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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Dark Gem (Open)

Calan (played by Magicalblonde)

((Calan is also genderfluid I just use the she/her pronouns cause someone was annoyed by the they/their pronouns))
Calan (played by Magicalblonde)

((Brb work))
Calan (played by Magicalblonde)

((Gonna say shade starts to lead them))
Athena (played by Pattonat) Topic Starter

((that was me talking, I only made shade lead us))
((Can I join zis RP))
Athena (played by Pattonat) Topic Starter

((Yeah, what is your species and if you have a power, what is it?))
((Human, Expert accuracy))
((ok so how could I join this))
Athena (played by Pattonat) Topic Starter

((You could be a stowaway on the ship, or you can meet up with the group in the woods))
((sorry wrong thing))
(( it was s you don't kill me))
Athena (played by Pattonat) Topic Starter

((You don't role for luck. It's role play, you role for combat))
Athena (played by Pattonat) Topic Starter

((Shade what about you?))
((how many people are in this?))
Athena (played by Pattonat) Topic Starter

((four: me, you, Shade, and Calan))
Shade (played by Jak_Ripper)

((yes to the time skip, all good to go ahead and start))
Calan (played by Magicalblonde)

((Supp my bros))

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