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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 2: Crystal forest(done)

Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe points her finger at Rea "Hey! don't disrespect this guy, he wasn't trying to disrespect me and I'm not trying to disrespect him, he was simply saying that he does not have time to teach an elf girl who knows nothing of his machines." Lupe sits next to Rea "I don't mean to say women belong under men but know your place in this situation." Chizen seems to keep to himself. Ace goes over to Decemi "So what is she doing?" Decemi looks in the direction "She is laying in the sand." Ace looks that way "Is she hurt? or dead?" Decemi continues to stare "Not dead, she seems a bit Ill, she is in a strange place, in the middle of the desert but not." Ace looks that way "Right, so she is there and somewhere else, I hope she doesn't disspeer or die by the time we get there." Lupe looks to Rea "You stay right here." Rea gets up and heads out of the tent "Decemi, can I have my bag back?" Decemi opens his chest and takes out Lupe's bag and tosses it to Lupe and Lupe heads back to the tent, Chizen gets an eye full of Decemi as he continues to mess around in his cart. Lupe goes into the tent and pulls out some bread and some water "Here you are darling."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looks to the group as she looks down as Lupe scolds her for disrespecting. She blushed looking away and rubbing her shoulders."oh okay im sorry, i just felt as if he was disrespecting you." she said with a shy frown as she saw Lupe go to her bag and pull out bread and water. She took a small bit and then ate it making the bread last."thankyou lupe, and i appologize for my rudeness chizen." she said as she stayed under the small tent.
Ace (played by Ace)

As time goes on then the team starts feeling the effects of staying up the whole night dancing, Lupe retires next to Rea, Ace spy's on the farout girl with Decemi and lays on a rug and falls asleep. Chizen at one point begins setting up tents around their choices of rest. After setting up the camp then Chizen planned out their new path with Decemi, finding where they would need to go, perhaps getting word from the king.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea after they spent the night enjoying themselves crashed in the tent with Lupe next to her. She smiled in her sleep and she snuggled agains't her not letting go. At least the night was cool and Rea Slept soundly. She even got to the point were she was so comfortable mid way in her sleep she took of her shirt and slept with her bra and just pants on. She slept soundl again Lupe keeping her warm.
Ace (played by Ace)

As it comes closer to dawn then Lupe opens her eyes and shifts with Rea around her, she swallows and doesn't say much, she was used to waking bright and early but she couldn't go anywhere or do much.
Chizen set up his plans and got his cart ready to travel but he left his turrets up, he had guessed that he would need them by morning before they left. Decemi spent his night digging in the sand for a few things he could find, some artifacts and some Lurica wine bottles and some bones, he seems amused by his work.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea awoke early morning feeling lupe shifting. She yawnd and let go of the night elf, she rubbed her eyes sleepily as she smiled to lupe. "morning beautiful. Wow are the others up already?" She asked a she stretched and then looked around.
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe stretched and tilted her head uncomfortably "I dunno..." Outside the sun arose and Chizen set up a few cases next to the tents to be packet up very quickly when everyone was ready and he cooked some breakfast and set up his cart to start to head off all while people bothered to wake up. Decemi finds a map and tosses it int the small pile of loot and it falls on to Ace's face and Ace wakes up from the desert with tanned skin and he looks around "Are we under attack?"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea gets up from the tent and yawns and she looks to ACe as he wakes up."well no Ace were not under attack." she says as she gets up and wraps a scarf around her head. She smiles as she stretches and looks at the others and waits for Lupe to get out of the tent before she starts to pack it up.
Ace (played by Ace)

A nearby siren from Chizen's cart goes off and makes loud noises and Chizen's turrets begin firing slowly and Chizen yells "We are under attack!" Chizen dismounts his cart with a wrench in his hand and a shotgun at his side and a whole lot of parts strapped on his back and he tends to his turrets as more sandy elementals begin to show up from a long ways away from the north. Decemi dashes off and begins charging elementals, Ace and Lupe awake slowly.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea groans as she hears the siren go off again and she sees the elementals in the distance. She sighs as she grabs some more fabric to cover her exposed skin. She smiles and kisses lupe."dam those bloody elementals. ill be back." she said as she sped off towards the elementals remebering what she was told last time.
Ace (played by Ace)

Chizen upgrades a turret and it starts shooting at high speeds at the elements and he better roots the turrets and moves on to the next quickly. Decemi seems surrounded by the elements, he doesn't seem to do much damage to them but they don't seem to be doing damage to him either, so Decemi and the small group of elements fight it out on their own.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea kept her daggers arched as she sliced through the core of the elementals snd waited for the other to deliver the finishing blow. She smiled as she hoped to another."good work Decemei" she called out as she struck another elemental.
Ace (played by Ace)

It is not long before the tornado's around Decemi begin to form a huge elemental of sand around him and the great elemental looks down at the encampment and Ace gets out of his tent "Alright I'm ready!" he then looks up to the great elemental "Oh great..." Ace grabs Lupe and runs with as the great elemental smashes the tents down, Chizen begins to lob some explosives into it and causes sand to explode everywhere, then he begins shooting it with a rifle at its heart, Chizen's turrets focus on the smaller elemental's.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea fell to her knees seeing the giant elemental that had formed and it started to wreck the camp. She saw Lupe and Ace running for their lives, she quickly sped to help decemi as she jumped and sliced through the core of several elementals. "Decemi you okay?" she said as she landed near him when she finsihed slicing the cores.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace takes lupe off to the side and Lupe readies her crossbow to fire at the elemental, Ace begins flouting once more and he flings magic tendrils into the tornado. The tornado raises its fists and throws them down right before chizen's cart and he launches everything else a long ways and sends sand every way outward and the sand blinds most of the crew as Lupe loads her crossbow. Ace stops casting from the blindness and the sand swirls in a cone back into the tornado and clears and the cart reveals that it is unhindered and Chizen stands atop his cart and he points to the tornado "I don't think so!" Then chizen's cart makes a large pulse that sends the sand that forms the tornado away and all that is left are sand that make up the inner skeletal limbs of the tornado and the core of it all in the center with Decemi flying in front of it just punching a big dent into the core and he yells out "Well I'm fine!" The pulse seemed just the right kind to send loose sand flying but not much else. Lupe aims her crossbow at the core and shoot a bolt that strikes the elemental's core and deals alot of damage to him. Ace casts a big dark magic chain into the arrow and he yanks it out and he strikes another tendril to the core and nearly rips a hole through the outer shell and Decemi punches at the hole. Chizen sets up his turrets once more. Lupe yells as she reloads "Rea! attack the weakspot!" The elemental begins to regain its sandy torrent around itself and will be back to how it started quickly.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea quickly watches the others as they punched through the core of the elemental creating a weak spot. Once the others gave.the word, she jumped up slamming her daggers into the soft spot in the core embedding them. Rea held onto to them dangling in mid air as she forced the daggers deeper. Once she felt it give way she let go of her daggers falling into the sand she covered her face with her scarf bracing herself as she hit. She let out a pained grunt as she was in the sand, she lied there for a moment trying tobregainbthe breath that was knocked out of her.
Ace (played by Ace)

The elemental twisted in pain and regained it's cone of sand and Decemi was quickly covered in sand once more. Chizen aimed his turrets back at the tornado and it began firing rapidly at it. Ace rips out things with his tendril's like a few husks from the elemenal's outer core and one of Rea's daggers. Lupe aims her crossbow at where she thought the core was but she shoots her bolt and it goes right through the sand and comes out the other side and she reloads.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea gets up from the dent of sand and shakes her self of it as she looks at the elemental."damm why is thing tougher then the rest?" she yelled as she jumped at the core with her other dagger getting past the sandy torrents striking at the core again before she landed on her feet again."what the hell next?!" she yelled looking at him.
Ace (played by Ace)

The giant tornado monster groans and shifts uncomfortably and focuses down on Ace and shoots a giant sandy spike down at him and a big ball of light flies out of him and hits Ace first and Shields him, the ball was from Decemi no doubt. Ace was unexpective about the ball of light hitting him that he stood there and the spike impaled through the shield and Ace's chest and went through him and decayed back into sand quickly after. Ace falls back, stunned from the attack made on him and Lupe looks over to Ace and drops her crossbow "Ace!" another big ball of light comes from the tornado and shields Lupe as Ace lets out a dark pulse of energy and turns into a dark purple form of energy and leaps up a great distance, all the way up to the tornado's core and he strikes it once and pulses once more and the sand flies away and the core shatters, Ace leaps back and absorbs the rest of the core's life and looks to the sand and pulls out a burried sheet from a knocked down tent they had up and he lays it over the sand and falls ontop of it and returns to his normal self, healed from his impalement and he passes out.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea coughed up sand as she shook herself seeing Ace get impaled she dropped her other dagger and ran over to Lupe and ACe. She looked to lupe and then to Dcemi."will he be alright? i dont know if i could survive....never mind...i just hope he'll be alright. im not a doctor or anything..." she said with concern, she didn't want to lose another friend.

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