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Forums » Introductions » Overdue Hello

Hello everyone,

My alias is Poet. I have been roleplaying for quite some time now, although not so much recently. I am in college pursuing a Computer Science degree, so I have to balance my time between school, work, and RPing. I typically role play feral creatures (ie: wolves, horses, etc) but I have begun to branch out into bipedal/fantasy/fandom RPs. While I am here, I hope to meet and befriend some fellow roleplayers. Feel free to tell me about yourselves or message me if you have questions, concerns, or RP ideas. <3
Hey Poet, welcome to RPR! :)


Welcome to RPR. I'm Asroc. I RP many and mostly Canons, but I am friendly to OC RPers and will RP with them. I do mainly AU RPs as them. Enjoy your time here.

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