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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Dark Gem (Open)

Athena (played by Pattonat) Topic Starter

((dice roll is required))
Athena (played by Pattonat) Topic Starter

((what are you trying to do?))
((stealth or a non Invisibility based character))
((you do what I did In D&D so...))
((Be back in a few))
Athena (played by Pattonat) Topic Starter

Calan (played by Magicalblonde)

((Above ten right))
((also yes))
((Food and a damaged Chart, and my Log of events))
Eva (played by Seeley22)

((Can I join this?))
Athena (played by Pattonat) Topic Starter

((sure, why not. What's your species and power?))
Eva Seeley (played by Seeley22)

(( Hylian and Ranger ))
Athena (played by Pattonat) Topic Starter

((explain the ranger power for me))
((it is like mine))
Athena (played by Pattonat) Topic Starter

((Ok, Eva doesn't have a power, but is a skilled poison maker. Just to clarify, we still have potion maker and medicine maker available for non magical abilities. I am a charmer.))
Eva Seeley (played by Seeley22)

((BTW whats even happening in this?))
Athena (played by Pattonat) Topic Starter

((we just got fuel for my ship, and are hanging out inside it))
Athena (played by Pattonat) Topic Starter

Eva Seeley (played by Seeley22)

((How do i join in lol?))
Athena (played by Pattonat) Topic Starter

((just find a way to make it seem natural. Right now we're on the ship, so you could limp over saying help if you wanted.))

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