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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 2: Crystal forest(done)

Ace (played by Ace)

Everyone leaves the hidden pool back into the desert by just walking outward from the pool, everyone talks in front of Chizens cart as he awakes.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea covers her eyes as the harsh light of the desert entered her eyes. She grimaced a bit as she looked at it and then picked up a small bit of sand and tossed it on Chizen."hey wake up, we have the destiny elf, Velesandra Katingale." she said before she walked to him and was ready to toss more sand on him.
Ace (played by Ace)

After getting the first handful of sand thrown on his face and right before the second then Chizen leapt up and punched Rea square in the chops and hoped on his feet and went to the front of his cart "So where are we off to?" Ace smirks to Rea "Are you okay?" Vel puts her hand on Lupe's shoulder "Does this happen often? cause I might murder him if he does that to me." Lupe goes over and sits on the back of the cart "He seems nice but I wouldn't try to attack him...he seems like the defensive type..." Vela holds her hand out to Rea "Come on honey."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea gets knocked on her back as she was punched in the face.She fell back as she felt the sky spinning."whoah....oh heavenly angel is that you?" she said as she looked to Vel and Lupe as they looked over her. She was laid out on the ground slightly diorientated, and her eyes clearly unfoucsued as she couldn't see.
Ace (played by Ace)

Vel and Ace help Rea up and lay her on the cart and Vel goes off to the front to talk with Chizen. Ace and Lupe stroke Rea's hair. Ace asks "Hey, you alright Rea?" The cart begins slowly taking off and turning a bit left and right and speeding up slightly. Our adventurers head out to the forgotten forest.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea still a bit dizzy from Chizens hit looked to Ace and Lupe as if they were strange looking."oh ow...hello two beautiful people, i must have died......oh gracefull lord take me now." she said as she jumped up for a bit and fell back down and lied there unconcious for a good thirty minutes. After that she woke up and rubbed her face feeling it buldge were she was hit. "ow...dammit....what happened?" she asked as she looked to Ace and Lupe as they were gathered near her on the cart along with Val.
Ace (played by Ace)

Around them is a swampy feeling big elf like forest, the trees big and tall and healthy, they show a blue shine as if they were made of crystal but they are black and corrupt, acrost the forest floor are many normal green bushes and some other crystal plants, dark vines and idle tendrils spout out from the ground but are not close enough to strike anyone and seem inactive. Chizen's cart is no longer active and Chizen lies asleep in his slightly sandy sheets. Ace and Vel talk while sitting under a crystal tree together and Vel says in the middle of her sentence as Rea comes to consciousness "Yes well It was alot more beautiful when I came here when I was four, It was bright and shining and the people here were kind and they looked after the land and the secrets of the temples." Ace motions his hand "Well what happened to the trees?" Vel motions for conversational purposes "They were cursed forever...they became the dammed and those that were not cursed fought or ran and the dammed were condemned here." Lupe doesn't seem to be around.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea gazed at the forsst as she noticed some of the trees werr crystaline, she got up from the cart as she looked at the green bushes mixed with black tendrils. She took out her dagger and touched it to ths tendril moving it slightly. She fould help but be memorized by this forest, her dark nature coiming out. She smiled as she took the crystal vine in her hand gently stroking the plant, she gazed at it at let it go, she then walked past Ace and Vel pressing her body agasint another crystal tree as she stops after a little bit and looked around noticing lupe wasnt around."lupe? Were are you? Ace, Val have you seen lupe shes not around." She said after she pries herself off of the tree and looks for her.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace looks to Rea "Well she went off to observe more of the forest, its a bit dangerous tho, we had to shoot most of the tendril from afar, you should be careful too, and hows yer face doin?" Vel heads off behind the tree as Ace and Rea talk.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looks to Ace as he says that Lupe went off to observe the more perilous parts of the forest. She whimpered at her face still thumping when she was punched."dammned Chizen, i ought to shave him cover him in honey and throw him put to the bears for that. My face still hurts. And do you think Lupe will be alright? After all i dont know how the damned look like, but this dark energy draws me to it. Call it my dark nature or however it have you. But you are some kind of elf with spectacular properties....i envy you. The only thing that sepertaes me from being a barbaric human are my eyes, skin color, and my dark gifts. I wonder how the other more tree hugging elves are like. By the way, sorry for assuming you were scum. That time im used to punching first think later." She said as she appologized and didnt even make it sound sincere, however she meant her words.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace nods to Rea and points off into the forest "She seemed exited to be in a new place and she wanted to look around." Ace puts his hands behind his head and closes his eyes "ey, don't mess with Chizen, you just sprayed some sand on him and he knocked yer lights out, you so much as come at him with a blade and he will murder you." a ways away Lupe was in the forest wrestling with a young tendril from the ground and they were both going at it, Lupe gunted as she was held off the ground. Several rough gems and crystals surrounded her as she was gathering them from the forest floor.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea rubbed her face again as she looked to Ace."well I wont ever mess with him again, he is simply no fun. As for Lupe are you sure it is alright to leave her alone in this forest. I mean these small tendrils dont look like much harm. but if there are larger ones i am a bit worried. Call it paranoia but i feel something is not right about this place." she said as she looked off in the distance.
Ace (played by Ace)

Vel comes from around the tree with her arms crossed "I said this place was cursed and of the dammed, I think something being wrong with this place is obvious." Vel goes back around the tree out of sight. Ace looks to Vel then to Rea "Aww don't worry about her, and you don't need to mess with anyone, have fun other ways." Ace thinks a moment "Drinks help, and talking with people, you do have Lupe to talk to and whatnot. Oh and you might want to go look for Lupe, she and I like this place, her maybe too much."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked to Ace and then to lupe and took in a deep breath as she looked at the both of them."well with Chizen it is not like i did it on purpose. The sand tossing, as well as the forest being cursed i didn't mean that. I meant she might be in Ace want to help me? i hear those forest tendrils aren't too kind to females."she said with a snicker as she got up and looked and looked at the forest.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace shakes his head no "Even with the crystaline water bath, I'm still in no condition to fight after I went all demon on that tornado." Vela shows her face from the other side of the tree "What kind?" Ace stays on the ground with his head backed against the tree and he closes his eyes "One of the big ones impaled me, its a reflex when I get too hurt that I use my darker magics and I steal life to heal my wounds back."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea blinked looking at him and then raised her brow."so a dark magic user eh? not back though the life stealing seems a bit nasty. Hell dont over do it, in a bit ill look for Lupe. After all i dont want her hurt. Or you in this case Ace." she said as she kneeled down and patted his head gently."well then im sure that tornado gave us all a run for our gold." she said iwth a grin.
Ace (played by Ace)

Vela comes back from behind the tree again with her arms crossed "Well you might want to save her soon, not that I don't like you but me and Ace were having a conversation, once we finish then he might be able to sum up our situation to everyone as to why we are here..." Ace looks to Vela then Rea "Go make sure she is okay alright?"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

"yeah, yeah, im off hopefully she is not in too much trouble." She said as she aaived her hand goodbye and walked off into the deep of the forest looking for the strayed lupe. Once she felt an eb in energy she followed the source as saw lupe dangling in air by the vines. She growled as she took out her daggers slicing the vines that held lupe. Rea held out her arms prepared to catch lupe as she came back down to the ground.
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe frowns at Rea as she rises from the ground "Aww Rea, I was studying the plants here." Lupe gets up and brushes herself off. "This place is quite amazing." Lupe looks over Rea and puts a hand on her shoulder " should also never mess with someone while they are irritated or trying to sleep, waking him up was enough without the sand."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked to Lupe as she sees the gems that were scattered across the ground as well."you can say that again lupe this place i truly amazing. I don't know what it is the danger or the beauty of this place that draws me in. As for waking someone up, i didn;t want to get punched in the face by an irate human. You know something i hope this trip in this forest and helping out Val is a good thing. Oh and were you collecting these?" she asks as she holds up the red gem and smiles seeing its luminosity.

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