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A bond renewed
This idea of mine is a simple one, a long-term roleplay idea with only one other person, Alucard in this case. And I really do hope I can find someone for it.
The information on what has happened before can be found below. A simple idea to set the scene and to have a start in general. What would happen during the roleplay is entirely open, but the idea behind this plan is that there is a bond between Alucard and Integra that goes much deeper than just Master and Servant as they used to be, a bond that still connects them even after the last seal had been released, a bond that is more than caring, more than just affection, a bond that is a deep and powerful love both will only realize upon reuniting. With this much stronger bond between them, things change and they work together in new ways.
Things that might be involved in this RP:
Blood / Gore (mild/to the degree the partner would go)
Blood Letting
What I'd be looking for in my Alucard:
Interested in Long-Term Roleplay
Experience with the character
Focus on Story and really developing a bond between characters
Thirteen years have passed since the fight against Millennium, ultimately resulting in not only the end of that group, but also in heavy losses for the Hellsing Organization. The estate was completely destroyed, most soldiers dead and if it weren't for both of her vampiric companions, Sir Integra maybe would have found her own end. But she survived, left with the aftermath of a smaller battle that had turned into a war that cost many lives. People had lost family members, brothers, fathers, sons. Integra however had lost some else. She had lost friends, colleagues, allies and most important to her, she had lost two men who had stood by her side for so many years.
The betrayal of Walter was one pain that she knew she would always carry with her but what was far worse, was the loss of another....the loss of her Count. While never having admitted it openly to anyone, Alucard had been much more to her than just an asset. Over the years they had formed a strong bond and without that, she felt alone again, once again reminded of the time short before they first met.
Many years passed and the estate had been rebuilt as good as possible and she had started to rebuild the organization with the few remaining men and new recruits. Through all that, Seras Victoria had been great help but most of the time Integra couldn't bear having her near. While she did care, the presence of the Draculina reminded her of what she had lost and she sought to keep herself from breaking.
Not a day had passed on which she didn't hope that Alucard would return to her. She had been broken so many times, but never fell apart, had lost her left eye but it only made her stronger. A part of her had grown tired, more tired than a woman of thirty-five should be. But that other part of hers, the strong woman he had known, a force of nature, was still there.
And then the day came where Alucard finally returned to her....
Last Notes
If you read through everything I wrote so far, yay. Of course I'm open to discuss more idea of what could be done with this basic little thing I have so far.
Don't be afraid to contact me if you play Alucard and found yourself interested. I promise I don't bite.
Magic may be accepted as truth but is not common. It might be harnessed only by specific beings. Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones.
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
Well, the battle against Millennium was placed in 1999, Integra being 22 at that time. The idea, as noted in the short story of what was before, happens 13 years after the fight, which would make it 2012 with Integra being 35.
So quite a bit would've changed and naturally, like at the end of the show, Alucard would've been gone for those 13 years to silence the voices and get back to who he was before Schrödingers blood. And of course he wouldn't have fed so the need to feed would be extremely strong.
So quite a bit would've changed and naturally, like at the end of the show, Alucard would've been gone for those 13 years to silence the voices and get back to who he was before Schrödingers blood. And of course he wouldn't have fed so the need to feed would be extremely strong.
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