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Forums » Looking for RP » Fantasy world of magic (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

In this world, magic is everywhere. The government has divided some towns as a trial to see how the people would react to being separated into magic and non-magic users, there is of course a middle ground in the centre of the towns where both sides are able to come together and talk over a cup of coffee or celebrate a festive occasion.

This story takes place in one of those towns, where the only time a magic user and a non-magic user are allowed to see each other is in the middle ground which can be both a blessing and a curse since there is no way of knowing if a magic user is going to turn their powers against a non-magic user or not, or maybe a non-magic user turns a weapon on a magic user, there's no telling what might happen.
Magic 80%
Magic is common.
Technology 50%
Combat 50%
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

this sounds fun
Rose1Darkflower Topic Starter

I'm glad you think so.
Group rp or no?
Rose1Darkflower Topic Starter

Yes group RP, I'm not picky on the amount of people we have.
If you're looking for participants, I'd certainly be interested. I think that my character, Tamaril could potentially fit quite well into this universe.
Melanc and Night (played by DearCharlie)

Hm. Need another Magic user...?
Claudine (played by LilHateMachine)

I am not sure if this character of mine would fit in. What do you think? This sounds interesting; I would love to join. Can I?
Rose1Darkflower Topic Starter

Magic users can also be in different species so if you're character doesn't use magic but is still a different species then don't worry, you can still join if you don't mind being in the magic users category.
I will join!
may i use newton in this as a non-magic user?? ^^ unless if it's magic only?

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Fantasy world of magic (closed)

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