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Forums » Introductions » Re: Introduction


Hi everyone,

I ended up skipping over the intro during the tutorial but figured I should come back and do it anyway.

I was on this site last year and left for a bit. But, I missed this place and it's the only place I knew that I could rp at so I came back! My un was RedSama08 then, but now I am Siolia. Let me know if you remember me and want to catch up.

Right now, Kiro is my only character up on the site and his page is under construction. The most important info is there so if you want to rp let me know! Otherwise, more characters will appear later.

I like fantasy, horror and action/adventure. Romance is always a plus, too.

My personal likes include video games, anime/manga, and writing. My favorite food is potato chips, and I drink fruity water or coca-cola. My dream, if I could have it, is to one day write for a cartoon or graphic novel.

What are your guys' aspirations?
Hey Siolia, welcome back!
Welcome. I do pretty much anything, but I prefer things with dice. Makes combat more fun and whatnot.

Welcome back!


Welcome to RPR. I'm Asroc. I RP many and mostly Canons, but I am friendly to OC RPers and will RP with them. I do mainly AU RPs as them. Enjoy your time here.
Siolia Topic Starter

Thanks everyone! I appreciate you taking the time to respond.

Let me know if you're ever interested in a game/thread.
Hi there! My name is Hara! Welcome to RPR, we’re always happy to have you back. Feel free to send me a message if you want a friend or someone to roleplay with.
Siolia Topic Starter

Thank you for your kind response! Your mascot images are cute!
Welcome to the site.. Enjoy! Sounds like you're into cool stuff.
Siolia Topic Starter

Thank you very much. : )
Welcome to RPR! :)
Welcome to the RPR!
Hello Siolia, glad to see you found your way home and returned!

Hope you have a great time roleplaying again

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