I've always been terrible at this;
I could use a bit of help figuring out the human height and weight equivalent of the "feral" stats that Tige is based off of.
If he were a regular pit bull dog, he would stand around 17"/18" at the withers, and weigh in at approximately 50lbs.
Would like to convert that to its anthropomorphic height/weight equivilant, but as I am awful at that, I'd love it if someone were to help me out.
(For the conformation fans out there, the APBT has its own conformation website:
I'd like him to be , essentially, a true to standard APBT.. just as an anthro, which I have no idea how to pull off properly.
I could use a bit of help figuring out the human height and weight equivalent of the "feral" stats that Tige is based off of.
If he were a regular pit bull dog, he would stand around 17"/18" at the withers, and weigh in at approximately 50lbs.
Would like to convert that to its anthropomorphic height/weight equivilant, but as I am awful at that, I'd love it if someone were to help me out.
(For the conformation fans out there, the APBT has its own conformation website:
I'd like him to be , essentially, a true to standard APBT.. just as an anthro, which I have no idea how to pull off properly.
Wow, that's a really interesting question. I'd never thought of that before.
I'm really interested to see if anyone has some special formula for this, now.
I'm really interested to see if anyone has some special formula for this, now.
o.o Oh wow. This is interesting. I'm bad at all mathematical things though, so best of luck!
This is a very interesting idea to make it true to earth about your character though. o.ob
This is a very interesting idea to make it true to earth about your character though. o.ob
Just a ballpark estimate would be fine..
A proper height and weight for his website would help with the visuals, haha.
A proper height and weight for his website would help with the visuals, haha.
Since anthros resemble humans in stature, I usually take the weight and height of a human. Then I decide any extra weight or height by their build and species. A horse is very muscular with heavy bones, so 100-150 pounds are easily added.
I also don't trust numbers. I am a lot heavier than I look simply due to my build, so while numbers are a nice help, it doesn't hurt to be vague about it and focus on the looks.
I also don't trust numbers. I am a lot heavier than I look simply due to my build, so while numbers are a nice help, it doesn't hurt to be vague about it and focus on the looks.
I tend, when describing a characters height/weight, to go with stating the height in numbers, leaving the weight as 'proportionate' then using the build to describe if they're heavyset, lightweight, underweight etc <,<
Hmm. I don't usually proportion ferals to anthro forms very much - but then, most of my shapeshifting critters are kitsune, and I figure they can distribute weight and height as they want, pulling it out of thin air if need be, hehe.
For a bulldog, though, my thought processes would probably go along... Well, bullies are big dogs. Not hugely tall, like a great dane, or even as tall as a standard poodle or something, so we'll say maybe that ascribes to 6'2" or 6'3" or something. And of course, they are not skinny dogs, like the aforementioned poodle might be. You want some weight on the bones - evenly distributed weight, more muscle than not. Probably it's going to end up in the higher end of the 200-225 lbs range.
What I find really helpful for figuring out that latter bit is this page. I find most folks are are usually pretty great at estimating and figuring out heights, but are totally lost when it comes to figuring out what that height, plus their wanted body shape, actually weighs.
For a bulldog, though, my thought processes would probably go along... Well, bullies are big dogs. Not hugely tall, like a great dane, or even as tall as a standard poodle or something, so we'll say maybe that ascribes to 6'2" or 6'3" or something. And of course, they are not skinny dogs, like the aforementioned poodle might be. You want some weight on the bones - evenly distributed weight, more muscle than not. Probably it's going to end up in the higher end of the 200-225 lbs range.
What I find really helpful for figuring out that latter bit is this page. I find most folks are are usually pretty great at estimating and figuring out heights, but are totally lost when it comes to figuring out what that height, plus their wanted body shape, actually weighs.
Well, actually, Tige is an ADBA style pit bull.
His "feral" height/weight ratio is 17/18" at the withers, and ~50lb.
Pit Bulls are not very big dogs; their height can be comprable to a breed like an Aussie Shepherd, Border Collie, or Blue Heeler.
Notice how they don't stand very tall compared to a person:
(Images from http://www.apbtconformation.com/centralbody.htm)
His "feral" height/weight ratio is 17/18" at the withers, and ~50lb.
Pit Bulls are not very big dogs; their height can be comprable to a breed like an Aussie Shepherd, Border Collie, or Blue Heeler.
Notice how they don't stand very tall compared to a person:
(Images from http://www.apbtconformation.com/centralbody.htm)
Hmm seems one of them didn't work. oo;
They're 'big' compared to most of the dogs people have around where I live, though - pomeranians and toy things, hehe. I consider border collies 'big', too, although I guess they're really medium-sized. But if over 6'0 sounds too tall, then just scale down.
Probably a pitbull would actually be built somewhat like my husband, now that I think of it. He's about 5'8ish and about 200lbs.
Probably a pitbull would actually be built somewhat like my husband, now that I think of it. He's about 5'8ish and about 200lbs.
It seems to me that an anthropomorphic character has, by definition, more shape similarities to a human than to the animal they have similarities to. Based on this premise, I have worked up a chart of average weights by height for humans and offered some examples of anthropomorphic weights that are slight variations. The algorithms are based loosely on human average weights by height, but there is no science involved in the extrapolation.
The basic premise for an anthropomorphic character having a different weight at all is based on muscle density, slight variations in shape and bone mass. Fortunately most people don't really need to know if their character is 213 lbs or 215 lbs, and since the chart is based on averages, variations of up to 200% or so would account for various levels of obesity.
Height is listed in inches, weights are listed in pounds.
The basic premise for an anthropomorphic character having a different weight at all is based on muscle density, slight variations in shape and bone mass. Fortunately most people don't really need to know if their character is 213 lbs or 215 lbs, and since the chart is based on averages, variations of up to 200% or so would account for various levels of obesity.
Height is listed in inches, weights are listed in pounds.
Height(in) 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 |
Human(F) 16 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 47 50 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 99 102 105 108 111 114 117 121 124 128 131 135 138 142 145 149 152 156 159 169 173 177 181 185 189 193 197 201 205 221 225 230 234 239 243 248 252 257 261 266 270 292 297 302 307 312 317 322 |
Human(M) 26 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 57 60 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 94 97 100 103 106 109 111 114 117 120 124 127 131 134 138 141 145 148 152 155 159 162 166 169 179 183 187 191 195 199 203 207 211 237 242 247 252 257 262 267 272 277 282 287 292 297 337 343 349 355 361 367 373 |
Feline(F) 14 17 19 22 24 27 30 32 35 37 40 43 45 46 49 51 54 57 59 62 65 68 70 73 76 78 81 84 86 89 92 95 97 100 103 105 108 112 115 118 121 124 127 131 134 137 140 143 152 156 159 163 167 170 174 177 181 185 198 203 207 211 215 219 223 227 231 235 239 243 263 267 272 276 281 285 290 |
Feline(M) 23 26 28 31 33 36 39 41 44 46 49 52 54 55 58 60 63 66 68 71 74 77 79 82 85 87 90 93 95 98 99 102 105 108 111 114 117 121 124 127 130 133 136 140 143 146 149 152 161 165 168 172 176 179 183 186 190 213 218 222 227 231 236 240 245 249 254 258 263 267 303 309 314 320 325 330 336 |
Canine(F) 17 20 23 27 30 33 36 39 43 46 49 52 55 56 59 63 66 69 73 76 79 83 86 89 92 96 99 102 106 109 112 116 119 122 125 129 133 136 140 144 148 152 156 160 163 167 171 175 186 190 195 199 204 208 212 217 221 226 243 248 252 257 262 267 272 277 282 287 292 297 321 327 332 338 343 349 354 |
Canine(M) 28 31 34 38 41 44 47 50 54 57 60 63 66 67 70 74 77 80 84 87 90 94 97 100 103 107 110 113 117 120 122 125 129 132 136 140 144 147 151 155 159 163 167 171 174 178 182 186 197 201 206 210 215 219 223 228 232 261 266 272 277 283 288 294 299 305 310 316 321 327 371 377 384 391 397 404 410 |
Equine(F) 19 22 26 29 33 36 39 43 46 50 53 57 60 61 65 68 72 76 79 83 86 90 94 97 101 104 108 112 115 119 122 126 130 133 137 140 145 149 153 157 161 166 170 174 178 182 187 191 203 208 212 217 222 227 232 236 241 246 265 270 275 281 286 292 297 302 308 313 319 324 350 356 362 368 374 380 386 |
Equine(M) 31 34 38 41 45 48 51 55 58 62 65 69 72 73 77 80 84 88 91 95 98 102 106 109 113 116 120 124 127 131 133 137 141 144 148 152 157 161 165 169 173 178 182 186 190 194 199 203 215 220 224 229 234 239 244 248 253 284 290 296 302 308 314 320 326 332 338 344 350 356 404 412 419 426 433 440 448 |
Pachyderm(F) 23 28 32 36 41 45 49 54 58 62 67 71 75 77 81 86 90 95 99 104 108 113 117 122 126 131 135 140 144 149 153 158 162 167 171 176 181 186 191 197 202 207 212 218 223 228 233 239 254 260 266 272 278 284 290 296 302 308 331 338 344 351 358 365 371 378 385 392 398 405 438 446 453 461 468 476 483 |
Pachyderm(M) 38 43 47 51 56 60 64 69 73 77 82 86 90 92 96 101 105 110 114 119 123 128 132 137 141 146 150 155 159 164 166 171 176 181 186 191 196 201 206 212 217 222 227 233 238 243 248 254 269 275 281 287 293 299 305 311 317 356 363 371 378 386 393 401 408 416 423 431 438 446 506 515 524 533 542 551 560 |
Essentially, what I do when I come up for body styles from feral to anthropic is I take into consideration on how I want them to look. You need to keep in mind fat weighs less than muscle and what sort of bone structure you want him to have. It was previously mentioned before that Pits are on the smaller spectrum of a medium sized dog. The questions you need to ask yourself are -- Do I want my character to be short? Tall? Respective of my own height? Outlandish?
I can already gather Tige is an extremely athletic build, swimmers body as you've described. For the sake of your request, here is a chart of human proportions in relation to height/weight.
Male Height to Weight Ratio
Height Low High Average
5'2" 128 150 139.0
5'3" 130 153 141.5
5'4" 132 156 144.0
5'5" 134 160 147.0
5'6" 136 164 150.0
5'7" 138 168 153.0
5'8" 140 172 156.0
5'9" 142 176 159.0
5'10" 144 180 162.0
5'11" 146 184 165.0
6'0" 149 188 168.5
I've outlined in Bold what I believe would be the appropriate heights for an anthropic pit, as far as weight is concerned that's up to you, though my recommendation would be to stay on the lighter side of things unless you want him muscular.
Let's use Maru as an example -- Lynx are small breeds of exotic felines, however they are muscular and have a layer of fat as they are northern animals and I wanted her to be a bit more on the heavier end of the spectrum.
Female Lynx Proportions: c.28" at the withers, c.39lbs
So if we break it down like this - Weight/Height= X. Where X would be your lbs per inch for keeping things proportionate. 39/28 = 1.39(rounded)
Your new formula for figuring out "proper height weight" for anthropic will now be X*H = W.
If I were to keep Maru perfectly proportionate to typical female lynx standards at 5'(60") she should weigh in around (60"*1.39)= 83.4lbs. However I felt this weight was a bit light and wanted Mar to be a little more filled out so I added 20lbs or so.
Assuming you chose the medium of what I've highlighted in bold 5'4(64.8") that would be...
50lbs/17" = 2.94lbs per inch(rounded) for feral which converts into 64.8*2.94 = 190.5lbs @ 5'4
Tentative Height via your profile - 5'8(69.6")
50lbs/17" = 2.94lbs per inch(rounded) which converts into 69.6*2.94 = 204.6lbs @ 5'8
Pits are muscular dogs as you can plainly see, however if you're desiring more of a "swimmers build" I'd shave off about 20lbs or so placing him at 170lbs for the original height of 5'4. Keep in mind the typical HUMAN standard at 5'4 is 144lbs but that's HUMAN, not wondrous marvels of nature that is what we define as Anthropomorphic beings. Also feel free to plug in a weight rather than height and see where that takes you... I'll do the opposite of what I did earlier as an example:
Tentative Weight - 144lbs
50lbs/17" = 2.94lbs per inch(rounded) which converts into 144/2.94 = 48.97"(rounded) = 4'1 @ 144lbs
So there you have it. A possible "proper" way to get weight/height conversions to be corresponding for feral-to-bipedal measurements. Some of these numbers may be slightly off as I'm quite tired, however this entire topic interested me and piqued my nerdy, mathematical side... Regardless, I hope it helps, at least in the sense of getting your own creative juices flowing on how to go about handling this on your own.
I can already gather Tige is an extremely athletic build, swimmers body as you've described. For the sake of your request, here is a chart of human proportions in relation to height/weight.
Male Height to Weight Ratio
Height Low High Average
5'2" 128 150 139.0
5'3" 130 153 141.5
5'4" 132 156 144.0
5'5" 134 160 147.0
5'6" 136 164 150.0
5'7" 138 168 153.0
5'8" 140 172 156.0
5'9" 142 176 159.0
5'10" 144 180 162.0
5'11" 146 184 165.0
6'0" 149 188 168.5
I've outlined in Bold what I believe would be the appropriate heights for an anthropic pit, as far as weight is concerned that's up to you, though my recommendation would be to stay on the lighter side of things unless you want him muscular.
Let's use Maru as an example -- Lynx are small breeds of exotic felines, however they are muscular and have a layer of fat as they are northern animals and I wanted her to be a bit more on the heavier end of the spectrum.
Female Lynx Proportions: c.28" at the withers, c.39lbs
So if we break it down like this - Weight/Height= X. Where X would be your lbs per inch for keeping things proportionate. 39/28 = 1.39(rounded)
Your new formula for figuring out "proper height weight" for anthropic will now be X*H = W.
If I were to keep Maru perfectly proportionate to typical female lynx standards at 5'(60") she should weigh in around (60"*1.39)= 83.4lbs. However I felt this weight was a bit light and wanted Mar to be a little more filled out so I added 20lbs or so.
Assuming you chose the medium of what I've highlighted in bold 5'4(64.8") that would be...
50lbs/17" = 2.94lbs per inch(rounded) for feral which converts into 64.8*2.94 = 190.5lbs @ 5'4
Tentative Height via your profile - 5'8(69.6")
50lbs/17" = 2.94lbs per inch(rounded) which converts into 69.6*2.94 = 204.6lbs @ 5'8
Pits are muscular dogs as you can plainly see, however if you're desiring more of a "swimmers build" I'd shave off about 20lbs or so placing him at 170lbs for the original height of 5'4. Keep in mind the typical HUMAN standard at 5'4 is 144lbs but that's HUMAN, not wondrous marvels of nature that is what we define as Anthropomorphic beings. Also feel free to plug in a weight rather than height and see where that takes you... I'll do the opposite of what I did earlier as an example:
Tentative Weight - 144lbs
50lbs/17" = 2.94lbs per inch(rounded) which converts into 144/2.94 = 48.97"(rounded) = 4'1 @ 144lbs
So there you have it. A possible "proper" way to get weight/height conversions to be corresponding for feral-to-bipedal measurements. Some of these numbers may be slightly off as I'm quite tired, however this entire topic interested me and piqued my nerdy, mathematical side... Regardless, I hope it helps, at least in the sense of getting your own creative juices flowing on how to go about handling this on your own.
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