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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 2: Crystal forest(done)

Ace (played by Ace)

Decemi Walks over to the Golem and takes away its sword and shield and holds them both, he does not seem to have any way of keeping them holstered. Decemi looks to Rea "I just need more cores." Decemi flashes a smile on his face for a brief second and goes back to his normal face "The others are on their way to the city, should we follow them for your reward?"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out a sigh as she looked to him and nodded."well if you do need more cores do you think there should be some here that are still intact? If so we can do that to repair you. After all I don't need one of my friends still banged up. And if not then we should follow the others so they will not think that I deserted them." she said with a smile again responding to Decemi's small smile. She just hoped that they were some still intact. And after all she was ceritan the dammed people would be curious where she went as well, after her bold display of power.
Decemi (played by Ace)

Decemi showed a smile on his face and took the shield and sword in his hands and held them heroically "Now let's go back to the fort." Decemi looks down to his weapons. His size is utterly massive and it is questionable whether he will be able to go up the small spiral stairs they came in on. Decemi looks to one of the big doors in the room and walks on down the hallway and looks at a somewhat big wooden door and he has no hands to open the door but he could easily smash it open but still looks to Rea and asks "Can you open this door for me?" Wooden doors seem too alien for Decemi to operate.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked to Decemi and smiled as she saw his growing smile. She nodded at the wooden doors as she opened them. She grew rather relived that for the most part things were growing peaceful."Ah sure thing Decemi. Ill get the doors open and hey, we'll meet up with the others." she said with a nod as she waited for the massive Decemi to get through.
Decemi (played by Ace)

Decemi looked forward to the big open shaft leading up to the surface level and no elevator on that floor, only a big gap a few levels down with golem standing at attention at the very bottom. Decemi looks down and then looks up to the top. Decemi looks to Rea "Here is the plan, I need you to put this sword and shield on your back and hold onto me." Decemi hands over his big heavy sword and his giant shield to Rea "Then hold onto me while I scale this to the surface, or you can go around and use the stairs and I can scale this on my own."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea gulped looking at the massive sword and shield she was grateful she wasn't human or a normal elf either. She took the sword and shield with a bit of struggle and put it on her back. She looked to him and then held onto his back, securing herself with a strong leather cord around his waist to hers. "Alright Decemi, here we go."
Decemi (played by Ace)

Decemi waited for Rea to get attached and he leaped up the shaft weightlessly and climbed up the side of the shaft at a quick pace and got to the top in no time to the already open doors to the forests and he planted his feet on the ground "We are here." The forest lit up in beautiful shades of sapphire comepared to last time they saw it.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out a sigh as she looked at the outside. Everything was a sparkling sapphire. Her eyes lite up in amazement at the sight. She looked to Decemi smiling as she was still on his back."wow Dec, we went up that shaft in no time. could i stay on you back until we catch up to the others? after being here i have grown to like this." she said wieth a big and bright smile as she let her grey eyes still take in the beauty of the forest.
Decemi (played by Ace)

Decemi continued to walk down the path of the shut down golem until he made it to the city to see Chizen's fort torn down and the people and Chizen rebuilding the town hall already. Decemi got there just as Ace had gotten there to see them both. "You both made it pretty fast." Ace looked up at Decemi with a stoic stare. "It is time we reported our success and got our reward, meet me back at Chizen's cart when you are ready...after I find it." Ace looks around and runs up to Chizen by the new town hall.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out a yawn as she looked to Ace and the town. While she was on Decemi's back she had fallen asleep. She unlatched herself and nearly fell to the ground from Decemi's heavy weapons. She looked to Decemi with a grunt."Oi, nice to see ya again Ace. And Decemi these weapons of yours are a little heavy on my back. " she said with a laugh lookinbg to him.
Ace (played by Ace)

Decemi looked down at Rea and his weapons "Well hand them over, I would like to have them now that I don't have to carry you." Lupe walks by around the construction Chizen has going on and she runs up and jumps onto Rea "You made it!"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looks to Lupe with a big smile as she looks to her as she hands Decemi's weapons over to him and immediatly hugged Lupe."Yes I did lupe, how are you? your not hurt are you?" she asked with a smile concerend for her well being.
Ace (played by Ace)

Decemi smiles and takes his weapons and holds them heroically.Lupe smiles and hugs Rea with slight concern on her face "Yeah I'm fine, just burnt my clothes a little bit." Ace sees Chizen and runs up to him "Chizen! I need you to report our situation." Chizen nods "I will get right on that as soon as I rebuild my cart." Chizen goes back to his work and Ace sighs. Amongst the city they cheer Tyrigan and Vela for their heroism and they move their way to work and to cheer and thank Rea and Lupe. Ace sees Vela and her anger and he thinks she is about to do something Tyrigan might not like and he runs up to her and puts his hand on her shoulder and turns her around "Vela." Vela looks at him with anger "Not now Romeo!" Ace looks down into her eyes "You called me Romeo when first met." She looks to him in surprise "I..always call you Romeo..." Ace smiles to her "Well I like it when you call me Romeo." Ace looks to the side and back to her "Forget about all this." He looks her in the eyes and she quickly leans into him and kisses him.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea smiles loking to Lupe with a big smile as she kept ahold of her. "Oh that is wonderful, well minus your clothes getting burnt. Im just glad we could help out these people. Oh Lupe the forest back there is beautiful it is full of saphire blues and wonderful sparkling colors....hehe and the jewels"she says as she starts to drool thinking about gold and riches again.
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe smiles and nods "You should have seen when the whole forest went from black to blue in a wave! It was great!" Decemi stands in triumph with his shield out and to the side and his sword pointed at the air as people cheer and a damned girl paints Decemi on a canvas, portraying his heroic efforts. Ace and Vel kiss and Vel pulls away, looks down and sighs "Fine...but we have rebuilding to do." Ace scratches his head "Yeah and we have someplace we have to be." Vel walks back to her people and looks back to Ace "Tell me before you leave." Ace gives a salute as she leaves.

Some time later
Chizen finishes up his cart, the people have settled down and it is already getting darker outside. Lupe sits on the side of the cart. Ace and Chizen both report their adventure to the communication device. Decemi continues to pose in his exact same pose as before as the artist finishes her painting.
Ace puts his hands together and stands on the cart "Alright everyone, we are hero's now so get a nice rest tonight because we are going to be hero's again soon if this spree of adventures keeps up." Lupe looks up to Ace "Are we going somewhere else?" Ace says in hushed tones "We are going to Chronos, home of the Chromo-knights." Chizen keeps his arms crossed "Yeah and you can all stay there on your own, I'm not stayin' anywhere close to Chronos." Ace nods and lowers his hand at Chizen "Your hatred for the Chromo's is noted." Ace takes a bag full of gems and tossed it to Rea "Rea Selyore, the king announces that you are no longer needed for the upcoming missions for the kingdom however because of your show of skill and saving the rest of the crew then you are invited to stay as long as we can use your help." Ace says very formally before reaching to his side and pulling out the Dwarfs sword and says normally "And I got you this from the Dwarfs dead body, for helping us, and I thought it better that these guys didn't get a hold of it." Ace hands Rea The sword of the dead tyrant. Ace goes around and gives everyone else small rewards besides Decemi who was content with his weapons. Very content as he continued his heroic pose for the painter.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out a smile as she looked to the cheering faces of the crowd. it was almost nostalgic. At the same time Rea grew a bit uneasy unused to the loud noises of laughter and joy. She put on a smile on her lips and continued to smile as she looked to them all. She took the sword from Ace and looked at it. The sword from the fallen Tyrant. She shrugged and holstered it onto her back as she looked to Ace at his mention of Chrono knights. Her face then turned to a blank stare."chrono knights? Chromo realm? what is that?" she asked as a child would.
Ace (played by Ace)

Chizen walks off to his already made tent to sleep out in with all sorts of patterns along the side of the tent, Ace watches him. Lupe talks to Rea "The Chomoknights are these weirdo's that don't like many other people including Trenzor, elfs and magic, some say they are time travelers or something or that they are people made of Chrome!" Ace looks to Lupe "Yeah well I don't think any of us have met a Chromoknight before or whatever they are, besides Chizen and he doesn't seem opposed to us going, he just doesn't seem to like them. My brother tells us that Chrono...chronos's's's.. The town! or whatever has six or so leaders like a senate or a cult or something, half of the leaders are dead and they are in trouble, Chronos also has enough armed forces and technology to raise all of Trenzor off Lurisca...not only that but they don't like us. My brother said it would help if we helped them out with this problem they have, like a mystery or something, as to make relations between us better." Ace scratches his head "I honestly have no idea what we will be doing, he said it might be dangerous and he only requests me and Decemi go in and Chizen deliver us, anyone else is cautioned." Ace looks to Lupe "Come to think of it, you think you will be okay there?" Lupe thinks "Uuhhmm... well....."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea's ear twitches as she looked over to Ace's words at the sound of danger. "oh my, so they are made of chrome? how is that even possible. and the thought of creatures being made out of some weird metal. but ill keep on and join the fight as well. It will be fun. " she said with a smile as she held onto Lupe holding her close. "so Ace are we going back to your bro and then from there?" she asked again her lips turning up with a mischevious smile.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace shakes his head no "Nope, it is faster just to go right there, it is in the center of the Lurisca desert." Lupe smiles and looks to Rea before nodding "Sounds great. Hopefully I can get some new clothes somewhere tho, all I have is this dress and an extra change." Ace looks at them both "Get what you need done tonight and tomorrow we will be off to Chronos got it?" Lupe Salutes Ace "Yes sir." Decemi salutes and Faces Ace, screwing with the painters art.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea smiled as she winked to Lupe and giggled. then she turned her head to ACe" ah so, we just go straight back to the dessert. Should we recoup a little bit before we head out? I mean im sure we could all go for a bath or two." she said with a laugh ready for the next adventure however, she wanted to enjoy creature comforts.

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