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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 2: Crystal forest(done)

Ace (played by Ace)

Ace adjusts his new robes to his size and looks around "Alright well lets head into the other room, I think they went this way anyways." Ace walks past the big doors and goes through some more hallways where inactive golem still stood and the two others could be heard down the hallway in another room. Ace looks to Rea and then heads into the library to Tyrigan and Vel talking. Vel says "How could you do something like that?" Tyrigan looks to Rea "It's not a curse, they used it to make themselfs more powerful."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looks to Ace as she shrugs seeing him in the new robes. She sighed and looked to him and heard the voice of Vel and Tryigan.She walked down the hallway and looked to the library once she was in their. She tilted her head at the conversation and grew rather confused.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace raises his hands slightly out to his sides "Heeey...Any of you know if there is a treasure room in this place?" Tyrigan comes forward "There is some minor gold by his throne I bet or in his quarters, the man didn't want a fortune, he wanted knowledge and power." Tyrigan motioned to the large library "This is the biggest plunder we have on us." Ace looks to Rea "Well I guess you go back to the throne and pick out some gold and I will be looking through books, and then you have your payment from the king."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out a sigh and nodded and looked to Tryigan as he said the dwarf did not have gold. She sighed and shrugged."Well I suppose that little bit of will be fine. Im not to familiar when it comes to books. I really didn't read. But I guess looking around wont hurt." she said with a smile as she turned her heal and got ready to go to the throne room.
Ace (played by Ace)

Vel crosses her arms and looks at Ace and Tyrigan. Ace looks up and around at the library "Think there is a cool book for me around here? Some source of power or something?" Tyrigan looks down at his book "Well besides the books for the curse of the damned I think there are a few at the beginning about dark magic." Ace walks over to the back of the bookcases "Over here?" Tyrigan nods "Yeah." Then Tyrigan looks back to Vel.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked around the place as she got back into the throne room. She saw the miniscule pile of gold and sat on on knee and sighed. "well this is ceratianly miniscule not even worth taking." she let out a sigh and took the small coin purse and pocketed it. She then looked to Decemi whom was still on the ground. She knelt down and put her hand on him and patted him."well at least one of the dammned villagers will appreciate the money. Hey Decemi if you wake up, the gang and I will be back at the village." she said iwth a smile and patted him again before she left to go meet with the others.
Ace (played by Ace)

Decemi still remained silent and dead and the holes in his chest were gone but still left scars of red metal where he was stabbed. Ace looks through the library and its selections. Vela sighs and moves to the exit and turns around "Tyrigan, we are leaving and you are not bringing any books about the curse with you." Tyrigan looks to Vel "Or what?" Vel looks him in the eyes "Or I will have things done to you." Tyrigan opens his mouth in disagreement and Vel shuts him up with her raised tone "Those books are what caused this in the first place and I will not let them be used on other people or other lands do you understand me?" Tyrigan looks to Vel and keeps quiet. Vel looks down "We both know it is better if we all keep this under our skin." Tyrigan sighs and closes his book. "But I don't know get it back to good..." Vel nods "That goes for you too Ace." Ace looks back to Vel "Got it, just stuff that isn't about the curse." Ace continues to read on.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea poked her head into the library room hearing the others talking about the books. She looked to them as he said that most of those books were about the curse."Well if those books are about the curse, then why not rip out the pages that tell of how to use the curse, and or hide away the pageds to keep others from using it." she said with a smile.
Ace (played by Ace)

Vela thinks for a moment "No we need to do something better." Ace comes back with his book. Tyrigan says "No! we should keep it here at least!" Ace casually says "Well can't we just go? we came and did what we needed to."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea lifted up a finger as she looked to the arguing group and sighed."Well wouldn't it be better to seal it in a vault with a magical seal that will prevent others from seeing it?" she asked cuirous.
Ace (played by Ace)

Vel yells "We have to burn it!" Tyrigan yells "We have to keep it safe!" Ace sighs "I'm going back to the city, we have to report back our success." Ace just walks away from the arguing people and out to the throne room back from where they came.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out a sigh as she heard the two of them arguing. Clapping her hads she looked to them both."alright you two, burning it is not an option. Yes it may be dangerous, but. If someone were to figure this curse out witout a spell. This is the only text to say how to reverse it." she said raising a brow and crossing her arms.
Ace (played by Ace)

Vel looks to Rea "Rea, we don't have a 'magic vault' to keep the spells in and if it gets out then at one point someone will use the spell until the wrong person gets a hold of the books and has all control over it." Tyrigan steps forward "Then the Kara will take care of the books, my people can do this." Vel steps into Tyrigan's "They never could and you know it."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out a sigh again as she turned to him and then shook her head,"Well I see that there isn't a magic vault of the sort. Then how about leaving the book in the hands of those that know of it and or, someone that has no knowldege of it. We shouldn't let anyone else know of this book. In my opinion." She said with a sigh turning to him.
Ace (played by Ace)

Tyrigan held his book close to him "Then My people and all of the Kara will keep the books safe." Vel looked in anger as tyrigan stormed out "This is not over." Velasandra leaves the castle behind tyrigan, leaving Rea and Decemi alone inside the castle.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea put her hand down in a sigh of disapproval and shook her head. She walked out and went back to the room were decemi was. She could leave with the others back to the king. But at the time being she was concerned for the still immoblie Decemi.
Ace (played by Ace)

Only after everyone but Rea has left and Rea begins to follow after the others who have left her behind, Decemi Rises up and his eyes flicker on and he looks around. He seem wounded still with stabwounds and cannon ball dents in him.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out a sigh as she walked down the corridor rubbing her temples. Hearing Tyrigan and Vel going at it, she wondered just how things were going to go once they got back to the kings castle. She let out another sigh as she got back to the throne room and saw the once fallen Decemi standing. She blinked and looked to him and smiled."d--Decemi?! are you really standing?"
Ace (played by Ace)

Decemi looks to Rea and raises his finger like he is about to say something and he pauses then points to the deactivated giant golem "Can I have that shield? That is a strong shield" Decemi then walks over to the golem with their giant shields and swords "And this sword!"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea smiled as she saw Decemi pointing to the shield and the sword. She laughed and nodded. "But of course my friend you can have those. You need something to protect yourself as well. We will have to find a way to repair you as well." she said with a laugh and waited for him.

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