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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 2: Crystal forest(done)

Belle (played by xUsagix)

A female walked through the deserted area. She was covered in a layer of sweat as she continued walking further. Her blue bangs were glued to her forehead with sweat. She wiped her forehead with her hand and rested her hand on her hip. Her long blue hair which were up in high pigtails looked all tangled. Her white tank top stuck to her skin as her black skirt did aswell.

She bent down and took off her shoes, which were bothering her and decided to carry them. Her long silver blade was strapped to her back with green vines. She rubbed her eyes tiredly and continued walking.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea crossed her arms as she relaxed in the chair her body still protesting movemnt after the potion. She looked to Vel and then to Decemi as the damned gaurds converesed."Well the problem is here where it lies I may have the shadow walk ability but, I dont know those golem are simple like other creatures. They might see through it. And what ever humanoid is behind this knot of attacks. Finally mr. Damned guard we are trying hard as well. From what it seems Chizen is a very passive person. A small group should suffice, and due to my rouge like natures I can sneak by most of the forces of the golemi. But lets just hope that Ace and the rest of our magical energies do not give us away." she said in a war tone trying to pull the men together much like Vela was doing. It was not often Rea changed her mindset, usually she would have cut a few purses now. But she had changed and now wanting to help out her fellow companions.
Ace (played by Ace)

Still in the city of the damned: Vela puts her hands on the table and she looks to Rea "Rea I know you are trying to help and certainly going to be a help but you could be a bit more nice about it." One of the Damned in tattered robes rises up "I would like to volunteer for the the attack as well, for I am the only Magi remaining from our people and the only druid and acolyte from our city since it has fallen, I can offer us a way into the lair once we get there...perhaps we can avoid larger golems and get right into the seat of the madman." Vela nods to the acolyte "So Decemi will lead us to the fortress, the best armies will be provided by the mayor, our Acolyte will get us inside, Ace, Rea and Decemi will help us capture the tyrant and we will attempt to disable the golemi and attempt to cure the curse."

Out in the Lurisca desert the wind blows quietly and has been blowing for a while but very soon it begins to blow roughly and carries sand to the west, enough to deter anyone from traveling any other direction and unearthing a few bottles hidden and lost in the sand, still sealed tight and filled with liquid. The wind begins to pick up more and the sun sets off in the distance very slowly, with all of the wind blowing it has even unearthed some scary looking desert scorpions however with the night only just touching down and the wind swirling around the sand, the scorpions seem to cower and be fearful of being prey.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea knew she was a bit irritable after the attack, but Vel's words of advice were true. She took a deep breath and rubbed the back of her neck as one of the dammned in tattered robes stood up and offered himself. She listened to the plan of action and nodding agreeably."My apologies Vela, it seems going face to face with overwhelming odds has done me in. So as far as the plan of action goes, decemi, Ace, And I will infiltrate the base using stealth mode. While the others draw attention away from us. So we are to infiltrate with out being detected and quickly cut the mad mans throat?' she asked wanting to confirm the course of action to make sure everything was accurate. She knew in these time everything grew more difficult. She wanted to mnake sure each plan of action were careful and exactly what thyey wanted. At a time like this the dark elf wanted to make sure nothing could go wrong.
Ace (played by Ace)

Vela gives a nod and takes her scrolls and begins walking out of the room "Good then we have a plan of action, gather your men and prepare for the attack, we march soon." Vela leaves that room but stays in the tunnels. Ace goes to another tunnel, a storage room of some sort so he can be alone. Lupe does not seem to even be in the room, perhaps she snuck off somewhere. Decemi goes outside of the tunnels up to the surface to commit some golem on golem crimes. Many of the other damned leave the battleroom to help with the fight. The tattered damned acolyte stays in the room sitting down, looking over his book to prepare himself for what he will be doing. Cannon balls colliding with the ground and fighting and golem shattering is still heard out on the surface.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea as the others left headed to to gather her things as she needed to be alone to herself. She knew she had to make sure her final attack was going to be effective in battle. She left the battle room to an isolated tunnel, a dark tunnel at that. She sat down and began to foucus preparing herself for another fight. She managed to supress some of the magical energy. She took another deep breath as she foucsed letting herself tune into her magic. With a deep breath she closed it off and stored a large amount of energy. getting up she readied herself to head out to battle.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace primed himself with potions of all sorts, drinking some and putting others around a belt, he had at least ten when he started but in the end he feels like he does not have enough but he walks to check on Val. Val very slowly adjusts her leather gauntlets as she looks over battle plans and walks all over the underground area to help people. Ace comes to Val, Val faces Ace and tries to question him but Ace puts his hands on her shoulder and everything seems silent as he looks into her eyes with his purple, haunting eyes. Val looks into his eyes and Ace softly says to her "Be careful out there...I want to see you alive by the end of this." Ace takes away his hands and finishes adjusting Val's gauntlets and walks over to the room with the Acolyte and he puts his hand on his shoulder "Are you ready?" The acolyte looks up to Ace and smiles with his grey, seemingly rotting skin and he nods. Ace walks over to the room with Rea in it "Have you had enough time? we should go now..." Ace looks into her eyes to see her condition.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea glanced over to Ace as he donned himself with potions around his belt. Rea strecthed and rolled her neck, followed by an odd strecth to pop her back. She looks to him and nods, as she walks closer to him."Alright, im ready. Lead the way Ace." she said with a straight forward answer her mind focused on the task ahead.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace smirks to Rea and nods "Heheh alright Rea, come on." Ace walks out of the room with Rea and The Acolyte joins them as they walk and then Ace takes them to the surface where the large squad of Damned soldiers being lead by Val out of one of the gates of fort Chizen. Decemi meets with Ace and Rea "You both ready to carry out the plan?" No cannon fire can be heard and no fighting done around them, it seemed like there is a calm before the storm, Chizen shouts to Lupe to get him certain tools as he begins working on a second cannon turret. Ace looks to Rea and nods to her. Val begins moving the rest of the squad outside the walls of the city.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let a smirk kiss her grey lips as she turned to Ace as they walked out of the tunnel room and met up with the rest of their group. Rea couldn't help but stare at the Acolyte a little curious of what he could do. Then again Rea wasn't very familiar with magic at all other then her Berserk mode. She let out a sigh as she looks to Decemi and nods."ah, ready...I am ready as ever. I just hope this will be quick and there are none with the gift to see cloaked beings." she said as she turned to the golem and then to Ace.

"Hey Ace, just don't get youself killed. I wouldn't know how to go through the mission if I had to drag your but out here to patch you up. Let alone have to worry. Just be careful, same goes to you Decemi don't do anything dumb." she said with a smile hiding her care between harshly chosen words.
Ace (played by Ace)

The acolyte keeps himself hooded and runs to catch up with the group. Decemi look to Rea and laughs loudly and his new mask makes lights to show a mouth on him laughing in a simple yet comical manor "Hahahaha, I will keep that in mind." Ace puts his hand on Rea's shoulder "Well come on, you have to sneak us through the forest right?" Decemi stands behind the two with his hands on their apart shoulders and you might get the feeling he is about to rush the two to the rest of the group, Decemi style.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out a sigh as she stood with the others, seeing Decemi's new mask and his smile Rea almost had a blank expression fo stupor on her face. She blushed thinking about that horrid desert mirrage. She coughed and looked to Ace and then laughed putting another hand on his shoulder giving him a before the battle pat, and a goodwill gesture.

"Well good, and it seems I have to sneak through and get rid of the gaurds. " she said iwth a laugh turning to Decemi, and smiled again. "but lets get a move on. Im pretty sure Dec, is getting impatient." she said iwth a smile as eh got ready to run.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace nods and begins to run with Rea to avoid getting carried and Decemi chases behind them. The acolyte waits a the back of the pact and talks with Rea and Ace goes ahead of the pact and Decemi follows. The acolyte asks "Might I ask you something? What is with that golem, why did he steal the catalyst? and does he even know what it is? or that he stole it? our people are pretty pissed, even if you guys are trying to help, stealing the catalyst did not help." The acolyte seems to be having trouble talking and keeping up with the pact with all of his books and his dressings and the curse that afects his people, tho he seems a bit weaker.

Vela awaits for Decemi to point out the way and he comes ready to point out the direction and she takes a detour for the group to stay hidden. Vela asks "How does this golem know so much about where this guy's fortress is?" Ace shrugs "I'm not really sure, He seems to know where things are, he found you in the shimmering oasis easy enough, found the city just easy, I don't know what he is but he seems to be able to find out alot." Decemi makes a smile on his face and nods in agreement then switches back to his normal two lines for eyes and no mouth, just a blank mask.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked to the acolyte as he stayed back and started to run to keep up with her. She looked to him and smiled, but her smile turned to from seeing him having trouble keeping up. Rea stopped and put a hand on the acolytes shoulder. She looks to him and readjusted one of his bandages and waited till the others wouldn't hear.

"look acolyte, I would like it if you did not call my friend Golem. He has a name and its Decemi, and why he took the catalyst. But he surely has a reason for it. After all, all that he has done means no ill will. But perhaps he felt the only way to rouse your people was to do something out rageous." Ahe said as she looked to the acolyte and smiled. She was glad the others were out of the way not to see her being kind towards another. She looked to the acolyte and leaned in closer."but will you be alright to keep up? Not to be rude, but it seems you are having trouble." She said with concern as she began to lightly jog.
Ace (played by Ace)

The acolyte looks into Rea's eyes with his dim yellow eyes "I am kind my friend, but my people might not be so kind to him, and I think we both know what will happen, perhaps you could say something to him. Do you even know what the catalyst is?" The acolyte holds onto Rea's hand on his shoulder a moment longer "hey...listen." He seems calm and kind yet firm. "I have things to say but we musn't take long or the group will lose us."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea's eyes soften as she turned to him knowing the truth in his words. She let out a sigh and let her grew eyes meet his dim yellow eyes. "yoir right. You may be kind, the others wont be. As far as the catalyst, I have no idea what it is. And perhaps I can talk to Decemi, after all, evrn though he saved my life, and we were once enemies, he has become my dear friend. And ill do anything to protect my friends. Now so I dont have to call you acolyte all the time, you name?"she said witha smile and her own kindness was shown.

She looked to the acolyte as she smiled to him, and her eyes narrowed and her hardened gaze returned. "alright, what do you need to say, so we can catch up to the others."she said with a tilt of her head.
Ace (played by Ace)

The Acolyte smiles to Rea "Tyrigan wortregan, what about you miss?" Tyrigan attempts to hold his large book up but he keeps his eyes on hers. "The catalyst is the re-embodiment of our great leader Kargath, he was a very exentric man and a hero, his last act was him embodying himself in the catalyst to further protect his people from the tyrant, but I suppose the tyrant has been preparing an army, and now he is attacking us. We might be celebratory after this is over but we will want back our hero, you may be a hero by the end of this but Decemi might not be, I am just warning you." Tyrigan leans forward a bit and staring into Rea "I mean nothing by it tho..."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out another laugh as she hear the Acolyte adress himself by a name. She looked at his large book and raised a bro as she pointed to it."You know I can fashion you something out of a Leather strap I have so it would be easier for you to carry that thing." she said as she blinked several times before she realized she hadn't properly introduced herself.

"Pleasure to meet you Tyrigan Wortregan. Rea, Rea Selyore. But as for Decemi, he might not be it. But as for that I owe him a life debt for saving mine. Im sure there will be some way we can work it out with your people. And after all since Decemi has gotten that Catalyst he has been more human. He might be the hero Kargath at this moment, but that is uncertian I will ask Decemi when I get the chance too. But know this Tyrigan, ill protect you in this fight. And if anything I will become the lowley rouge I once was if it means protecting my friend." she said with a determination that was set forward and with no sign of backing down.
Ace (played by Ace)

Tyrigan smiles down to his book and looks down to it the whole time Rea talks "Well Rea we should hurry, before the group needs you." Tyrigan runs ahead of Rea to catch up with the group, by this time a great dark castle can be seen, it does not stand too high in the sky and it is not too big but the golem army can be heard marching out of it a distance away. The squad all hide in the bushes crouched over, even Decemi crouches but the bush shows little protection from people seeing decemi, they all stare at a wall of the fortress and wait.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea smiles as she looked to Tyrigan and waved goodbye as she ran ahead and quickly dogded into a bush once they aproached the dark castle. She already was cloaked in the darkness. As she approached the rest of the group she came towards decemi and knelt near him. With a sigh she began to look at the caslte and wondered just how they were going to pull this one off. The castle and the golem army already lined up as if thye were ready to attack. Whatever the matter this had to be ended not for the people of the damned city but th erest of the surrounding area.

Rea looked to Decemi and let out another sigh."You know anyway that I can get past these defenses? it looks like that tyrant guy is ready to unleash a full out war. Oh and I do have a question Dec, did you take the catalyst knowing what it was? I only just found out what it was. Do you have another's personality mixed with yours?" she asked as she scanned the walls trying to find a weak point.

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