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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 2: Crystal forest(done)

Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked to Lupe as she sees the gems that were scattered across the ground as well."you can say that again lupe this place i truly amazing. I don't know what it is the danger or the beauty of this place that draws me in. As for waking someone up, i didn;t want to get punched in the face by an irate human. You know something i hope this trip in this forest and helping out Val is a good thing. Oh and were you collecting these?" she asks as she holds up the red gem and smiles seeing its luminosity.
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe crosses her arms and nods "I was, I once worked with alot of gems at a jewelcrafters, I could cut some to look lovely." Lupe kneels and picks up the scattered gems "I like the tendril's along the floor, they are very sweet, the other gem tree's are nice too but the organic trees are the ones that seem the meanest around here."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

"oh so you did jewel craft at one time? hmm not like you still cant, though id have to refrain from taking some of you jewels a horrid habit of mine. I do love shiny things, gold , gems, jewerly. As for the Tendril I like the small ones and the diamond trees. Though the organic trees well im sure they are rather cross. After all im sure they do say alot of words. AS for the crystal trees, i can almost feel what they are saying." she said with a grin as she leaned down and helped gather the rest of the scattered rough gem stones.
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe looks up to Rea "Yeah well don't help me if you think you will be greedy enough to take em, or try and be a better person and just don't" Lupe gives a reassuring smile with her tough love speech. Behind Lupe a jet black spiked tendril comes up from the ground and lingers very close to Lupe.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea laughs as she looks to Lupe and then lets out a whine."aww...i wont steal them....i might want to drool over out!!" she says as she sees the spiked tendril, she throws her dagger into it as she pulls lupe close to her careful of the gems off the gems she just collected.
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe see's the tendril and is grabbed by Rea "Rea no! stop it." Lupe tries to break out of Rea's grasp and go to the hurt tendril. The tendril cries out and squirms around and quivers like an innocent animal.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea lets go of her and clutches her ears hearing the whines of the tendril as she looks at it."oww...what did i sorry... i thought it was going to hurt you." she said as she covers her ears hearing the cries of it and she felt the pain of it."im sorry dear creature."she said as she looked to it, hating what she had done.
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe runs to the tendril and takes out the blade quickly and tosses it off to the side and softly rubs the soft ends of the tendril and grabs a nearby gem and 'hands' it over to it and waits until it clutches the gem and burrows back into the ground and leaves a hole in the ground.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

"gaah!! im sorry Lupe. I wont be so rash next time. Well ill think first before anything." she said with a sigh as she looked back over Lupe with a smile.
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe looks to Rea and comes closer "It's alright...just be careful around things like this." The Dark Tendril comes out of the ground again and curls over to Lupe again and Lupe smiles brightly and pets the tendril and gives it a hug "Aww, there there."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea tilted her head looking at Lupe and tilted her head at the Tendril and sighed."well then perhaps I should be careful. It is just that i want to make sure that you are unharmed." she said iwth a smile.
Ace (played by Ace)

Rea nods to Rea and gives a kind smile "Well I thank you for caring about me but perhaps we should take some of our gems and look for Decemi, then check in with the rest of the crew to complete our mission, wouldn't you agree?"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked to the fallen gems as she kneeled down and picked them up. Once she gathered them she looked ot Lupe with a brighter smile."ah yes we should go look for Decemi what ever that big guy is doing. It is still strange that I hallucinated kising him. Since he is some what like a golem." she said as she held the gems out for Lupe.
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe looks to Rea and puts her hand on her hip "Do you have a thing for him or something? I mean he hardly looks like he thinks highly about you." Lupe looks in all ways through the forest "Funny thing was I haven't seen him since we got here, I assume he is in the forest, I don't think something could of just got him without us noticing."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked at Lupe and her barbaric attitude quickly came out."chaa as if a cold being like him? i doubt it. besides i dont even know if that being is capable of love. besides I like you Lupe, as for Vel and Ace i wouldn't be surprised if they had a thing going. Pfft to think that I should gave Ace a chance. Haaahahaa hardly, i dont even know if he would be a nice guy. As for Deceimi I kinda owe him my life. I attacked him he spared mine. And i helped him get a new core. So i do not know if it is anything more then that." she said loud and proud not caring what attention she drew near to herself.
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe looked off into the distance "Right Well I think I see him, come on lets go." Lupe heads through an opening in the forest and finds Decemi sitting on a rock with his hands together, contemplating by the looks of it.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea shurgged her shoulders as she looked at her with a smile as she waiced her heand looking at him. "ah you Decimi what are ya doing there?" she said calling as soon as they grew near.
Ace (played by Ace)

Decemi stands and faces Lupe and Rea and motions his hands out to them "Well I am new to this place so I thought I would look around and have some time to myself." Lupe looks up to Decemi "Thats good and fine but don't you think we should get on with the mission at hand?" Decemi looks to Lupe "We aren't doing the mission until Ace and Vel instruct the rest of us to, Vel is the leader of this group and we are to do what she says."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked to Decemi as she shrugged her shoulders."tch as if I know what Vel is going to do, her and lover boy are having a conversation when i left to check on Lupe. But Decemi if you want to head back. Its fine with me. After all im half tempted to pupl pf a crysal from those trees."she said with a small laugh.
Ace (played by Ace)

Decemi looked down to Lupe "Well If we do not go out on this adventure soon then perhaps we can search for another one of my cores? A lesser one but it happens to be in this forest, above ground this time." Lupe nods up to Decemi ", we can get your thingy if Vel takes too long."

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