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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 2: Crystal forest(done)

Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

REa let out a long laugh and a happy giggle as she held Lupes hand as they headed to a bath house. "This is going to be fun Lupe. We haven't had a bath in such a long time. Come on ill treat you to a wonderful dinner as well. " she said with a laugh as she continued to let Lupe tug her along.
Ace (played by Ace)

The next morning Ace gets up early along with Chizen and they await at Chizen's cart. Ace asks Decemi to go obtain Rea and Lupe and Decemi comes back with them before ten. Lupe rubs her eyes "It's too early..."
Ace crosses his arms "Well wake up and get dressed in the next fifteen minutes and then we are leaving."
Ace still wearing his dark mage robes from the dark castle. Chizen has his tent cleaned up and he wears a new set of leather armor with a leather helmet and is sitting by his cart waiting. Decemi continues to have his sword and shield and his red scars along his body and he politely sits on the cart awaiting the adventure to continue.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea half alseep as well nearly ran into Chizen's chart trying to get ready. She groaned wearing a new pair of armor and her twin daggers at her waist, her longsword on her back. " fifteen minutes? do we have to go just yet?" she whined as she began to eat a piece of bread still yawning. Her eyes still not fully awake as of yet. She looked to Lupe as she handed her the bread for her breakfast. She looked to Ace almost with her tounge sticking out as she yawned. She didn't want to go yet, well not when she wasn't awake.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace yawns "Yeah it would be better if we did, we are meeting like a king, or three, I assume they would want to see us in the morning." Ace scratches the back of his head "We should get going soon is all I'm saying." Lupe yawns "Fine fine..." Lupe takes the bread and munches on it. Velasandra walks up in to the cart in hooded leather armor and pulls down her hood "I want to thank you all for helping us, you surely helped these people in their time of need." She puts her hands in her lap and looks over the staring adventurers.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea nods again as she turns to walk and climb into the cart. She let out a yelp feeling the side of the cart meet her face. She groaned again not doing well when she is sleepy. "ow..ow...yeah im sure they want to meet us bright and early thats for sure. Im not too go in the first bits of the morning. " she said again as she put her hands on the edge of the cart getting ready to climb up. Once she moved to get up she feels off the cart landing on the ground with a thud.
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe helps Rea up onto the cart "Aw come on silly." Ace looks to Vela. Vela asks "Where are you all off to next?" Ace says "Back to Trenzor, the King urgently needs us back." Vela asks "Trouble in the kingdom?" Ace nods "Something like that but we have it covered." Ace sits on the cart "I will return soon." Ace smiles and Vela smiles back "Do return soon Romeo." Chizen cranks up his cart and the adventurers set out into the desert once more!
Ace (played by Ace)

The Adventurers now set out to their next epic adventure!Chaos over Chronos

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