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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 2: Crystal forest(done)

Ace (played by Ace)

Tyrigan holds up his book with one hand and raises his other hand and casts magic on the castle and very slowly begins to remove one big brick from the side of the castle. As the acolyte does this Vela crosses her arms and keeps to herself, Ace looks around the squad to see how mad they are about the whole situation. The troops all look fine and determined.

As the acolyte removes the first brick then Decemi looks to Rea and a smile lights up on his face and he laughs charismaticly "Hahaha, I don't know." Decemi holds out his fists and they glow with light "let's see if that might have affected me." Decemi charges past the acolyte and smashes his fists through the wall, he makes it to the other side leaving a decemi sized hole behind him. Decemi ended up smashing through another wall directly down the side opening up two rooms. A room on the right seemed abandoned like it was used to make golem at one point in time. The left room was dark and there was a golem about the size of Decemi with an orange stripe going down the middle of its body standing in the dark, facing away from the group, next to this golem was another and two in front of him, the rest of the room is too dark to see more golem but it could be thought there are alot more. Decemi steps out of the rubble and looks to the golem "When you come in don't worry about them, they are inactive." Decemi motions the squad to the right room "And we should hurry, he knows something happened." The acolyte sighs as he seemed useless and he gets out of the way as Vela leads the group into the castle. Decemi lights the way with his glowing hands on purpose and leads the group to a stairwell. Ace stops and looks at the Orange tier golem and waits there.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea's jaw dropped the second she saw Tyrigan cast his spell and move a brick away from the castle wall. She aslo looked toward Decemi as he smiled saying whether if he knew what affected him or not. She saw the smile on his paneled face and crouched there bewildered as his fists started to glow. She watched stunned as Decemi plunged through the castle wall, she frowned hearing the loud crashing noise. She cringed hoping that it could't be heard. She looked to Tyrigan as he stood out of the way and the rest of the group advanced through the hole. She looked to Tyrigan and sighed."Tyrigan, how was your hero's personality, I have sneaking suspicion since decemi might be your hero reborn. Well at least his goal anyway, after all he knew how to get here. But come on, dont look so disheartened."she said with a smile grinning before she started to walk towards the hole and enter it.
Ace (played by Ace)

Tyrigan sighs and gets up and walks to the hole in the wall "The second coming being stolen may or may not be a good thing." Ace grabs the acolyte's arm and Tyrigan looks to him. Ace looks to him and says "These golem, there are at least a hundred in this room alone." Tyrigan says "The are probably more levels, the orange stripe means they are a degree tougher than the ones we fought, there were several in the first war." Ace says "Well there are more now, we need to stop this or they could conquer alot more than your people." Ace lets go and runs off to the rest of the group and Tyrigan follows.

The squad goes single file down the long stairwell very slowly until they end up in the underground rooms of the castle. Decemi stops at the stairs, they were obviously not made for golem so he enters the stairs sideways and and raises up his feet and he seems to flout down the stairs quickly to catch up to the others, he is never seen quite well enough to know if he was flouting by anyone. Vela gets to the next floor and she yells out "Golems at the attack!" Vela gets into a fighting pose and has the few men at her level ready to fight as to golem with grey stripes come up and attack and fight with the guards, this room is lit up and damned floor in and Decemi flouts into the room "It is this room." Decemi punches the two weakened golem in the faces with his fists and knocks them to the ground and they die and then come back alive and guards stop out their heads until they break. Vela runs forward "Where is he?" Decemi says "On this level down the main cor door Past his current project storage room." Vela follows Decemi into the next large hallway, the squad follows and Ace and Tyrigan make it to the first room.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea followed the others silently and quietly you would presume that she wasn't event here due to the darkness of the room and her natural ability. She kept her breath low and in small shallow breaths, and to one point her breathing stopped entirely as he grey eyes scanned the golem in the room. They were inactive but she presumed the orange strip with the others meant they were tougher. She followed the other down the long stair well after Decemi looking to the others as they reach they lite room. Rea's eyes protested the light but she needed to stay hidden or else her use wouldn't be good. She took a deep breath and aimed with for the shadows of the gaurds. She helped dispatch the rest of the golem jumping from the squads shadows to extinguish the golem. She looked ahead and hear Vel shouting to find were the tyrant was. She could hear Decemi say he was on this level.

Rea's eyes looked over as she quickly skips along the wall. She would have to branch of from the group itself if she were going to using her rouge tatcis effectively. Waiting for the rest of the group to go by she maintianed her stealth and kept to the wall staying behind the group to ensure that nothing would come from behind them to flank them. She looked around the large hallway as Ace and Tyrigan starting to catch up. She smiled in the shadows watching quietly as she started to inspect the halls for any sort of remote viewing magical devices. She kept stalking forward and eventually her pace turned into a brisk walk as she started to follow Decemi and Vel. It was the least thing she could do, though she couldn't help worry about Ace and Tyrigan. With a sigh she would have to go with Vel and Decemi. After all Decemi still had a lot of unanswered questions. She followed them and eventualy caught up to Vel and Decemi. She looked around wondering if the whole thing wasn't an ambush by the tyrant.
Ace (played by Ace)

The whole squad would move into the large hallway Vela would look down the hallways to two big doors that close down and Four black striped golem come forward and Vela is clearly about to yell at her troops but Decemi shields her with a blink of the eye as two of the black striped golems charge her to the ground and Decemi charges them them the other way into the following two golem but the following two seem to be smart enough to get out of the way and they both rush Ace at the same time and flouts in the air and gets knocked back even further and collides against the wall but quickly moves to his feet and runs as troops close the distance between him and the golem. Ace and Vel seem hurt and Decemi seems to be having trouble fighting two of these golem on his own and troops become incapacitated every time these golem attack. Vela rises to her feet "We need to get into those doors! I saw that short bastardio."

Ace begins flouting after the golem leave him be and he begins to channel magic tendrils into the golem, with his help they are able to take out the golem at the same time a decemi, not counting their failsafe. Decemi however looks to the door and stops pummeling the two golem and he stands heroicly.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea blinks and in an instant the hallway was already lively with the heat of action. She saw the four black striped golem attack and there attacks are blocked by Decemi.She took a deep breath as she saw Ace knocked back along with Vel from the golem's attack. She stood there feeling usless again as Ace already took out the golem. She sighed as she walked over to decemi a little usless as she waited for then to enter the double doors. She looked to them and waited for Decemi's to burst throught hte doors.
Ace (played by Ace)

Vel walks forward to the doors "To the-" Decemi holds out his arm and blocks Vel from walking forward and he pushes her back and faces the group and holds out his hands, his palms nearly blind them with light as he shields all of them and turns around to face the doors as they burst open and a line of cannons fire at the squad, Decemi seeing this coming runs at the cannonballs and the side ones shatter bits of the door and send splinters forward but most of them collide against Decemi's chest and dent his chest with each impact and bounce off him with enough force still left in them to then collide with the walls and floor and roll back to the cannons or bounce into the squad. the squad is shielded enough against the shrapnel but some damned are hit by cannonballs. Vel cowers "Someone take out those cannons!" Decemi stutters a moment because of the damage done to him but he runs forward and jumps over the cannons and punches out the golem's operating them and he stands there a moment in the larger room. Ace is nearly knocked on his rear by the cannons and he is on the floor "I was not expecting that..."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea's eyes slam shut the second she sees Decemi's sheild of light. Dazed she heard the cannon firing and nearly felt the full force of the cannons strenght. She let out a yell as she fell to the ground her form seen. She cursed under her breath as she yanked a large chunck of spkintered wood from her leg. With a growl she cloaked herself again and drew her daggers. With a sliver flash, Rea flash stepped and got behind the line of Golemi operating the cannons. "bloody ambush...I knew it" she muttered under her breath as she slammed the daggers into the core of the first golem. With a yell she kicked the golem into the others interupting their line of fire. She felt the pain in her leg growing, but she ignored it. She had to take out this line, she had to keep the others safe. Seeing Decemi harmed so much she had to do this.
Ace (played by Ace)

The cannon operating golem are destroyed and before the squad can get a break then Decemi yells "Everybody get down!" Decemi then holds Rea close to him and brings her to the ground with him. Not a moment later and a dark dwarf with a wicked grey beard and black robes drops in from the ceiling of the big room and launches a dark orb that flies at head level through the hallway, most of the group is either already on the ground or duck at the last second, a few damned get hit by the orb and turn purple and are absorbed into the orb as it flies to the backwall and shatters, everyone hit ended up on the ground, knocked out or killed like they were thrown all the way there. Decemi lets go of Rea and rushes to grapple the dward and grabs him, nearly ready to kill him but the crafty dwarf somehow escapes Decemi's hold and jump, skips, hops, and flies out of the room and throws another dark orb before he closes himself away behind another door. Decemi ducks this orb and it gets sent through the big room and curbs to the left and hits the the back wall of the room, just next to the shattered door.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea blinks as Decemi holds her close shielding her as she saw from the corner of her eyes a dark clad Dwarf. Dwarves, Rea never did seem to like the short stocky ill tempered creatures. Though why tis dwarf was with them was beyond her knowldege.Soon as she was free from Decemi's hold, she rolled out of the watching Decemi, as he tries to tackle the dwarf to the ground. She watches as mere hair inch the dwarf got away. She watches the dwarf skip to the next room and going behind another door. She too ducks seeing the purple orb wizzing by. She let out a sigh as she turned to the room and then to Decemi."Decemi, im with you on this. What ever you need me to do say it now. I might just go after that dwarf myself." she said with a serious face concerened for the others. And more importantly the dwarf that was going to escape.
Ace (played by Ace)

Vel rises to her feet and points to the back of the hallway "Check on those men." Vel then steps forward "That is the Tyrant right?" Tyrigan steps forward "Yes, we need to get into that room." The floor rumbles in the large room and Ace looks down to see the large square on the floor "Something is coming." Decemi looks to the ground and rushes to the large bulky doors that the tyrant dwarf ran into and he punches holes in the heavy door and he is concussed back by the door and he gets knocked into the squad but stops himself mid air before he collides with the squad and gets to his feet "If he sees any of us at the door then he will blow us back." Tyrigan looks down as the giant square flooring in the center of the room slides open like a trap door and he stays firm on the square and looks down to another floor rising from the depths of the castle with a full group of golem om it, waiting as they rise to the main room. Vel looks down and says "We need to get past the door. Rea, can you sneak us through walls or something? just the four of us?"

just as vel asks then the best looking golem so far are seen, at least three dozen with average swords and shields and a orange and green dual strike going down the middle of them rise up to ground level and activate. Ace begins to flout in the air and prepares to fight aswel as the rest of the squad.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looks to the place as the Tryant quickly closes the door behind him. She watches as she puts her claok back on. She sees Decemi knocked back from what seemed like a magical force. She was glad at least this time her natural cloaking ability would come into play. She looked to the floor as she felt it rumble leaning down to center her blance. AS she watched the floor shift and move she sees the Golem rise up. She groaned not looking forward to this heavily armed Golem. Upon hearing the words of Vel she quickly moves over to the group and whispers-"Yes I can sneak through walls. It is not an easy task and it usually leaves me tired after. But in this case, I am willing to do so to help. " she said with fire.

She glanced to them as she uncloaked her hands for them to see."Hold onto my hands Ill give you the ability for a short time. In the mean time ill sustain it and help sneak the way through. So long as the Tyrant doesn't have a ward of sight." she said with a smile.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace, Tyrigan and Vel all rush to hold Rea's hands awkwardly and await to be hidden from these new golem. Decemi charges into the group of golem warriors and they all charge him as the same time and they all swing at the same time at him. due to the large amount of golem, many of them swing at each other. The golem cut through decemi's darker armor and completely stab the golem closest to Decemi. The damned squad then charge the group of golem and take them out easily from behind but as per usual they all come back alive and begin charging the damned. Decemi does what he can to jostle the golem around and harm them further and makes alot of progress but waits until they are on their last life before tossing them accost the room to hit the wall. Most golem survive but not for long.

The floor already begins to rumble as a sign that more golem are coming, and from the previous room full of golem then it can be presumed that there are many more waves coming.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out a grunt as she felt the others hold her hand. She held back a cry of pain as she struggled to transfer part of her cloaking ability. As she let out a sigh of pain again, she had the others cloaked. She looked to them and nodded."Alright, your unseen. WE should move." she said as she started to control her breathing and started to move towards the door. Now they could break hands and move forward, Rea did this by quickly breaking hte hold of the others and showed they were still cloaked. Rea hoped she would be able to hold off until she got to the door. She took a bottle from her waist and quickly downed the energy potion. She would need the energy to keep her holding onto her spell.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace, vel and Tyrigan all run to the door and they are practically all skinny enough to fit through the holes and Ace goes first and the team is not knocked back so it is a good sign. Ace tears his whole shirt and just rolls out silently no matter how angry he was. Tyrigan rips his tattered robes as he goes through and lands face first on Ace. Vel was skilled enough to not lose any skin coverage and she gets through easily and looks around the room. it was hardly lit with equal sized doors as the ones they entered into. and a towering and very protective throne is in the middle with the dwarf turned around and working on his controls and his lab, not noticing the intruders.

Decemi pumps himself up as he commands the damned army to back off and they follow his command. The next golem wave rise up and these are even tougher and they all rush Decemi with swords with so much power that they completely stab into his armor and cause him to yell out and make his own concussive blast that sends them out and he charges the golem quickly with such speed with swords still inside him and he re-appears where he started but on his knees, the swords just sliding out of him and he just remained there looking down as the damned warriors had to finish the golem and they were nearly slaughtered by this wave of golem, the next wave is felt coming below them. This fighting must be stopped before this gets any harder.

Tyrigan and Ace stand and stand before the unknowing dwarf, not sure on their next move.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea held back her grunt as she felt the others phasing through. She got to the other side seeing the unknowing dwarf tyrant. Normally she would have just slit the dwarf's throat and end it. She turned to Vel almost as if speaking with her face. She wanted to give Vel the chance to act non her own. If not Rea was going to slit the dwarf's throat there and then.

Steadying herslef and keeping her breathing calm. She kept it quiet to the point of you couldn't tell you were breathing at all. she looked to Vel and motioned almost asking if she could do the first move to sneak up behind the dwarf and slit his throat. She stood there amoung Tyrigan and Ace awaitng Vel's command.
Ace (played by Ace)

Vel looks to Rea then to Tyrigan and quietly whispers "Do we need him alive?" Tyrigan looks to the two and shakes his head no "Just don't damage his brain." Vel nods to Rea and gets closer to the tyrant. The Dwarf was on his throne high up in the room, Rea would need a boost to get up or climb or jump really high to get to him.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea nods knowing what she must do, she took a deep breath and darted off towards the Tyrant. She stayed quiet as she lifted her daggers and jumped close to the dwarf. She quickly brought down her dagger towards the dwarfs head getting ready to deliver the last blow. She hoped that she wouldn't blow her cover. And if anything she hoped he couldn't see the unseen.
Ace (played by Ace)

Due to the long jump up to him then the Dwarf had no way to tell Rea was about to attack him. The only thing that could go wrong was Rea overshooting or undershooting how tall the dwarf was. The rest of the group does not screw this part up as they all wait quietly, ready to fight after Rea reveals herself.

The dwarf quietly and diligently on programming more of his creations with his long dark robes on, pooling on the floor due to their large size for a dwarf.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea gauging the distance correct slammed the blade into the dwarfs skull, She let out a yell feeling the bone giving way and her cloaking ability fading the second the blade made contact. This alone unlcoaked the others and let them be seen also. Rea just hoped the Dwarf didn't have some sneaky thing on him that could have kept him alive. Rea kept the blade in place standing on the arms of the chair her arms still poised in her killing stance. She looked to the dwarf and watched him careful to make sure he was fully dead.

You are on: Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 2: Crystal forest(done)

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