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Forums » Introductions » Greetings!

Hello to all, my name is 30timby. While I've tried it in some games, I'm mostly new to the role playing scene. I enjoy most genres, but love low fantasy settings. I cant wait to get involved in the community, and learn the lay of the land. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions that you guys could give. Thanks for your time!
Hi 30Timby! Hmm, if you're just getting started, I think following the Help page's Getting Started guide will give you a pretty thorough run-down. :) There's a couple of sides to RP: the OOC chatter where you can get to know other players, and the IC RP--story-writing, where you focus on the action and consequence of your character's behaviour and choices. There's so many different kinds of RP to get into!

Maybe tell us what kind of genres you really enjoy, or what kind of characters you're looking to interact with. If you're eager to get started you could browse the 'Looking for RP' thread or make a new post of your own. One of the most important things when RPing is to be clear and concise in your wants.

I wish you luck and fun. :) Hope you enjoy getting settled in.

Hi 30timby
Welcome to RPR
You've probably found it already, but if not, the Find RP page is really helpful for finding RPs that fit your needs! BTW, I also love fantasy! If you're ever in a mood to talk or have a plot for Roleplay or just need help, I'm always here! Well, maybe not always but I try to be. Welcome to RPR.
Hey 30timby, welcome to RPR! :)
Hey there and welcome! I already noticed you around the RP pages. Good to see you jumping in so soon. I doubt you have many questions since you're already on board. But don't hesitate to ask if you do!

I'm pretty big on fantasy as well. Then again, lots of people are. But I noticed you were interested in the same RP as me in the forum as well. Maybe we have more in common there as well. XD let me know if you ever need a partner.

Otherwise, enjoy the site! :)


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