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Forums » Introductions » Greetings earthlings!


I have come to this forum to learn the ways of the allusive role player. I haven't done this long, but I enjoy writing and D&D so I figured I'd give it a try. My favorite role plays are probably historical fiction and fantasy. Anyone have any advice for a newbie such as myself?
Hey, welcome to RPR! :)
Welcome to RP site!

D&D... this is definitely the place to be. Send me a mail if you are still interested in a DnD based roleplay.

I certainly look forward to spending some quality time RPing with you then, fellow Fantasy writer.
If you would like to take up the offer, send me a mail!
Hi there, welcome to RPR!

As a fellow historical fiction/fantasy RPer, my best advice is don't be afraid to get into the details! I used to get really anxious that I was including too many details in an RP, but you'll soon find that details are what really bring a story to life.

Hopefully we'll cross paths at some point, and if you're ever interested, dont be afraid to PM me with an RP!

Welcome to RPR <3 Hopefully you like it here on the site, And hopefully you make plenty of friends/RP buddies too! Don't fret too much if you haven't been RPing for long, Lots of people here are patient and willing to help out if you need any tips and such!


Welcome to RPR. I'm Asroc. I RP many and mostly Canons, but I am friendly to OC RPers and will RP with them. I do mainly AU RPs as them. Enjoy your time here.
Welcome to the RPR! I hope you have fun, and there are a few that I know of that started with DnD ^^ May the dice always favor you ya?

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