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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 2: Crystal forest(done)

Ace (played by Ace)

Ace held Rea in his arms and stroked her head as he stared down to Rea. They sat there for what seemed like hours. Tyrigan went through several books and potions and things before he found a way to lift the curse from the whole forest easily, but not way to cure the people of it, only their future decedents. Tyrigan walked out of the lab hours later to see Vela sitting upright and looking around. Decemi dead and Rea and Ace.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea sat there with Ace as she saw Tyrigan eneter the room. She looked to him and nodded, as she whiped her face of her tears and smiled."Tyrigan, im guessing you found a way to cure the curse?" she asks rather curious as she tried to ignore the scene that lay before her, and attempt to cope with the loss of her friend. She also ignored the smell of blood and stattered stone dust that lie in the castle all a reminder of the carange.
Ace (played by Ace)

Tyrigan stands before them in his torn worn robes with his hands behind his back "It is over, The curse is no longer on the land, it may take some time, and future kin should be without the curse, but they say when the curse takes full grasp of you then it is too late..." Ace looks up to Tyrigan "What was the curse ever for?" Tyrigan looks around him "Power, And among conquering us, so we cant fight back, the energy it stole gave advantages and powered his machines, they shouldn't be able to work now." Tyrigan puts his hand on the sode of a Golem.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looks to Tyrigan as he comes back into the room and begins to speak. She let out a sigh staying put and looking to him."So that is what the curse is for. Perhaps with that dwarf he saw what my kin could do with such power. But glad that no one else nor the forest will have to suffer this curse anymore. To9o many have lost their lives for this. And let alone I have you all the nastier side of me." she said iwth a sigh as she stayed there not wanting to get up not wanting to leave decemi's body.
Ace (played by Ace)

Tyrigan walks off to the dwarf to see what he has on him "I would imagine a king would have a personal room we can raid to bring to the people." Ace looks down to the dwarf "I could do with the robe he has on, it seems long enough for me, and I -did- lose my clothes on this-" Ace stops at he is hit in the back of the head with a sword and he looks down to Decemi as the sword falls on the ground "One of the golem swords." Decemi is still on the ground with several swords in him but not the one on the floor.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

REa's brow raises as she hears the sound of a sword hitting the back of Ace's head. She looks around as well as Ace does to see that Decemi is immobile. She turns to him tilting her head wanting to know what caused it. "did that sword just move on its own? how...I must be going crazy." she said as she turned to look at Decemi and knew it wasn't possible for swords to move on their own.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace scratches the back of his head and stares at Decemi for a moment until a sword from his other side shoots out of him, leaving a red wound like hot metal. Ace jumps up and points to Decemi "Look! they are coming right out of him." Vel turns her head to look at everyone, uninterested in what was happening.

Decemi still laid there, perhaps unconscious from being stabbed so many times. Decemi may have marks where he was stabbed but he did not bleed, it looks just like red metal through the holes in most of his body.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea's brow raised again as she saw the swords shooting out of Decemi. Her eyes went wide seeing the holes burning she stared with ACe and looked to him."Is...this even possible?" she said amazed as she watched the scene unfold.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace watched again closely. After some time another sword shot out and Val ran up to Decemi and started pulling swords out of him. "Come on! at least help him." Ace would stand up and help pull swords out with vel until Decemi was free of them.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea watches the whole scene in complete shock, almost as if seeing everything was completely unbelivable. She pointed to Decemi and then to the swords. "" she said confused, in part her body tired from going berserk. She glanced to them again completely stunned.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace pulls out a sword and looks to Decemi "Well some of us turn into a source of pure dark energy to avoid death, I guess he passes out." Vela and Ace sit back as Decemi continues to lay there in his state. Ace looks around "now what?"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea blinks as she looked to Decemi and moved to him and looked to him. She gripped and pulled one of the swords of from him. She nods and a smile graces her lips. " She looks to the both of them and looks to him and then to Ace."Hmm if he did pass out...then I feel like a major idiot...tch... you better get up Dec..." she said as she crossed her arms and put on her usual game face.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace crosses his arms and stares down to Decemi for a minute. "He isn't waking up." Vel gets up and turns away "Check his breathing." Ace looks up to Vel "Maybe he doesn't breath."

Decemi lies there, still in his state.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea leans down and looks to Decemi as she puts a hand on the creature. She sighs and looks to Tyrgan with her usual hardened eyes."hey Tyrigan you wouldn't happen to know a lighting spell would you? Decemi might need a jolt to re-energize him" she said as she began to look over Decemi as if he were a child hood friend.
Ace (played by Ace)

Tyrigan seems to be missing from the whole area. Vel looks around and goes into the other room and yells "Tyrigan?" her words echo and silence falls for a moment before Tyrigan yells back "I doubt any of my powers would work now that the curse is gone, it thrived off of the curse, that was the point." he sounded busy in the other room.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out an exausted sige as she took another potion from her pack and drank it little by little as she looked to Decemi."Well that might not work....but we should be moving...after all im sure the people are more then likely curious to know of the events. " she said with a tired sigh as she knelt down and put a hand on the metal body of Decemi and looked over to Ace."SO your guess is as good as mine right about now. considering I have no idea to even know if he is working. But at the same time.....I don't know how the damned will react to Decemi." she said expressing concern for her friend.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace looks to Rea and stands up and looks around "So you think we should just leave him here and hope he catches up?"

Val goes into the other rooms of the fortress and finds Tyrigan in a library looking at books "What is going on?"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out a sigh as she looked to Ace and then to the d4ecemi on the floor. Glancing around she shurgged and and gave a look of discontent to Ace."Well, I suppose we can leave him here. Worse case scenario his memeory is gon and he won't know were to look. In that case ill come by to check....but we can leave him here....Oh by the way you think this Dwarf had a treasury room? I would love to get my hand on some of that gold." She said with a smile from her dark lips as she started to drool a little bit her old self and her playful personality returning.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace crosses his arms and looks around "I dunno, you think that Tyrigan guy would know?" Ace looks to one of the doors "Where did they both go anyways?" Ace looks down to his torn clothes and sighs before he goes over to the dwarf and shakes him out of his robes and slips them over his head. "Don't forget your daggers from his head."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out a sigh as she saw the other two had disappeared. She shook her head and walked to the dwarf and pulled her daggers out of the dwarfs head. She took the knives and wiped the blood off on her pant leg and re-holstered the knives. She sighed and looked around the place."Well i guess it couldn't hurt to looki around the place." she added.

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