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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 2: Crystal forest(done)

Ace (played by Ace)

Ace lays there passed out, Lupe goes over to see if he is okay and she remains at his side. Chizen quickly grabs a spade and throws it square to Decemi "Catch." and the spade hits Decemi's chest and falls to the ground and Decemi looks down to the spade not knowing he was suppost to catch it. Chizen just stands there a moment and then goes back to his cart and picks up another spade "Alright, take that and help me dig out all of our campsite, we are leaving to go to the next location very soon." Decemi kneels and picks up the spade and begins digging up the campsite and Chizen moves faster and Decemi moves faster than him and they both move faster and faster in some sort of competition. Lupe Doesn't seem to have the answers to Ace's magic "Chizen? do you know what all he did just now? do you know if he will be okay?" Chizen looks to Lupe and responds with many pauses as he works with Decemi " trust...he will be okay..." Lupe looks to Rea "Is your friend, Decemi, is he a doctor of some sort at all?"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea sighs as she nods."he patched me up when i was hurt, so long as you tell him how to do it. I dont know if his core is programmed for it. Decemi, are you capable of medical funcitions?" she asked as her eyes traced over Ace's body and to then to Decemi.
Ace (played by Ace)

"currently with Ace, no. I require more cores to assess what to do with your race of creatures, I am only capable off using my regeneration spheres on him however he seems fine to me compared to the rest of you." Decemi responds to Rea casually as he beats Chizen at digging up the campsite.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out a small laugh as decemi confimred that ace was doing well. She looked at him and tilted her head."what do you mean he is doing fine compared to the rest of us?" She asked as shook more.sand out from her clothes. She took of her boot and pet the sand fall from her boot as well.
Ace (played by Ace)

Decemi and Chizen finish digging out the campsite and they begin putting everything away and Chizen gets everything ready for travel. Decemi says "Even tho he is at a lower quality of health than the rest of you, he has a very large amount of total stamina and he is regenerating his health at a very fast rate, even after being very close to death." Chizen ties down some things to his cart "RRRR! Yeah! Ive seen his brother avoid death tons of times but he always acted like he was in mortal danger, I bet they are both imortal but I still never seen a giant purple thing flyin around like that."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked at them and laughed."wish i had that regen rate. Sure would save me aot of time. As for his magic i am rather envious. Hmm though my brute attitude has saved me. Bah! Ill act like a lady later." She said as she took off her shirt and flipped out the sand after she sas done she put her shirt on and leaned over to ace as he recovered."him and his goes the camp chizen?"she asked as she wrapped her head with cloth again.
Ace (played by Ace)

Chizen stands by his Cart and his pride "We are all ready to leave for our next location. Pick up Ace and put him on the cart and get on quickly." Lupe looks to Rea "Hey Rea can you grab Ace's feet and Ill grab his head" Lupe looks at Decemi coming over to help and Lupe smiles to him "Decemi, you go hop on the cart with Chizen." Lupe then smiles over to Rea waiting for her help. Chizen starts up his cart and readies his goggles and gets into the drivers seat. Decemi joins Chizen in the passenger seat but both the seats is simply an extended line of wood on the front of the cart, the cart seems to have used to been carried by horse, the way it moves now with all of the mechanical parts on it is a mystery. Chizen grabs a spanner and a readily tuned guitar and sets them aside and he looks back to Lupe and Rea.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea grabs Aces legs and then looks to lupe getting ready to loft."alright on!"she said lifting Aces legs strugfling a bot with his dead weight. She gurnted moving with lupe to put the elf on the chart.
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe struggles with Ace's legs but Rea shouldn't have much trouble herself. "Ahhh! This is not as easy as using a crossbow!" Lupe works hard to get Ace onto the cart and she sits on the cart and sees her nearby bag from the sand and she opens it up to get some water and she drinks some then shares some with Rea "Here." Chizen readies his cart to go and he sticks his spanner into an open spot with gears and he turns come of the gears and the cart begins to slowly slowly slowly move forward as it goes up the gears. "now lets get moving!"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea as Ace was in the cart sat down and then took the water canteen from Lupe as she took a small sip. She smiled looking at her she jumped hearing the gears of the cart and it startled her. "Whoah...what the hell does this thing do?" she said scared as she gave Lupe the water back and gripped onto the wood below her.
Ace (played by Ace)

Chizen doesn't bother explaining and he uses his spanner as a gear shifter in multiple holes in the floor leading to gears, all with doors over them that are open but still there to close when not in use. The cart accelerates faster through the sand and the adventuers travel through the seemingly endless desert at a quite fast speed.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea leans down and grips the wood and then let out a scream feeling the fast speed. She shut her eyes and then gripped the board afraid she was going to fall off the cart. She gulped as she looked at the scenery and then let out another scream."when is it going to end!! it is going to fast" she said with a yelp.
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe bobs with the cart as it bumps "Oh you should try going through a long distance loopy portal, those things are crazy." Chizen looks around and spots something "You see that?" Decemi nods "She is that way, yes." Chizen steers his cart and slows it down as they get closer.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let out a gasp as she latched onto the wood her hair standing on end. She looked much like a scared cat as she looked to lupe."thank god we'll be over with this soon."
Ace (played by Ace)

Chizen slows the cart and it stops in the middle of the desert and Ace awakes and leans up to look at the girl casually laying in the sand. Lupe hops off the cart and looks to the woman "What is she doing? is she alright?" Chizen takes off his goggles and looks to the woman. Ace gets up and plants his feet on the ground and looks to the woman.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea as the cart stopped fell of the cart rather stunned she landed on the ground still stuck in the form. She took in a deep breath and panted as she looked at the elf woman lying in the sand. she gulped and finally relaxed her muslces still wanting to tense up."so is this her?" she asked curious.
Ace (played by Ace)

Chizen pulls out a sheet of paper and looks at it "A blonde or snow white haired elf girl with smallish ears and white skin." Chizen then looked to the girl in the distance. The strange elf girl lied in the sand with her hair draped out away from her in long white locks, her small yet tall body with very white skin, she wore a raggedy slightly too large bikini made from miscellaneous cloth. The woman would lay with her arms around as if she was relaxing in the slightly uncomfortable heat. Lupe would looks through the brightness of the sun to the girl "That's her..." Ace would walk to the woman a small distance from the cart with the hole through his shirt where he was impaled and he got closer and fell to his knees and the girl arose and smiles to Ace and they seem to be friendly but they don't seem to do much more than sit in the sand. Decemi laughs a tiny bit "This is certainly an interesting place."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea got up and looked at the pale haired woman and to Ace she tilts her head and then scratches it."um so it is her? what do we do?" she said turning her head around fro serveral times looking to Chizen, Lupe, and then finally to Decemi. "i dont know i fi should be formal or myself." she said with a cough.
Ace (played by Ace)

Chizen hops off his cart and grabs a spade "Well the message said to help her as she see's fit, lets dig her out of the sand and get here some water." Lupe says to chizen "Hey wait." Lupe moves closer and then stops in her tracks and looks around slowly. Chizen moves a bit closer "What? what is it?"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

REa was in the middle of walking as she stood on one leg balancing her self as she made towards the elf."um eh what is the matter lupe?" she asked not able to hold the pose for long.

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