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Forums » Introductions » Roses are red, Violets are blue..

My name is Rohunt and it's nice to meet you.

For you all, I'll make a tl;dr version
of my credentials because I hate to feel like I'm bragging or something;
- Plus 13 years of roleplaying and making OCs.
- HEAVY interest and hobby in world building and romance.
- Mmo- friendly roleplayer (Started roleplaying and play MMOs back in 2005)
- Excellent at memes. The actual best at memes

Anyway, I'm finally glad to make an account here. I've actually been lurking around for like.. a few months. But, my characters are /somewhat/ developed and a little different to adapt to, but I hope to find someone who appreciates them as much as I do and perhaps make a few friends!

Welcome to RPR, Rohunt! I myself am an avid lurker. 'Tis a good hobby, me thinks. 13 years of roleplaying and imagination gaming is awesome, I'm really glad that you decided to join after your months in 'lurkation'. There is much mutual love here for OC's and worldbuilding. If I may be so bold, I suggest going through the pages and pages of groups here, if you haven't already done so. Which MMO's have you played by the way? :)

Welcome to RPR, Rohunt. I just want to say I ABSOLUTELY love your art. The image in this introduction had me grinning ear to ear! I looked into your character too and the art you've posted is absolutely stunning. I can't wait to see more of your work. :)

I'm glad you finally decided to join the forum! It's a wonderfully friendly place, and all kinds are welcome here. If you need any help with anything, the staff are always super nice about answering even the smallest of questions. The help forum is perfect for it, and if you see something that you might want to suggest a change to, there's a forum for that too!

Be sure to utilize the heck out of the search feature because it's incredible useful in finding all kinds of groups, roleplayers, artists, and forums to join!

Welcome to RPR! And I adore your art, I just have to say. I took a look at your character and I am in love! He is very well thought out and his design is amazing.

Anyways, I really hope you enjoy your time here! I enjoy world building in my plots and such as well, I'm slowly still developing my own for a few of my characters actually. Romance is always great too, I enjoy adventure/romance plots myself.
I hope you get to find many great RP buddies and friends while you're here.
Yo man- welcome to the site! I think you'll fit in quite snugly~! Many members here have a strong passion for world-building and romance is pretty much everywhere haha.
Holy heck welcome to RPR! I'm just gonna echo most other people here and say your artwork instantly caught my eye. ;u; It's gorgeous, and I adore the design of your character already! Ahh!

We're a super creative community here in terms of art too! We have an entire forum dedicated to it, as well as a small gallery group that you're welcome to join!
I hope you enjoy your stay here!

(we're always in need of more memes here lmao)
Rohunt wrote:
My name is Rohunt and it's nice to meet you.

For you all, I'll make a tl;dr version
of my credentials because I hate to feel like I'm bragging or something;
- Plus 13 years of roleplaying and making OCs.
- HEAVY interest and hobby in world building and romance.
- Mmo- friendly roleplayer (Started roleplaying and play MMOs back in 2005)
- Excellent at memes. The actual best at memes

Anyway, I'm finally glad to make an account here. I've actually been lurking around for like.. a few months. But, my characters are /somewhat/ developed and a little different to adapt to, but I hope to find someone who appreciates them as much as I do and perhaps make a few friends!


Welcome Rohunt (Roh), to the RPRepository forums. I am TheProfessor, a currently active player who joined just this week. I play the semi-original character Lamech in The End of Night play-by-post TBRP fiction (a private RP that is not yet rated, and therefore not advertised here, but you can PM me for more information about the RP and how you can join). I use a touch-screen phone 90% of the time and may be slower to post (meaning I peck the letter-keys with one or two fingers usually). In other words, I'm not as fast as I used to be and may take longer to respond these days. But if you have any questions or need help with anything, or if you just want another friend and someone to RP with, feel free to shoot me a text or PM. I'm happy you chose to join the RPRepository, the more the merrier. Hope you have fun and find what you're looking for. Until next time, take care. :)


Welcome to RPR. I'm Asroc. I RP many and mostly Canons, but I am friendly to OC RPers and will RP with them. I do mainly AU RPs as them. Enjoy your time here.
Rohunt Topic Starter

Thank you so much for all the welcoming and compliments towards the art. (Seriously, thank you. I spent perhaps too much money on them)

But, I'm so glad to see that this community is very nice!
Hi Rohunt, welcome to RPR! :)

Great art! ^^

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