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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 2: Crystal forest(done)

Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked to the men that fled as more golem rushed in. She took a deep breath and knew there had to be something done about it. The dammed were not able to keep up with the fighting much longer. Rea only knew very little magic, and the magic she did only affected herself. She hated doing it since it was a natural gift of her race. She sighed as she started to chant words in her tongue, once she did her eyes completely faded white and runned markings appeared on her face,legs, torso and her arms. She looked to Decemi as she smirked in this power enhanced form."come one we have to find some way to seal of the city or block the entrance the golem are coming from. We have to funnel them in to make it controled. Then we have to kill the rest that are in here." she said as she looked to one of hte dammed gaurds as she looked at him at first s[peaking in drae then stopping herself."You, guard the way those golem are entering; is there anyway block off that entrance point, or create a bottle neck effect?" she asked.
Decemi (played by Ace)

The damned guard seemed scared from the whole situation "I-I don't know ma'am." He stuttered and ran off into the fight even if he was a grown man. Decemi continues to take punches and give them to the other Golem. Besides Decemi nobody seemed like they could help Rea until another tough looking damned came up behind Rea "Ma'am! I don't think we have anything like that here, before all we had was the catalyst, before that we had the wall around the city but in the first war we had it was mostly destroyed."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked over to the other dammed gaurds as he gave her what she needed. Inforamtion of a former outer wall."alright that is all I need to know. Dec hold up fort here im going to try and collapse a wall to block the entrance." she said as she began to dart of towards the direction slashing through the numerous golem as she made her way throught he dammed. She could see the terror on men's faces when the golem attacked. She took in a deep breath knowing that it had to be stopped.
Decemi (played by Ace)

The vast army of golem flooded in one by one from the golem shaped hole in the wall on the outskirts of the city, it was stone and it offered little protection, it seemed the golem had no trouble tearing it down but it was collapsible and it would surely slow the golem down by some degree.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea stopped at the wall as she saw the golem flooding in through the wall. She took in a deep breath trying to target weak points in the structure. She closed her eyes again and it seemed her movements were faster and more agile, within a few second she was at the wall kicking it at the base collapsing the already weakend structure. She doged several Golem that were trying to attack her, she even succeded on kicking a golem into another. she managed to crash the rest of the rumble down slowing the uncoming golem for the moment. Her eyes darted around to see if she could find another collapasble structure to block the path of the golem. At least she hoped by doing this the waves would be controllable.
Decemi (played by Ace)

The wall of the city crumbles at that point and goblin topple over like domino's until there is a pile of rubble and golem in a large concentration. some of the golem not in the rubble rise up and go after Rea in anger.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out several breaths as she could feel the affects of her magic starting to take its toll on her body. She panted feeling the ancient magic she mumbled eating away at the energy she had. She watched the golem rise up in anger as the falling of the walls came down. She covered her face from the dust and dodged some of the oncoming Golem. She nearly didn't escape unscathed, she felt the rush of the wind when a golem struck down at her legs. She panted beads of sweat dripping from her body, there was no way she could take on that many alone. She took a deep breath and bolted back towards decemi. She took a final breath and jumped and rolled into the shadows. There she fell into the weakened wall ruble falling close to her, there she panted the runs fading along with her whittened eyes. Her grey eyes returned to normal as she fought back her gasps for air. She just hoped that she was able to slow things down for her group.
Decemi (played by Ace)

The golems seemed mindless, when Rea retreated into the bushes they all went back to attack decemi, obviously bushes are far too superior for the golems to grasp. After some time of killing more and more golem then they stopped flooding in for a moment. Decemi looked to his left and he started treading off that way "They are coming from this way now, come help me." The guardians of the Damned follow decemi to find the start of another group of golem. There was still no word from the other groups and it seemed like the golem army was not ending any time soon.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out several pants as she lay behind the wall of rumble in front of her. Her body was still aching from the effects of the magic. She could hear more Golem coming but for the moment she hoped the wave ended. She swore under her breath unable to move, she knew she had to get back up, she couldn't just lay there. She let out a deep breath as she forced herself to stand up from the pile of ruble. As she stood however her current state of health would clearly show. She took a deep breath looking around seeing the golem preoccupied. She knew one would come for her she would just have to figure out how to reprogram their cores to get them to work on her side. well for the time being at tleast, as she stood there she stood cautions and alert.
Decemi (played by Ace)

Thanks to Rea's help the situation seemed under control, Decemi continued to fight the golems off punch by punch, Decemi didn't seem scared of anything the golem had to bring until some time later when the golem stopped coming through the wall and a whole line of golem all assembled on the outer side of the wall from all ends unsuspectingly and they all pushed the wall over like it was nothing and suddenly the whole city seemed surrounded by a bigger army than before. Decemi looks to the golem "We...might want to fall back to the center of the city now." Decemi and all the men seemed scared, nobody expected them to come out alive from fighting them. The damned and Decemi quickly head back to the center of the city as the golem's close in quickly, hope seems lost.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea's eyes widdened as she saw a whole line of golems push down the wall. She gulped and fora moment her legs didn't want to move. She took a step back as she saw them approaching."how the hell? this can't be good." she said as she heard Deceimi's words to fall back. she looked to the men as she raised her voice loud."alright men, you heard the guy. Fall back to the center of the city." she yelled loudly as she forced her body to speed off towards the center of the city to regroup.
Decemi (played by Ace)

The group rushed off to the city hall and when all hope was lost then an explotion went off at town hall and a huge cannon ball comes flying above the group and it takes out a good segment of the golem line and the group hurries along long enough to see town hall is now compleatly gone and now remains what looks like a fort set up in a very short amount of time with ram shackle walls around it and small guns ready to be armed and a huge cannon tower with Chizen operating it! Chizen fires another huge cannon ball at the group behind the army and the army all piles into the fort, it is big enough to hold all of the people as many are underground now in a network of tunnels, many guards come out and help the group in side the fort and my injured people inside the tunnels. other guardian's come out with spears and shields made of scrap metal and they get ready to defend the fort. Ace runs around the walkway on the walls of the fort and assesses and yells up to Chizen about the golem's but it is hard to hear with the other group coming in.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea smirks as she hears the explosions going off and the flying monstorsity Chizen operated. She smirked even though she was behind the group and lagging bit she could tell things might turn up. With that resolve Rea let out a battle roar as she with the rest of the dammned gaurds started to help finish off the rest of the fallen Golem. She smirked as she attacked the weak cores. She was rather relived the was some other help. She knew this group wouldn't have lasted long without Chizen's help.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace yells down to Rea from the wall "Rea! get in here and get underground! we are making plans of attack!" Chizen shoots more cannon balls and they hit the incoming waves of golem and the gate of the fort waits open for Rea to come in. Ace hops off the walls and waits at the tunnels for Rea.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea ztops as she hears Ace's voice shouting to her. She quickly made her way under ground as she dodged incoming attacks from the golem. She let out a deep breath as her body protested the sharp and quick movement. She stopped as she walked towards Ace her body was cloacked as she came into the light. She looked to Ace with a smile and then quickly it grew serious."alright whats the plan?" She asked him crossing her arms forcing herself to stand up straight.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace motions his hand for Rea to follow her and he goes through the tunnel and walks through a long lit up tunnel with all sorts of different ways to travel and Ace leads Rea all the way to the end of the one tunnel without making a turn. At the end of the tunnel sits a few remaining leader or perhaps just random damned people along with Lupe, Velasandra and Decemi sitting on a stool looking like a grown man sitting in a child's chair. Vela points out some things on the map on the table with alot of markings on it. Vela looks up to Rea "Rea, I'm glad you made it, we are going to need your help, before I didn't think Chizen could set up an entire fort of this size, so we need everyone we can to attack."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea followed Ace through the long tunnel light with lights. She knew at least this way she could still be able to be seen.She looked to the group as she saw Vel, Lupe, Decemi and an old man whom Rea percived it was the mayor. She let out a sigh as her body nearly collapsed, she stumbled as bit as she quickly regained herself."alright, ill do what I can to assist in fighting. However I might need an energy potion. My last effort took more out of me then I imagined. But what is the plan of action?" she asked her eyes narrowing as she looked to Vela in the dim light.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace nods and goes over to his bag by the wall. Vela motions to an open chair "Please, Rea sit, we have information about the location of our tyrant but no idea what he could be hiding or what to expect, or what we can do, Rea is there anything you can tell us that might help us as far as a plan goes?" Ace sets down a bottle with yeellow liquid on the table by Rea and shows her a smile before going to sit at the other end of the table, the whole table is quiet and writing down things on paper or listening closely to the others.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea pulled out the chair and nearly collapsed as she sat down in the chair. She took the bottle filled with yellow liquid as she yanked the cork off of it and began to drink it. She listened closly as she too head to Vela's words. She then sat up and the looked to Vel with seriousness as she began to recall the battle."well as far as anything to help you guys, I hate doing it because it takes a bunch out of me. But I do know one spell. It enhances me greatly and causes my body to be covered in runes and for my eyes to go completly white and glow. It is how you say a last resort berserk move. And you know of my shadow walking ability. And I can assist you, these golem are smart. They are much like human being or us elves. They attack in greater masses when angered, they can switch targets at whim. And with anything they can completly change their battle strategy. I just do not hope that there are more then just golem, Orcs and others are a bit harder to deal with." she said as she downed the rest of the potion feeling the energy already start to wash over her exhausted body.
Ace (played by Ace)

Vela smiles and puts her hand on the table "Good, then we have another power card to use, both Rea and Ace can go in and become very powerful." One eof the Damned asks "What about this Chizen fellow? he managed to make a fort in only an hour or so and he is fighting off the armies and still building it up further! can we get his help?" Vela shakes her head no "No, Chizen refused even under our current situation to ever take an offensive position on this." Another damned with his arms crossed speaks up "You tell him that a good defense is a good offense?" Vela shakes her head no again "I told him this and he said, you know what a good defense is? a good defense, so I don't think we have his support besides defending the attack." Vela motions to Decemi "Decemi you seemed to know a point of attack before? perhaps while we have you here you can tell us of weak points or something..." Decemi stands from his small chair and nods but he can hardly stand all the way in the low roofed cave. "The lair that the golem are coming from will have several hundred coming from here to there and a straight line, if we are to bypass them then we must go around them without drawing attention to us in the process, however sending a very large group of people may alert attention by the man inside so bringing our strongest people along with us would be a good idea but not bring all of them. inside the lair are hundreds more golem just waiting to attack us but are generally going to be doing this until they find we are attacking them, but once we get inside we can close ourselfs inside and then we only have to deal with their higher powered golems, these will be stronger and tougher than the ones we are fighting here and these much be dealt with in some way. Once we get past these things, dealing with the humanoid and his curse will be the next problem, we may need him to remove the curse however we may not, fighting him may be a possibility."

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