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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 2: Crystal forest(done)

Ace (played by Ace)

for a brief second everyone is still and silent, only the sound of further fights go on in the previous room. The dwarf drops his head down, the daggers pretty well lodged in his skull and he lets out a sinister dwarven yell and magic pulses out of him that sends Rea flying away, unless she hangs on tight to her daggers but those are rooted to the dwarf who is stuck in place. Ace sends out a tendril to hit the dwarf but the pulse sends it into Rea and Ace lets go of it and it has no affect to Rea. The dwarf turns around in anger as he has daggers in his head and he activates a protective magical bubble around him with dark dwarven magic. Tyrigan looks down to his book for answers as to what that bubble is. Val takes out her bow and an arrow and simply aims near the dwarf.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea knew that it couldnt be over this easy. She held onto the daggers out of reflex. She gripped hardened on the daggers. She let out a yell of pain feeling the intensity of the dark magic. She wasnt about to let her weapons be lost that easy. She winced feeling the protective magic. She kuttered as she saw the dwarf looking around angry. She kicked the dwarf in the jaw to give the others time to counter attack. "oi...shorty...your opponets here"she said as she felt something bump her and phase away she figured it was Ace's magic. She graoned notcing this bubble had the same protective abilites as Decemi's. Rea's eyes narrowed as she prepared to be attacked by the dwarf.
Ace (played by Ace)

The dwarf casts dark lighting from his hands at Rea as she is confined to his shielding. Tyrigan looks down to his book and reads aloud "That sphere is a strong shielding that really should dissipate quickly unless he has a large energy supply to take from." Vela looks to Tyrigan with his bow pointing to the ground "Dwarf has his whole throne here, he probably stores stuff around him or something." Ace looks around the throne "Well I don't see anything nearby." Tyrigan says "The books says you can shatter holes inside it by using dark crystals from the forest." Ace takes a gem out a raw gem out of his pocket and tosses it to Vel. Vel yells at him "Where did you?" Ace interrupts her "Oh shut up and shoot the shield, and don't hit Rea!"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out a cry of pain feeling the shock the lighting going through her. She knocked into the shield as she grabbed ahold of the dwarf again. She didn't falter despite her agile body screaming out to stop, she held onto him as she growled throwing another hard kick to the Dwarf's jaw. She could barely hear the voice of Vel and the others, the lighting still affecting her system. With another battle cry she aimed a kick to the daggers base, lodging it deeper.
Ace (played by Ace)

The dwarf seems to feel no pain and is only pushed to the back of his throne and he starts swinging wildly at Rea in his bubble. Vel gives a look to Ace and quickly ties the dark gem onto her arrow and draws back her bow and shoots the arrow right through the bubble, shattering a hole in it and hitting right of both the dwarf and Rea and lodges it in the throne. Ace tosses Vel more gems from his pocket. Tyrigan looks around for any danger in the room and continues reading his book for anything to expect.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out a sigh as she did her best to try to dodge the Dwarfs wild swings toward her. Rea grunted as she felt something stab her arm and pass through her. She looked to the throne and saw it was an arrow. Angry she yells at them as she continued to lay hit after hit onto the dwarf."Watch were your shooting that thing!"
Ace (played by Ace)

The dwarf gives up and just turns around and deactivates his shielding bubble with the controls behind him and he turns around to channel his dark orb directly at Rea, this would be the time for her to move. It would send her flying into the wall and colliding with it. Vel looks off to the side of her bow and shoots another one close to the two but misses. Ace looks to her as he starts flouting again "You are not good at that thing are you?" Tyrigan just keeps looking at his book and he looks back to the other room behind them "I don't think we have much time! we need to get to his controls."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea as usual was mid-attack for her to be able to dodge the dark orb. Her grey eyes went wide as she felt the orb hit her directly sending her into the wall. She fell to the ground out of the pathway of the orb as she hit the cold stone of the floor with a thud. She grimaced feeling her back split open, she heard Tyrigan yell out to get to the controls. With that Rea said her incantation and began to get her glowing runes on her skin. She quickly sped off and grabbed ahold of the dwarf to distract him again. She let out a yell as she heaved the stout man over her shoulder into the very same wall she had gotten thrown into.
Ace (played by Ace)

Everyone watches as Rea goes man mode on the dwarf and then they all rush to the dwarf, Rea begins shooting him point blank in the head. Ace gets close and puts as many of his dark magic tendrils has he can into the dwarf And looks over his robes. Tyrigan goes to his hair and that is the point when the Dwarf pulses them all away again, this time with all he had got, enough to drop everyone to the ground and hold them there as he is able to climb up to his throne faster than ever! He then takes out his dagger and points it down to everyone and dark magic goes through it and curses them all with the curse of the damned and he turns back on his shielding before anyone is even up from the powerful pulse. The dwarf, now safe works on his controls by his throne and the two big doors by his throne begin to open up, one happens to be slower than the other due to it being a faulty door.

The curse of the damned drains the life out of the people or things it affects over a long amount of time. If everyone in the room lives a week, they should end up like the rest of the damned unless cured.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea blown back by the force of the pulse feels the stone floor hit her head. She gasped not getting up from this one. she let out a sickening yell as she felt the dark power ebbing through her body along with feeling the words of a curse through her body. She writhed on the ground her runes quickly fading and her glowing eyes returning to normal. She never felt this sort of pain as she cried out and felt water running from her eyes. She let out a scream as she tried to force her body to stand, she looked over to the others and groaned."Vel, Ace..Tryigan!!" she said through pained breaths managing to get herself onto her feet, in part since she used dark magic, she was able to get up sooner then the others. She grunted again as she slouched and her eyes narrowed on the dwarf with anger. She muttered her ancient words again going berserk, forcing herself to assail the Dwarfs shield again. Each of her blows getting knocked back. She was going to defend her friends to the last, and she was not about to give up so easy. "Dammit...where are you Dec."She thought as she attacked the shield.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace, val and Tyrigan looks to Rea and nods. Ace looks in pain and says "Yeah." The two doors open and a new looking giant golem with a big black steel gem sword only fit for a golem comes out witha huge black shield
comes out looking shining with a silver shiny line going down its center. Then from the other door walks an un armored skeletal and clearly unfinished golem without shields and a fully exposed core. When everything looks at its worst then decemi charges into the room, seemingly on queue. Decemi looks heroic in his stance but looks like a pin cushion as he has at least a dozen swords all the way through his body and he exclaims
"I am here!" and then his mask flickers off and he falls forward to the ground and makes a huge dent into the floor, dead. The room behind Decemi is empty, only dead damned and dead golem remain.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea's heart jumped seeing Decemi charge into the room. She was overjoyed to see her friend and her heart sank as soon as the mask flickered off and he felt to the ground with a thud. She let out a pained roar for seeing her friend crash to the ground creating the crater. Rea's sanity was starting to slip, along with her control over her dark runic magic. Seeing Decemi fall to the ground, she lost it and let out a maddened raor as her body began to ebb with dark energy. She naturally was more inclined to that magice because of her race, though she rarely used it.

This time it was different. She felt her tears on her face starting to burn as she shook her head the tears stopping. She let out several pants dark aura starting to visibly be seen from her body. She growled and her eyes started to turn black. With a sickening ruckus of laughter she looked to the dwarf with murder written in her face. She continued to laugh as she headbutted the shield sending cracks through the entirety of the shield as if it were glass.

She hoped seeing her in this state her other comrade would take the oppurtunity to finsih the dwarf. It was the one thing Rea was good at, going into a blinded rage to protect her comapions. Since Decemi was also Rea's friend she lost her self control, and her mind was set to one thing and that one thing alone. The dwarf that got her friend killed, she a one man wreacking crew, and if anything got in her way they would be destroyed.
Ace (played by Ace)

The whole group looks at Rea with open mouths and Vela yells "Take him out!" Ace channels a stream of dark energy into the dwarf and Tyrigan uses dark lightning on the tyrant aswell. Vela shoots serveral bolts into the dwarf and he stumbles back and falls to the ground. The two giant golem begin to charge at the group and the group scatters.

Vela yells "Rea! help turn off the golem!" Tyrigan yells "Don't break the controls just look for an emergency button!" The golems start hacking and slashing at head level of the group and they duck down and Tyrigan falls on his face.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let a twisted laugh escape her lips as soon as she saw the dwarf falter and stumble to the ground. She hears the others calling and struggling to try and keep herself from destroying the ground. She smiles as she looks to the controls and finds something to shut off the device. Once it was shut off she looked to it and smiled as she looked at it and then looked to the dwarf. Once the controls were off she huffed and smiled."you guys better do something with those controls...I want a piece of that dwarf...or better yet...I want pieces of him.....Decemi..." she said panting her eyes completely blackened as she took another step towards the dwarf.

Nothing would stop her from exacting revenge of this dwarf that took so many of the damned's life, hurt her friends with the curse of the damned and let along hurt the people she cared about. She cracked her neck as she took a step towards the dwarf and grabbed his neck with a wicked laugh."Alright Dwarf Tryant. Here is what you are going to do, you are going to free the damned of the curse, free my friends and I of it. And you are going to wish my friends get ahold of you first. Before I do, you killed one of my first friends." she said with a snarl as she looked to Decemi, the dark power within her almost as formidable as his. If the dwarf were to strike her, she wouldn't feel it at the moment. Her body burned to kill something.
Ace (played by Ace)

After all of the dwarfs best efforts and his attempts to survive he was finality defeated and slain, his final breath of cursing the people in the room for the burst of life to live on has ended and the curse is lifted from them, not Tyrigan tho because it is already a major part of him. The giant golems in the room stand at attention and shut down.

Tyrigan looks up and stands to his feet and everyone else just sits on the floor "It is over..." says Tyrigan "But we need to find a room, a library or a lab, someplace where I can fix the curse..." Vel lays back and sleeps on the spot, perhaps she reached her limit. Ace gets up and looks to Decemi on the floor then to rea in her current state and he stands a distance away.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea growled as she shook the dwarf as his last bit of life left him. She let the corpse drop to the floor with a thud as she still was in an agitated state. Looking to Decemi again she let out a long pained cry. she walked over to him and feel to her knees as she returned to her normal state, bloody, cut and bruised she started to cry. She looked to Decemi's managled form and sighed knowing full and well the others were more then likely fearful from her current state. She looked to Decemi and wiped her tears as she slammed her fists down on him.

"Decemi! you idiot!! why did you go and get yourself killed!! i was just starting to get to know you.....dam it all no......and just as soon as you were showing personality....." she said as she burried her face into the body of the fallen friends. She didn't feel like moving anytime soon. Even though they had won, to Rea she felt a great loss. More then enough dammend were dead, Decemi was dead. And let alone she let everyone see her berserk. She kept ahold of Decemi hoping there was someting in her head that would give her the answer she wantedd.
Ace (played by Ace)

Tyrigan runs off to hopefully find some sort of hope of a cure. Ace steps up behind Rea and kneels beside her and puts his arm around her shoulder. "Rea, he saved us, I don't know how else we could of made it past the golem." Decemi lays lifeless on the floor with several swords going through him. The smell of death only lingering from the dead damned and the dwarf, not Decemi, never Decemi one bit. Vela looks up from her sleeping state to see the blade that the Dwarf used and she takes it and puts it on her belt and goes back to sleep.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea still let tears stream from her eyes as she grabbed onto Ace and burried her face into her chest crying into it. Her sobbing expressing the grief of death in the room. She held onto Ace's shoulders sobbing her tough nature not able to keep up.
Ace (played by Ace)

Tyrigan finds a lab and works tirelessly in it to try to work out some way of stopping the curse, he was not about to lose it all or give up with all of the people that died for this. Ace held Rea close and looked down to Decemi, wondering who or what he ever was, and what do do with his body and his armor. Vel seemed happy that it was all over and that she was able to help. Tyrigan continued to work hard in the lab for a long while.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea as she leaned in the chest of Ace let out a sigh as she relaxed in his hold. She was glad at the very least that no more had to die for htis. She held Ace as she looked back to Decemi and wondered how she could fix him, if it were even possible. She looked around not wanting to see the carnage burried her head in Ace's chest once more. She held his shirt and then let out a heaving sigh, before speaking again-" more will haev to die." she said in her tears as she for once let her soft side show to the others.

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