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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Mythic Highschool

Rylan Halifax (played by ImagineTheDragons)

((I'm fine with that.))
((I was about to ask that XD))
Linora (played by Raven14)

((fine by me! I gtg to anyway))
((Sorry, I'm gonna slip my posts in because I gtg to school in an hour or so and don't want my absence to be too big of a problem.))
((Ahem, I don’t mean to sound rude, but no one has noticed my character, that I even posted with twice, with no response either time. Again I do not mean to sound rude or egotistical.))
Rebecca Hellion (played by DearCharlie)

((You can interact w Madison, though Rebecca is busy at the moment. Madison is already talking, you may introduce yourself to her.))
Litten (played by EeveeMaster)

((I don't know if there is a OOC, or OCC, whichever its called. If there is, tell me please, cause I want to join, even if I have to use a human charater.))
((Wait, Rylan and Emberlia are having the same problem, right? Not getting noticed.

Why don't you two conversate?))
((Well Emberlia is kind of, scared to talk with someone. She doesn’t normally go up to someone unless they are also elven.))
Rylan Halifax (played by ImagineTheDragons)

((And he doesn't like to talk.))
((They should bump into eachotherrrrr))
Rylan Halifax (played by ImagineTheDragons)

((Since I posted not that long ago, could you?))
Carden vantine (played by Skykitty)

((Can I join?))
Carden vantine (played by Skykitty)

((Hello? Could I join in or is it to late?))
((I believe you could, just to help revive it.))
Carden vantine (played by Skykitty)

Carden vantine (played by Skykitty)

((Is anyone here still?))
Side characters (played by Skipbab)

((How were that ending?))

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