enjoy it. The ocean was his friend, as he had told them with a toothy grin once they asked. Afterwards, when he had returned home, Caspian had thanked and befriended the fishes in return for their help, and from then, he never forgot their names. How could he, anyways?
The following days after, he always visited them, and easily got along with them. They were his friends.
His only friends.
With a giant grin, Caspian rose his head above the shore, glancing around his surroundings and making sure it was his usual spot: a small rock near the sand. Caspian had traveled to that spot ever since he was a child, and it was always his favorite spot to watch the humans from afar, without being caught. He remembered how he would visit the rock every day, observing the humans and always wanting to talk to them, rather than just inspecting them from a distance. And for once, Caspian was certain he was going to make that dream come true. Because why did his dreams have to stay only dreams, if he could grant them himself, right then and there? Of course, it'd come with a consequence if he was caught. He'd be hit, badly. He'd have to face his worst fear. The thing that made him pull back and whimper every other day before today. The reason why Caspian never tried talking with the humans. Because he feared he would be caught, and hurt. Badly. But today, he was going against his fears, and he was going to talk to a human. It would be a quick interaction, or it would be a long one. He didn't mind either, because he knew he wouldn't be caught. Aqua was covering for him, after all. And she had never let him down once. Why would she start now? His consequence would only come if he was caught. And he wouldn't be. He was sure of it.
Now, he just had to find a human to talk to.
But, who?
There were millions of fish in the se- er, humans on the land. Which one of them would catch his eye?
Okay, so hi. I'm looking to start a roleplay with Casp over here. Obviously, as his starter provides, he's a mermaid. He's looking to befriend a human, aka, your character. Romance is possible but not required. Paragraph responses are preferred, though it doesn't matter to me the length, as long as it's not a one-liner. Apologies if that's you're style; I just can't seem to work well with that short of a reponse. That being said, this is the longest starter I've ever written, so my responses won't ever be that lengthy, but they won't ever be any shorter than two paragraphs. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and other than that, I look forward to roleplaying with some of you.
Plausible legends of ancient magic, but current magic is not common.
Small possibility of combat, usually brief and not detailed.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, one-off scene.
*inhales* oh yes boi this is right up my alley. If your still open. I've got a few mermen of my own, if that would work?
If there is still time to jump in, then sure. I'll gladly rp.
This is like too perfect like... Why have I never seen this?
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