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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 2: Crystal forest(done)

Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

"well it sounds like everything is set. Well check on Vel and Ace to see if they are ready to embark. If not, then ill be more then happy to come along with you both to find another of your cores Decemi. Perhaps this one will be more in depth?" she asked as she started to walk back to Vel and Ace's spot.
Decemi (played by Ace)

Decemi and Lupe began to follow Rea back to the campsite and Chizen's cart. Vel awaited for them with her arms crossed "Are you all ready?" Vela looks over the three carefully "What were you all doing back there in the forest?" Ace hops off Chizen's cart and looks down at his map.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea shrugged her shoulders as she looked at Vel and Ace." well I went to go check on Lupe, and then met Decemi in the forest. I suppose we are already on the move on then? good I was starting to get bored." she said with a laugh and looked to her.
Decemi (played by Ace)

Vela steps forward and looks to Rea and Decemi as Lupe comes to the group slowly with her hands full of a big brown sack of gems from the forest and Vel looks to Lupe and snatches a gem "What is this? explain yourselves!" Vela looks angerly at the three as she puts her hands on her hips. Lupe looks to Vela "Well...we were gonna take some gems with us as loot." Decemi looks like he doesn't care one bit and like he is not at blame and he watches all of them. Ace sits on the cart and scibles some things on his map.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea let a cough escape from her mouth as she looked to Vel."Vellasandra, Lupe ther is a gem crafter. So im sure a bit of jewlery crafting wont hurt. After all im sure the native plants dont mind. As for me Vellasandra, i just happened to be here. Decemi had nothing to do with it either. But if you wish to punish someone for it. Let it be me, after all id rather have it be me then Lupe. So if you are angry with her take it out on me."she said with a stern look feeling somewhat protective over Lupe. She would know Vel wouldn't like that Lupe had gems and took then from the forest. Let alone she harmed a tendril. She didn't want lupe to have whatever Vel's punishment. After all she had numerous imperfections in her skin. She didn't want Lupe's beautiful skin to be scathed.
Decemi (played by Ace)

Vela looks to Lupe angerly "Never take major things like this from the lands you go, even some of these gems could be important to this habitat." Vela puts her hands on her hips and looks to Rea "I happen to know this is a fact for this place." Vela looks into Rea's eyes "If you wanna take the blame for this then..." Vela snatches the bag of gems from Lupe and shoves them into Rea's chest "Take this mess and clean it up!" Vela only holds the gems there for about five solid seconds before she lets go and turns around and looks to Ace and Ace watches her and puts on an innocent smile and looks back at his map. Vela goes to the cart and looks over what supply's they have with them.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea took the bag of gems as she shrugged her shoulders nonchalant expecting a worse blame."alright,sure thing ill put these back. Hmm cursed lands then eh? Sure ill put em back. But dont blame me if I dont come back for a little while. After all i dont talk to plants so, these crystal trees on the other hand, I like hearing what they say. How they watched this forest be cursed. Nice story really. But ill be back, hopefully theres no violent cursed beasts."she said as she walked back to the forest she was prepared to bury the gems, that or give them to the cyrystal trees.
Decemi (played by Ace)

Vela yells into the forest "And hurry up too! I think we have found the city and this whole gem thing is slowing me down!" Vela puts her hands on her hips and Ace tugs on her outfit and she calms down and looks to him and he points to his map and she nods. Lupe follows Rea into the forest with the sack "I'm sorry about that Rea, but I can handle things on my own." Decemi watches as everyone does their own thing again and he simply walks off into the forest leaving the adventurers for who knows how long.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea loooks to Lupe as they travel, she smiles and hand the bag to her."ill keep you company since i dont know were you got them. Sheesh, i hope this is worth it. I just hope the king diesnt skin my alive for my insolence. I dont take to kindly to attacking. But as well as for her looking so cross at you. I still care for you. Im just glad she didn't go off the handle with things."she said as she walked with Lupe happy she came with.
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe smiles and takes a handful of gems "Well lets just do this quick and in the most acceptable manor, we dont want to disappoint. Lupe scatters some gems across the forest floor and by the trees and take another handful and she is quickly through half the bag.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea smiled and nodded as she took a hand full of gems and went to the crystal tree and burried them at the base. She smiled and took the rest of the bag and did the same."whelp all done Lupe we should probally head back. The crystal trees are wanting to chat."she said not wanting to keep vel and ace waiting.
Ace (played by Ace)

Lupe travels quickly to the base camp and meets with vela and Ace and they all croud around the map and Ace says "Come look at this." Ace points to the circles on his map and to the ex gl-16506-1357924371.png "We are here at the circle and we need to travel this way and somehow cross the river and the city should be here...and once we make it then..." Vela steps forward at first with her hands behind her back and she smiles to the group "Once we are there then we need to help these people, they are the dammed, cursed forever and their future generations are cursed and their lands are cursed, if we could somehow life the curse from them or their land or their future kin then...well we just have to!" Vela pumps her fist into the air "We have to give these people a future, and hope for it aswell!" Vela puts her fist to her chest and looks to the group "Hope for the land and hope for their children and all the wildlife here, now come on, I want to do what I can now!"
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked at the map with the rest of the group as she saw the river. She stopped when she heard Vel's proud speech she gave as well, she tilted her head and smiled. For some reason she had a feeling what this elf was going to acheive."hmm well as for the river we could swim, or depending on the level of the ground we could always zip linebover. As for the cursed people, i just hope my apperance does not startle them. After all my apperance wont exactly give them the idea of hope. However im willing to go along with your plans."she said as she smiled big, a little encouraged by Vel.
Ace (played by Ace)

Vela climbs up the cart and her butt sticks out as she sticks her head in the cart and everyone stares at her rear, Ace Lupe and Rea unless she turns her head. Vela asks "Hey Chizen." Chizen says "If you dump something on me then I am going to leave you here on your ass the next time we move." Vela says "No... I just wanted to ask...can this thing fly?" Chizen quickly rises up and looks to Vel and Vela rises up too away from chizen while hanging on the side of the cart and balancing her feet on the wheel. Chizen exlaims "Can it? I can get her to fly pretty far! how far do we need?" Vela points twards everyone else and points to the river in the distance and Chizen puts on his goggles "Well...thats hardly a stream.... but yeah it can easily be done without flying..." Chizen seems awake but a bit disappointed.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked at Vel's rear as she hopped onto the cart. She looked away to appear as if she wasn't, she too WA s a bit disappointed that th EU would not be able to swim through the river or zipline over it. She let out a sigh as she looked around and to the cart."so were flying then? God I hate flying. I remove the last time it happened, I don't do to well unless my fewer are touching ground."she said for the moment forgetting Decemi was not around. She froze terrified at the thought of flying again.
Ace (played by Ace)

Chizen moves quickly and before you know it he takes off a wheel and quickly builds a bigger one and he does this with all four wheels untill his cart looks tricked out and her climbs up into his cart and lets down a ladder for everyone then he pulls a big stick out of nowhere that would allow him to push the cart along without power if need be or through the water, where he got all of this stuff in his small cart, nobody will know. Chizen starts up his cart and lupe gets to the ladder and smiles and lets Ace go first then Vela then Rea before climbing up at just the right time to stare at the ladies as she goes up the ladder last.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea gulped as she climbed up onto the cart hoping they wouldn't fly. She took a deep breath as she say down on the cart. Once there she wedged herself In between Ace and Lupe. She looked to the cart and took another breath trying to calm her nerves. She looked to Chosen and then to the rest of the group."I hope this thing is safe. Ace and Lupe can tell you I do not do to well when my feet aren't touching the ground."she said as she crossed her arms, she looked to Ace and to Vel wondering what the two were up to while she was gone.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace sighs and Lupe smiles and holds onto Rea's shoulder. Vela smiles as Chizen rows the tall cart with his land ore and the cart moves slowly in small bursts before picking up and going a little bit faster northwest a little ways and Chizen slows as they get closer to the small river and he simply slowly crosses it without water going past the large wheels and he makes it to the other side and keeps going "City ho!" he says as they can see the large city, it looks like it was grand at one point but it is a bit in shambles now, there are people living in the tall buildings and out on streets. as they get closer then some armed people come twards the group and Chizen stops his cart "And we have company." the Dammed guards looks like plagued and scard monsters but what seem like they once were human or elf. The guards come closer to the cart "Come down from there!" they yell as they point spears at Chizen's cart and Chizen looks down to the guards "Kid, you had better not touch my cart." Vela looks to Chizen "Chizen!" Vela goes down the ladder and puts her hands up for the guards "Don't hurt us, we are here to help, I am Velasandra, and I wish to speak with your leader, I understand it used to be Mr Charcantan?" The guards look to Vel "It was, he died a year ago." Vela nods "Ah yes, well can I meet your new leader? I wish to help."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

REa looked over to the group of guards as they entered the decrepit city. She smiled looking at the scenery wondering what th place looked to look like. She looked at the damned guard a little startled by their armored appearance. She looked at them and stayed quite as vel did all the talking. She pulled her scarf over her head and covered her face to stay somewhat hidden a little bit.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace climbs down the the ladder of the cart and he jumps off and looks to the guards "Take me to your leader!" Vela sighs as the guards agree to take the group to their leader, tho they seem to be in a hurry as many guards and some people are scrambling around like they are on the hunt for someone, Vela can tells and she looks around as they travel through the heart of the city and to a town hall of some sort, guards talk with each other and keep their eyes on the adventurers.

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