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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 2: Crystal forest(done)

Ace (played by Ace)

Decemi looks to Rea "Anything is possible." Ace points off to the sand "I'm pretty sure I can see his path." Decemi points with Ace "And I see someone that direction out a short distance away." Lupe holds Rea's hand and looks to Decemi " you have our stuff in your chest?" Decemi nods to Lupe "I do"
Lupe says " you mind continuing to keep them in your chest?" Decemi nods. our adventurers get ever closer to finding their man.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea smiled as she held Lupe's hand it was comforting. She said as she looked ahead as she pulled up her long boots. "well lets get going then." she said with a firm glance wanting to quickly put the entire ordeal behind. Them she wanted to be out of the sun in case they had another episiode.
Ace (played by Ace)

The adventurers travel further and further through the desert and the sun rises against the horizon and Ace spots the next camp and gunfire shots can be heard from a long ways away. Ace points "There, I see him, he looks like he is in trouble. Decemi looks to the others "Should I rush to help them or wait for all of you to get there?" Decemi looks to everyone Ace nods to Decemi "Yeah make sure he doesn't end up dead."Lupe takes her crossbow "are you sure we will be alright? what is attacking him anyways?"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

"who cares what is attacking him all that matters is we help him." she said unsheathing her daggers for quick movement as she looked at them."ACe get there as Lupe said just go ill be right behind." she said glancing at him as she got ready to rush to adie the man after they got close.
Decemi (played by Ace)

Decemi rushes twards the far off camp at high speeds doing small jumps as he travels. Chizen fights off the sandy elemental tornado's that grow to larger heights to intimidate the man but he is not scared off one bit, all he has is a small campsite and a few automatic mechanical turrets shooting at the heart of the tornado's where their life lies and he fires his rifles and shotguns, switching weapons often as he has alot of supply's but not many people to help him, all the while keeping his machines up and running like a diehard engineer. Decemi arrives and begins smashing the tornado's with much ease as he begins to shield himself and Chizen from attacks, the tornado's put up a fight against the two but Chizen's turrets seem to be doing better against Decemi as they automatically target the unknown figure. The turrets pop holes through Decemi's shield and bounce off of his armor but would still hurt any normal man inside the armor. As soon as the tornado's thin in numbers then Chizen begins hopping into his amaising cart and he turns his turrets to only shoot the elemental's and they begin shooting the correct targets, by the time Rea gets there then she shouldn't have a problem helping, as more and more tornado's form.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

REa as she finally got to the site saw the sandy tornados. She cringed feeling the sand skid across her skin, she growled trying to target the elementals. She slunk back and begin to target were the source of the sandstorms are being created from. She cringed as the bright dessert light hurt her eyes."dammit were Whoa!!" she said before she had the change a sand tornado was formed mere inches away from her. She groaned as she jumped backwards she grabbed from her sac wine and the then grabbed her daggers and created a spark, once she did she spat the wine creating a flame and setting the tornaodo on fire. she stood there as part of the tornado started to turn to glass. She then sliced her daggers into the spot shattering it. she winced feeling her lips blister. she continued to cut her blades down on it bringing it down, she sighed as she felt part of her skin on her arms chaffed raw. She looked at the others forming and groaned."how the hell am i supposed to fight these things?" she said agitated.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace arrives and begins drifting off of the sand and flouting inches from the ground and he casts magic from his hands to afflict the closest tornado to him then he looks to another and sends half the magic from the first to the second and then sends more magic to the first and continues to chain more and more elementals into his magical binding, hurting them as he picks new targets, the first being the weakest and moving on and on and as more form then he binds more in until the first one dies and then he tethers the last to the second and he pulls them by their cores to one spot and Lupe fires the first bolt of the crossbow at the ground and it slashes through all of them and Ace unbinds them and leaches the magical damage he did out of them and he sucks it back to himself and he directs it into more damage that he holds onto. The group of elementals die from Aces work, all but a few that are cleaned up by Chizen and only a small amount are left afterwords. Ace finds another elemental and uses small bursts of magic waves to his target and kills them in one burst one by one. Lupe goes to hide behind Ace and guard him as she loaded her second bolt into the crossbow. Chizen goes before Rea and looks to her, he was human, with dark short hair and a very large and muscular build on him, he shouts at Rea in a commanding tone "Get in there, stab them once in the heart and move on and we can finish em!" Decemi shields and protects Chizen from more attacks, as the elements seem to all be attacking him.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea winced feeling her arm split and bled though hearing the black haired man tell her how to kill the things she nodded. She grabbed her gladious as soon as she resheated her daggers and then dove towards one of the cyclones head on stabbing it in the heart as she was told. She hoped out of it as she jumped to the next one. After she quickly slashed it her skin becoming raw, she steeped down on the ground loosign her footing as she pated her skin starting to bleed."Dammit these things are tough." she said wtih a gasp as she stood there keeping her balance waiting to take down another.
Decemi (played by Ace)

Decemi shields Rea and continues punching the tornado's Chizen finishes off the tornado's Rea starts and Ace destroys each of his tornado's slowly one by one in one shot. The tornado's stop moving and they stop generating and their cores and the sand fall to the ground. Ace shoots his remaining energy into Rea after seeing she is hurt Ace's energy rejuvenates her energy but not her body. Decemi also shoots a bolt of healing to Rea that heals her body. Rea should still feel rough but she shouldn't feel too bad.
Chizen holds his gun over his shoulder "Im Chizen Fogheart, what can I do for you folks?"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out a sigh of releif as she feels the pain ebbing away. She smiled feeling Decemi's healing power over her body healing it. She sighed resheathed her Gladious as she looked to the two of them."thanks Ace, Decemi. If you please Ace i dont want my vulgarity to ruin anything." she says as she walks over to Decemi leaning against him using him to help support some of her weight. She was grateful she had companions to help her in healing, she only wished she was wearing a leather hide. She began to think getting some leather armor to protect her delicate skin.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace grounds himself and bows to Chizen "Lipth has sent us to request your aid." Chizen nods "So what do you folks need?" Ace says "Well we need food and logistics and transport, aswell as the kind said you would give us our new orders." Chizen nods "With my communicator no doubt, Ill be sure to turn that on and get new orders for you, this is the lady lasher, my ride. Chizen motions to his cart "And this is my camp where you will be staying, I will expand it for you by nightfall.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked at Ace and how much manners he could conduct all the while she was starting to zone out feeling the effects of both Ace and Decemi's magic."holy hell...i feel wonderous...." she said as she fell limp on the ground. She looked up at the sky, and then she would conduct herself better later. For the moment she was going to lie there and let her body heal. she looked to Ace and smiled."wow...i dont know what kind of magic that was..but holy hell i feel greeeat.!" she said with a smile looking to Ace she looked around and the looked for lupe."weres lupe?"
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe drops her crossbow and she runs over to Rea and drops to her knees before her "I'm here Rea!" Chizen looks to the two girls "So...what's with those two?" Ace looks to them "Hell I dunno, lovers." Ace shrugs and Chizen nods "Well where I come from that aint right." Ace shrugs "Where I come from we consider that...pretty epic."Chizen walks over to his Cart "So ol Lipth wants my help again, yer his brother arent yah?" Ace nods "Yeah, I'm Kalor, but I go by Ace." Ace and Chizen shake hands. Ace looks over Chizen's cart "So, this is the lady? May I ask how she goes from place to place?" Chizen hops in the cart with his spare parts and machinery "She's mechanical, moves on her own when I get er to." Ace nods "So She is like a big horse or a magic carpet?" Chizen takes out some spare parts for his turrets "Id prefer magic carpet." Ace nods "Yeah, I can understand why you would, so how about these turrets?" Chizen hops out of the cart and starts walking to his turrets "Well..." Chizen looks to Decemi as he is bent over looking at the turrets and poking one of them then looking to Chizen. Chizen moves closer "You mind?" he moves Decemi out of the way to repair his turrets. Decemi steps back and puts his hands behind his back. Ace looks over to Decemi "Say Decemi, do you think you could find that destiny elf we are looking for?" Chizen laughs "You after a destiny elf? What for?" Decemi nods "Yes but I do not know who we are looking for or what she would look much like, or where to look." Ace looks to Chizen "Kalor wants us to carry out her destiny, help her." Chizen nods "Right well, Just remember I dont help storm no castles or anything, Im purely here to help and defend as need be."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea smiled seeing Lupe drop to her knees, she brought her hand and put it to Lupes face and smiled gently rubbing it."There you are I was wondering were you ran off to. Or better yet if you were okay, that sand would have tore your lovely purple skin to after this weres off....we should probally find out what made us hallucinate in the desert. In case it might happen again." she said with a bright smile as she kept her hand on Lupe's face. She couldn't help but laugh hearing Chizen comment that being female lovers wasn't right. Who said it wasn't? after all she did like both guys and girls, though she wouldn't stand to be in the presence of a pompous male drow with his ego to the max. She did like guys as well though Lupe on the other hand was beautiful and so gentle. She smiled as she ran a finger to lupes lips and smiled."your going to have to be careful, this weather dries out your lips." she said still feeling high from Ace's magic.
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe smiles and sighs "I'm fine Rea...and yes we should find out why we all went crazy." Lupe stands and looks to Ace and the new fellow "Excuse me sir but on our way here we all started seeing things and began dreaming uncontrollably, do you have any idea why this is?" Chizen works on his turrets "I cant say what that is exactly but I hear alcohol is good for preventing it and curing it of you, some people say its ghosts or something." Ace looks to Rea and Lupe and shrugs then looks back to Chizen "Right so when will you get this communicator working?" Chizen continues fixing his turrets "After I work on protecting us from harm, then the communicator, after that I will give word to the Kalor and before you know it he will respond, in that time I will set up beds and tents for you all."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea got up from were she was stitting, she smiled as she slightly stood her body feeling better. She grinned looking at the group."oh great Alochol. well then im a serious light weight at the moment. But thanks, and after a bit we can finaly get to the camp. I feel this sun is going to bake my skin off" she said as she rubbed her healed arm and her face. She tried to rub some of the spot being baked by the sun.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace sighs "Chizen, do you have any sort of tent or something I can set up while you are at this repairing stuff?" Chizen continues working on his turrets "Ill get that for you to set up as soon as these are finished." Ace shrugs to Lupe and Rea. Decemi stares up into the sun dauntingly. Lupe smiles and holds Rea's face. Chizen takes his time then moves over to the next to turrets and repairs them both quickly and he goes back over to his cart and takes out parts for a tent then parts for his communicator. Ace takes the parts to the tent and Decemi assists him and thanks to Decemi's help then they set it up very quickly. It was small but enough for Rea.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea smiled and closed her eyes and stuck her tounge out as her face aas held by lupe. Her skin was hot and she hugged lupe and waived to ace then chizen. "thanks Ace and Chizen. Im really not built for the desert but ill manage." She said with a smile as she cralwed under the tent enjoying the shade. "haa...this feels soo much better." She said with a smile as she looked to the group."so about how long will that communicator thingy take to fix. Im rather ignorant of that technology."she said honestly.
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe starts dragging Rea into the tent "Excuse me Mr Chizen, do you happen to have an umbrella that we could use?" As Chizen works on his machine then it makes a huge spark "Ah uhh no but I could make one." Lupe gets up from Rea's side and goes out of the tent and walks over to Chizen "Could I help with any of this? I'm young but I'm an adept when it comes to things like this." Chizen sighs and looks to Lupe "Listen sweetheart, not that an elf cant do this stuff or the fact that yer a lady but on those facts and the fact that you don't know the first thing about these machines or machines in general then perhaps another time." Lupe sighs and goes back over to Rea. Chizen looks to Ace "Your Lipth's brother, you any good at this stuff?" Ace shrugs "I know basic circuitry." Chizen looks to Ace "Really?" Ace shakes his head no "Nah I don't even know how to use my brothers personal toaster." Chizen goes back to his work "Yeah but that toaster was pretty complicated, I made it myself for him." Decemi goes over to the cart up to Ace "There are three females on this side of the desert, three elf, two here, the other near the center of the south end of the desert, she is not moving very much." Chizen nods "that's a ways away, we may head there tomorrow."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea's brow furrowed hearing the mans harsh words."hey bone head, just cuz shes a lady doesn't mean she isn't capable of handling herself. mind your tounge, i am very very ill tempered and since i havent eaten anything today im worse. So easy on the snide comments" she said raised a brow towards him as she sat under the tent."so maybe if you were to show us this techno mubo jumbo maybe eh? but will stay out of it. well do anything we can to help." she said with a smile and then looked to Rea and then held Lupes hand rubbing her hand and then kissed the back of it."dont worry my dear, ill make sure insult thee. As for men I tend to like ones that are firm and unafraid to tame me." she said with a laugh almost as if it was impossible.

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