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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 2: Crystal forest(done)

Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe says nothing, leaving Rea to fall. Now Lupe looks around aimlessly with Ace and the strange elf girl smiling and spending some time with each other in the sand in the middle of the desert.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea fell to the ground as she stared at the two elves lying in the sand. She raised her brow and looked at them. As she saw their faces she looked at them and took in a deep breath."Are they mind linking or something?" she said as she interupted the silence.
Ace (played by Ace)

Chizen Tossed his shovel off into the sand "Oh well, I'm gonna leave the job to you all and I'm gonna go get some sleep." Chizen gets into the back of his cart and gets his sheets and sleeps quickly because of his lack of previous sleep.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea rolled her eyes seeing Chizen tossing in the towel and getting some shut eye. She walked over to Ace and the female elf and couldn't help but stare for a while.Rea took in a deep sigh and looked to Lupe."it seems shes caught in the dream that happened to us. You would happen to have a bottle of alchol would you?" she asked as she was getting ready to poke the two.
Ace (played by Ace)

As Rea stepped just a step closer then it would seem to her like she stepped into another land, Around Rea was a small field of grass around her with Lupe standing next to her looking around and in the middle of the grassy meadow is like an oasis with clear blue water and shade, the edge of the pool separated by a sapphire like rock around and under the whole pool. Ace and the elf girl would talk with each other and laugh in the pool, Ace still in his clothes and the other white haired girl in her raggedy bikini, the side of her hair singed a bit with a hole in the side of her flowing locks like she was hit with a fireball on the right side of her head but there does not seem to be any marks on the right side of her head.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea's jaw dropped as she saw the whole scene she immediatly dropped to the ground and banged her head on the ground."wake up, wakeup!! im dreaming wake up!!" she said thinking it was the same thing that happened to them before. "this isn't right." she said still not beliving.
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe goes to help Rea "Rea Rea Rea! stop that, I don't think that will help much..." Ace gets up out of the water and raises his hands up to the sides "Welcome to!" The snow white elf girl cuts Ace off "Don't say paradise." Ace says ""
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looks up as she sees the water and rubs her eyes as lupe stops her. She blinks and looks to the snow white elf girl and then to ace. She rolled her eyes and mumbled."Well didn't take long for romeo over there. Ah miss is this place real? i think im dreaming again." she said as she pinched herself still convinced she was in a dream.
Ace (played by Ace)

The white haired girl giggles a bit "This is the shimmering sapphire oasis, a special treat for those that can find it, very special for you lot aswell." She rises to her feet to look at the travelers "I am Velasandra Kartingale, What do you all happen to be doing in this part of the desert?" Ace speaks up "Well we were sent here to offer our services to you miss Velasandra, we hear you are on a big noble quest and we are here to aid you as best we can, we have transport and we are a very nice ragtag team of adventurers."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea rubs her eyes as rhe name rung in her ears, she stood up and formerly bowed."ah a pleasure to meet you Vellesandra katingale. I am Rea Selyore, brute and caring parnter of the group Ace speaks off, this is Lupe." She said as she stepped back and let Lupe speak."ill aid you were i can" she said with a smile as she returned from her brow and looked at the water stil in disbelif.
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe stands in attention and salutes "Yes.... I am Selandra 'Lupe' Arwick, I am the young tag along assistant to the group." Ace Smirks and nods as he lays against the wet smooth sapphire pool backing "And Chizen our supplyman and I assume gettaway driver, then Decemi our big armored guy that does not tend to bathe or eat food, they are outside." Ace motions to himself "And I'm Kalor but she calls me Romeo and most call me Ace."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea shakes her head as she cups her hands and speaks back at Ace."well i only call you Romeo when your trying to charm folks. Oh lupe your much more then a tag along. Your a member and just as good as anyone is. Besides i feel as if your the only one i can have a decent conversation with besides Decemi. Ace over there...hes a whole different story. Ahem. So Velessandra how can our group help you?"she asked getting on topic again.
Ace (played by Ace)

Vel raises her finger to the air "What do you folks know about the forgotten forest of the dammed?" Lupe raises her hand high "Oh! It was a forest of people that got their land cursed and they all turned into monsters along with their forest and they are to live out the rest of their lives in misery, outcasted forever." Ace shrugs "They say a single man cursed them and their home is in shambles."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looks at the group with a blank expression as Velassandra mention the forest of the damned. She actualy had no clue as she looked to Lupe."oh wow, well that doesjt sound pleasant. And you'll have to forgive ne im not very verse when it comes to knowledge like that. But ill help you either way."she said holding her head proudly.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace looks to Vel "So what will we be doing there?" Vel looks to Ace "Apparently you will be helping me, its a dark forest with lots of stuff that could kill us and there are a few sexy women there too Romeo, You should not be displeased." Ace sighs "Fine fine, not that sexy women excite me but I'm sure I could use a nice one if I can find one."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea coughs again as she walks over to the pool and puts her finger it in and amazing enough it was real. She shrugged and looked to Vel."well the whole dark forest ordeal, excatly when will be leaving and what do you plan on doing there. Oh Vel you might need some extra clothes, i have some in my pack if you are in need." she said as she looked to Ace as he started to talk about sexy women."well i guess its a good thing im not really a kinda gal that will just drool over any guy." she said rolling her eyes as she waited fort he answer.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace crosses his arms "You never gave me a chance, you just instantly thought I was a scumbag or something." Vel crosses her arms and nods "Yeah, give him a chance." Vel hops out of the bath and goes over to her bag "Well I have no idea how long we will be there, you don't have to come with me if you don't want to, it will probably be dangerous." Vel takes off her bikini and changes into her adventuring clothes while turned away from everyone. Lupe blushes and looks away. Ace yawns and asks "Well is there anything we will need for the trip?" Vel yawns "Nah, we will be fine." Ace stirs his finger in the water "Do you think this is crystaline water?"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looks to Vel as she hears her say give Ace a chance. She shrugs and then takes out her canteen and fills it with the saphire blue water."well then Ace, suppose i would give you a chance Kalor. If i were to think of you well id have to deal with a headache of a brother in law." she said brushing off the though at she looks at them."well then Vel ill be ready when you are." she said as she started at the water wonder what it did as she put her hand in it.
Ace (played by Ace)

Vel readies her straps on her dark greenish leather suit. Lupe crosses her arms and looks to Rea "You know I have brothers and sisters." Vel looks to the two girls "You both say it like its a bad thing, my people rarely ever procreate twice, I don't even know if there are any more of my people left." Vel gets her backpack and puts it over her shoulder and Ace gets up out of the pool "Right, we should head..." Ace looks around in all directions "Uhh..." Vel points west "West" Ace nods "Right, west." Vel grabs her silvery bow and leather quiver and walks out of the bubble to Chizen's cart and Ace follows along with Lupe.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked at Val as she started to talk of procreation."you mean you only have children once? well im not one for children im not the best of role models. After all im still a thief and a gold stealing drooler when it comes to it. " she said as she looked at Vel."so how do we leave here? oh eh me make babies with ACe? eh....lets not think about that." she said shook her head in disbelif.

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