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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 2: Crystal forest(done)

Unknown (played anonymously)

((Hi I'm Ace, me and my friend did part 1 of this rping story here!and it went really well but it went on to 200 posts or close to and I thought we should divide our ongoing story into chapters so people who wish to follow along or join us in the story could very easily (or as easily as you can here) feel free to read along with the story and tell me what you think or...feel free to join :P asking me does help when finding a nice place your character can fit in the story, besides that enjoy!))

Last time in Storys of Lurisca an elf by the name of Rea went on a bounty and met up with a robotic golem man named Decemi, assisted him in finding a trinket he required to live and had her bounty stolen by another elf by the name of Ace. By saving Ace's life he gave a portion of the gold and loot to Rea as she and Decemi joined him at a faraway tower. This tower was home of Ace's friend and a young girl who he had owed the gold to, Lupe. Rea and Lupe made friends and split the gold but she still holds onto it. The king of the kingdom they are in summons the tower to the castle, as he is in need of it to save his people, he has asked the adventures, Rea, Lupe, Decemi and his brother Ace to go into the desert out west to assist a short living destiny elf and her adventure that is to come. The adventurers agreed and they now stand at the foot of the Lurisca desert about to start their adventure!
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea tilted her head as she looked out to the desert scenery. It was dry and very bright, she just hoped her meal would last awhile in her stomach and she wouldn't have to stop as often. If anything she could ask Decemi to carry her if her feet go to tired. Then again she would have to take turns if Lupe got too tired. She took in a deep breath and then looked to Ace."well Ace care to lead the way considering you have the map, and well im new to this desert thing." she said looking at him awaiting them to move.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace takes a look at his map and points off to the left where the actual road would have brought them. Ace glared to Decemi a bit "We go this way, south, then we search for the campsite this guy has set up." Ace walks to that direction and the rest of them follow and Lupe looks at the map behind Ace "So are you suppost to wear more or less clothing while in the desert?" Ace sighs and speaks loudly "This desert isn't even that hot! it shouldn't be too hard to deal with it with what you have on." Lupe looks down to her fancy looking purple thin dress and she holds her grey stuffed animal against her purple skinned chest. "Fine..."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea kept her head high she groaned feeling the sun start to burn her grey skin. She looked at Ace and then she smirked looking at Lupes purple dress. "oh dont worry it is beautiful. If you start to get hot though, i have pair of shorts and a extra shirt." She said with a brighter smile. She looked to ace as she walked under the sun hearing the sound of the sand crunch under her feet. "so look for a camp that was set up. Well that shouldn't be to hard. Hell unless we encounter gaint scorpions or worse a bunch of desert bandits." She said shrugging her shoulders as if everything was going to be fine. She just hope before they met the destiny elf, she wonould have.some.manners.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace shakes a bit "Oh don't say desert bandits, I got my helping of those last time I was here....worse part is that they were all incompetent yet children so its not something a decent person can kill their way out of...not with these kids at least." Decemi looks around like if he were not a robot then he would be sniffing the air under his helmet "Something about this desert seems wrong, like it was put here by a less natural force." Ace hic-ups "Just try not to scare the kid." Lupe crosses her arms "What's that suppost to mean?" Ace looks and his eye twitches "Nothing about you." he looks back and doesn't bother to fold up the map and he just drops it by his side and leaves it there and keeps walking and Lupe picks it up "Hey! Ace stop being such a.." she folds up the map and grumbles as Ace sways in the desert as he walks.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked at the entire group rather surprised with the entirety of the scene. "um is everything alright?" she said as she walked towards them seeing how it ooked lieka bit of sibling rivarly. She looked at them and then saw them walking into the desert, for once it seemed like she was the level headed one. She walked with them ignoring the conforntation as she looked to lupe and then patted her shoulder."maybe hes on his man period." she said in a whisper to lighten the situation.
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe laughs a bit at the comment "Heh...I dont think so...I think he may be drunk..." Ace laughs loudly and obnoxiously "HA HA HA welllll sclubity do to you...girls...." he then laughs some more "And the robert man is a girl too!" Ace acts like a very immature child and he begins undoing his belts while walking and he trips on them making everybody stop in their tracks and he gets up with only his underwear and his shirt covering him and he walks away from his pants and Decemi picks up his pants "Do you want me to carry these?" Ace spits "Yah well I never aint never done needed em ever anyhow!" Ace yells amd Decemi shrugs and opens up his chest and scoups Ace's pants into his chest and closes it and Ace quickly drops his backpack of food and supplys and Decemi takes that aswell. Lupe looks to Rea "Ace is never this bad and never talks that improperly, also..." Lupe looks to Decemi "Has Ace had anything to drink recently?" Decemi nods to Lupe "A cup of water and his morning oranges, none of his usual toxins that he consumes." Lupe nods "Uh you think he is possessed or maybe the heat is getting to him?" Decemi looks over Ace "Well the heat and the sun could be getting to him but I am not entirely clear on the concept of 'possessed' unless you are referring to a type of slavery and then I would say that we could all be possessed by the king." Lupe looks to Rea "What do you think?"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea shook her head and rubbed her head as she looked at Ace's drunken stupor. She looked at him and cracked her nuckles seeing Ace running around in his underwear. She drops her bag of good in the sand as she storms off after him." i think the heat is going to his head, hold on im sure a hit in the head will fix him." she said as she walked up to behind ACe and grabbed his neck."hey are you sober or am i gonna have to knock ya?" she asked with a devious grin.
Ace (played by Ace)

The moment Ace's neck is grabbed he looks normal and he looks to Rea silently "Hey Rea....why are you grabbing my neck? and why did you take my pants off?" he seemed normal and a little angry at Rea like she was the cause of it, like he didn't even do it himself. Lupe laughs histareicly like a crazy person "YOU BOTH ARE COMPLETE MORONS, AH HAH HAH HAH!" she points and laughs at Rea and Ace "I mean, shes a dumbish brute and he doesn't have his pants on!" Something has obviously possessed Ace and moved on to Lupe and Lupe takes out the crossbow she obtained from Rea and it seems sort of dangerous but....she holds it upside down and backwards and without any bolts in it and she aims it haphazardly and laughs like a small child "POW POW POW! PEW PEW PEW!" Decemi looks to Rea "Rea, these two are scaring me...." Even Decemi seems odd.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked at the entire scene as she let go of Ace's neck the second he asked her she cringed hearing lupe call her a dumb brute, Rea's brow furrowed seeing Lupe starting to act weird. "alright what the hell is going on?! I hVe had enough of this, are you all that unused to harsh conditions? Am i the only one thats sane." She yelled as she walked to Lupe and snatched the crossbow out of her hands. And she forced Lupe to sit down as she took her scarf off and wrapped it around her head to keep her cool. She then looked to Ace and forced him to sit as she went to decemi to get his pants. "yeah they are starting to piss me off. Unless some fickle desert spirit is messing with us, then again you seem strange too." She said with an angered look.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace crosses his arms. Lupe starts digging in the sand. Decemi puts his hands around Rea and pulls her away from putting Ace's pants on "Oh Rea, you know I have always had a thing for you don't you?"
Lupe cheers as she found a bottle under the sand "I found something!" Ace puts on his pants "I give up on all of you insane people." Ace looks to the bottle "I want some!" Ace nabs the bottle but Lupe fights him for it. Something here is most certainly wrong.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

"Woah!! Decemi!! what?!! the hell? aren't you a robot? how can you have a feeling for me? eh? what the hell is going on??? ACE!! Don't just stand there help!! before i get a three part serenade from Decemi here!! what the hell is going on!!" Rea said absolutely panicked as she was held in Decemi's arms unable to pull away. She gulped looking at Decemi as she starting to break out in cold sweat nervous. She gulped as she looked to ace for some sort of help as Lupe looks even more insane. She looked at Ace as he went crazed, she whinned seeing her entire group had gone crazy and she hadn't even felt the effects of it. She whinned her of all people should be whinning the sun is burning her skin, yet she was the only one sane.
Ace (played by Ace)

Decemi drops his mask down and shows his human like face "Why of course I can." Ace pulls his pants down "These pants keep bothering me!" Lupe hits he bottle against a rock like a cocoanut trying to get it open.
Decemi keeps his arms around Rea and kisses her lips while bending his back forward with her. Ace sticks out his tongue and thinks he is funny by helping to pull down Rea's top from behind. Lupe starts shaking the bottle vigorously and at one second the commotion and chaos is over them and the next the cork of the bottle pops off and it rains sprinkles of liquid over the four and reality starts to bleed into their dreams, in reality is is nearly morning the next day and Ace is nearly naked on his back with nothing on but underwear, Lupe is panting as she seemed to have the bottle in reality aswell and she may have saved them, then Rea awakes by Decemi's feet. Decemi stands over the three crazy people with his arms crossed and his mask on, he seems unchanged by whatever was affecting them, he might not have even been corrupted by whatever it was, he seems silent as he awaits the three to stop.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea started to blink as she ran her hand onto her lips remebering the sensation of Decemi's lips on hers. She immediatly flushed red as she gets up and doesn't realize her disheveled top."what...what was that??" she said turning around looking at Decemi as she still confused as she looked at then looked away. she stood there blushing as she tried to realize what exactly happened."eh? was that real? did you kiss me then?" she said blushing harder, as she stared at a grain of sand.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace sits up "Did I do it with a ghost?" Lupe sits up "I don't think we all did what we thought we did besides party hard..." Decemi looks to the three "You all started running around in circles untill you got tired and Ace took his clothes off." Ace puts his clothes back on "Aww they are full of sand...and I like sleeping naked..." Decemi holds his hands out "Lupe opened that bottle of liquid and you all woke up."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea rubs her head as she looks at Decemi harder and then stares at him in bewilderment." did you not be affected by it? what the hell?" she said staring her face still red as she looked at Decemi."but you were in it too? ACe started stripping off his clothes, Lupe called me a dumb brute and dug up a bottle, Decemi then freacking pulled me close as i tried to get Ace's clothes back on. Then you....said you had a thing for me then pulled your mask down and kissed me? Surely i couldn't have imagned the entire thing?" she said as she got close to Decemi and began to touch Decemis mask to see if there was another part there.
Ace (played by Ace)

Decemi nods "You surely could of, whatever that was affecting you could not affect me, I have been true for a long time." Ace laughs "so you dreamed of Decemi kissing you?" Lupe smacks the back of Ace's head "Quiet nude boy." Decemi sighs "I lead you to the camp where we were headed to but the man seems to have traveled a distance since last night, we must travel further to find him."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea blushed and coughed more as she wondered why she dreamt of Decemi kissing her. maybe she liked the idea of having a man just boldy kiss her."well lets hope we dont encounter that again, im afriad what might happen next." she said as she coughed hearing Ace's comment."maybe i just want a sweep you off your feet kinda romance. ahem, so we must get a move on." she said fixing her top as she gathered her belongings.
Ace (played by Ace)

Decemi comments "If that is what you wish then perhaps one day, but right now I am not entirely sure that you are my type." Ace laughs harder and Lupe sighs "Can we get going? we have to find that guy..." Lupe holds up her bottle "Decemi is it safe to drink this?" Decemi nods to Lupe and pats Rea "It is safe." Lupe takes a big drink and swallows a few times while still drinking from the bottle. Ace sighs and laughs a little bit quietly "Yeah, yeah, lets get goin." Ace looks at the sun "Is it close to night...or day?" Decemi mudders "Day..." Decemi seems a bit tired of dealing with all of these silly elf's.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea mumbles as she looks at Lupe and smiles then looks around knowing good and well she was agitated."ahem...i thought you were a robot or something Decemi.,....i dont even know if we could....Ahem so how are we going to track this guy?" she said as she starts to walk in a direction then back to the group. as she took the sand and then sighed." i dont even know how this guy is supposed to look." she said with a sigh.

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