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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Legends of Lurisca 2: Crystal forest(done)

Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea follows the group from behind montoring the gaurds as well as her own group. She didn't trust the damened gaurds as well as the city. She would rather stay behind for the moment and make sure everyone was safe. However in the quiet retreat of her mind she realized her good friend Decemi was not around. She looked through the city and the heart and seeing the town hall, she gazed at the place wondering how their leader would look like.
Ace (played by Ace)

The guards make them wait for some time, Lupe looking around the city, Vela silently awaiting to see the leader, Ace with his arms crossed as he waits and Chizen managed to stay back at the cart, he tends to not get into things like this. A guard comes out of the town hall with guards coming to the adventurers sides showing that they are under a rest "Come with me." Vela steps forward and lupe and Ace follow. They all get inside and see a run down town hall and a big desk and a seat behind it with an aged man in the seat, his hair missing and portions of his skin corrupted and cursed. The main guard says "Sir, we found these adventurers on the outskirts of the city and they wished to see you."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked to the group as they were lead into the city hall with the guards at their sides. She did not like this at all, she hated being escorted by a group of gaurds. It made her feel she was being lead to a noose. However she tried to stay calm as they were lead to an aged man with bits of his skin corrupted. She took a deep breath and remained quiet and let the others lead. She just hoped she would cause any alarm.
Ace (played by Ace)

The old mayor asked "Why are you here, what do you want?" Vela stepped forward and bowed with her hand on her stomach "I am Velasandra, I came here long ago when I was a child just before the land was cursed, I am simply here to do what I can to fix thing...cure you, your people and your land or anything I can do to help." The major speaks "We need help, a better leader than I and a salvation for our cursed land, however we have a problem that needs to be dealt with first. The only reason half of us is alive is because of catalyst, the center of our town has been around it and we thrive with its grace around us, however it has been taken from us by Khazmarana and one of his golems. If you give chase now you can make it, he should still be outside the city, Go!" Vela nods and storms off to give chase and Lupe looks to Rea and chases Vela out of the building.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea stays quiet as she looked to the mayor as he heard that someone had stolen their catalyst that allowed the to stay alive. she looked to Vel as she ran off and followed behind lupe, she ran off behind them and quickly stayed behind incase she would have to cloak herself to fight the men who stole the peoples aid. She smiled glad she could help.
Ace (played by Ace)

Vela gets outside and the guards point to the direction of the catalyst and Vela waves for some guards to come along. Lupe tries to keep up with them. Ace takes off his hat to show off his locks of hair and his pony tail and he runs off and catches up with everyone quickly. The squad of damned and elf's run through the ancient metropolis and make it outside the city to find most of the guards in the whole city around one area. Vela gets to the edge of the city to find a grey bulking golem man fighting off the guards with his fists. It was Decemi but he was looking a bit cleaner, less like he had ruined armor and his face was darkened out by blackness. Vela looked angerly at Decemi "STOP THIS AT ONCE!" she exclaimed and all of the guards stopped and Decemi crossed his arms in his more darker looking presence. Lupe and Rea would get there at this time. Vela steps forward and looks Decemi in the face "Are you the one that has taken the Catalyst?" Decemi looks to Vela with his dark gaze and speaks in a more personal voice than he has before "I have taken the core you call the Catalyst." Vela looks to Decemi "You cant just take things that don't belong to you. Decemi looks too his left and looks to his right and sees all of the guards ready to attack again and he nods and sticks his hands out to his sides and leans forward to look at Vela "I think just did 'Vela' " He laughs a bit softly as the guards hold their weapons to his and Decemi looks to all of them "Don't hurt yourself or anything." Decemi and Vela get closer. Decemi looks down to Vela "The people here did not need the Catalyst, they treated it like a god, but it only has simple powers an old man used to have, their savior from long ago, the one that saved them from the blight of Khazmarana the first time he came here, and he continues to protect against his curses a little but that is hardly living for these people." Decemi raises his fist before Vela "Why don't we just go and destroy Khazmarana on our own? Then we can all win."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea rubbed her eyes as she couldn't belive who she saw a cleaner and more agile looking Decemi. She couldn't help but stand there and gawk seeing her friend in a newer state. She then snaped back to reality once she realized Decemi had stolen the catalyst. She shook her head shaking the scarf off her head showing her silver gray hair."Decemi? so you took the core? from here? I heard the trees whisper of something but id did not belive you would steal it from a civiliation.....however it is not like i havent done that before. stealing from people. but as you say this Khazmarana is the true cause of it. Then ill fight to the end, im sorry Vel I cannot strike down someone I owe my life to. However since with my darker nature, I should be able to figure the nature of this curse. If not well i have seen my people that do this kind of work, and lets just say they came out a little less then alive. But I will aid you Velasandra." she said as she walked to the front of the group as she first continued to stare at Decemi and then to Vel she looked ahead and then to Decemi."were is tis so called Khazmarana? " she asked him as she waited to continue their journey.
Decemi (played by Ace)

Decemi points in a direction and one of the guards yells for all to hear "We know where that madman is, hiding away in his lair and many of our people died to find it, We don't need vengeance for that fool right now we need food and protection from attacks! the Catalyst protected us and has kept us alive, they will be sending more golem just like you!" Decemi looks down to the man and shudders a bit and puts his hands to his sides and his upper body bulks out and decemi stands a bit larger than his somewhat more slender look and his helmet rounds from the top and separates from the bottom and darkness fills the gap Decemi now stands before everyone, a new Decemi and through the darkness of his helmet then two green lines of light appear and he puts his hands on his hips and says to the guard "There isn't another golem like me." gl-16473-1357921241.png
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea cracks her knuckles and grabs her two daggers and then sighs."fine then, you guards stay here. And if it is food you need and protection we will offer it. As for the madman you speak of, im sure my comrades and I will be able to despatch and get rid of him." she said as she started to walk towards the direction Decemi pointed as she pulled her scarf over her head again. She stopped once she was close to Decemi and patted his chest."come along there, nice look by the way. Before you go off somewhere could you let me know?" she said as she let her hand fall from his chest and walk off towards the forest before she started to pick up her speed into a sprint.
Decemi (played by Ace)

Decemi looks down to Rea from the side "I did tell you but you all hardly pay attention to me." Vela steps up "Rea! you hardly get what he means. All of these people need food, this army, this city, these people! what you packed is hardly enough and these people cant go days without food either, even if you were to send for food." Vela sighs and comes close in front of the two "They need the catalyst or we need to uplift the curse now." Decemi looks to Vela "Well come on then bring your army and we will storm the lair before your people feel the need for more food." Decemi stares back to the city a moment. "They are coming." Decemi steps twards the city and pushes the guards that don't move away. Vela asks "Who?" Decemi looks back to Vela "Golems." Decemi walks back to the city "Bring your army, now."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea looked to Vel spoke her words, she sighed hearing that Decemi did tell her and she failed to pay attention to her comrade. She sighed as she looked ahead to the forest still, however she was willing to end the curse and finish it as fast as she could."alright if Golems are coming bring the ones that can fight. I am hard headed Ace can tell you that, I wont stop unless I can no longer hold a sword. Even then I will still fight, and now that we have impending danger I suggest we find a way to break this curse as soon as we can. If I dont know the nature of this curse I cant fix it either. Even though im not a spell weaver I can still read the langauge." she said as she walked to Vel as she stood there for a moment as she looked like a battle ready warrior. she gave a sly smile as she looked to Vel."Alright for as much we can we have to hold them back." she said as her eyes narrowed her more brute like nature coming out.
Decemi (played by Ace)

Decemi rushes to the city and the damned army follows and brown simple looking hexuseing golems are attacking the square, skipping slaughtering the people and attempting to kill the mayor. The golem get to the town hall and Decemi arrives and crosses his arms as he looks to them "Hey, where do you think you are going?" Decemi rushes in and tosses a golem over his head and it falls on its back behind him and he dukes around the other golem's punch and gets behind him and punches the other golem in his back and knocks him to the first golem and Decemi defends the door as more golem's come and challenge him to fight.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea as soon as she finished her pep talk with the rest of the group rushed towards the city. She took in a deep breath as she saw the towering size of the golems. Her daggers wouldn't compete to them. She looked around for something she could use rather then her daggers. As she was running towards the main attack center she found rope to use to her advantage. Once she reached the heart of the damned city she stopped Decemi and the attacking golems trying to get at the mayor. She took in a deep breath foucusing as she stopped and took a breath. Lunging foward the drow took the rope and began to interweve it inbetween the golems legs and using their own weight to pull two of them down. Once the lumbering golem was down Rea quickly crawled to its chest and took her daggers out and began to hack at the core shattering them and dispatching the golems. She let out a grunt of pain as the other downed golem regained itself and knocked Rea off the fallen golem and flying her into a nearby wall. The dark elf was flung into the wall creating a large crater the size of her body. She pulled herself from the wall as she got free already getting nicks and cuts, her body already was starting to bleed.
Decemi (played by Ace)

Decemi watches as Rea drops to the ground and he aims the palm of his hand to her and shoots out two orbs, one of light and the other green and the light one shields Rea and the other heals some of her wounds slightly. The Golems shatter and fall and they spark back to life magically but they are only barely held together. Decemi charges forward and punches through one of the golems and they shatter and fall to the ground once more, this time dieing out. Decemi gets into a defensive pose and the other golem retreats. The army of guards come and join the group and Decemi rushes into the town hall and bursts through doors and comes out with the shielded mayor in his arms as the side of the building makes a small explosion as more golem are in the city and they begin storming the hall going after the mayor. The mayor seems unconscious perhaps from being glad he is safe or he was moved too fast by Decemi and his quick movement. Vela steps up and points for guards to defend the hall and a group goes off. Ace comes next to Vela and puts his hand on her shoulder "They are out to attack now that the catalyst is gone and they have alot of golems by the sounds of the people, We cant wait and just defend but we have to continue to defend the people here, I say we round all of the citizens and defend them in a strong part of the city with half the army defending them and the other half with our team going to attack, we need brains and leaders along with us to get the cure and kill this tirent guy." Ace points to Decemi "Decemi...." Ace things a moment and hesitates "Do you think you are better off attacking or defending?" Decemi puts his hands on his hips "You need my help attacking." Ace points to Lupe "Lupe, go get Chizen, see if he will help defend for us." Decemi rushes off to fight on the other side of the town hall. Vela looks to the guards "I need someone who knows the logistics of the town and generals and authority, people who know the city and someone who can get everyone in one place." An armored guard comes up and he looks miserable "The highest would be the mayor and we are very short handed on authority but I can help the best I can." Vela points past the head guard "Get your men into groups and get each group to go in different areas of the city and round up the people and bring them here, then send other groups to gather any stockpiles of food and supplies and weapons, bring them here." Ace goes to Rea and kneels to her and puts his hand on her shoulder "You should get some help and look out for a way to go in and get the kill and get out, don't get hurt."
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea coughed as she was healed by Decemi's magical orb of light. She felt the healthing energy pouring over her healing her much faster; and providing her with additional energy then before. As she graoned as she healed she looked to Vel as she began to direct the group. She coughed as Ace set a hand on her shoulder as he looked to her. She nodded and understood she tended to go head first into things and Ace was giving her advice."yeah your right Ace, though which group can help me? Unless your willing to help me as well. Im not used to others fighting me, and I have taken a worse beating then this." she said as she stood up and looked to Ace with determination as she looked at the approaching golems."one question Ace, how do I down these things fast?" she asked as she readied her daggers ready to strike once more.
Ace (played by Ace)

Ace puts his hand on Rea's shoulder and gets closer to her "You have to play it safe, when you see a kill then jump in, let everyone weaken them and jump in and strike, take that time to get out of there while they are stunned and go back in for the second kill, since they come back after death." Ace turns away and looks back to Vela as she gives orders "Go help any group for now, people, resources, weapons, or help defend this point, the groups are going to go out and get stuff and bring it here then we will either stay here or go elsewhere, make sure you come back alive because we will need you more than ever soon." Ace steps away and buries his face into his hands. Vela looks to Ace but is too busy with assembling each group and sending them out. More golem begin to come from behind the town hall and Decemi fights them slowly.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea nodded her head looking at him as she could tell Ace's words were serious. Shes that Ace is troubled about her potentially not making it back. She sighed and nodded."alright I shall play it safe. Since they come back. But as far as me being important inthe gourp I belive the others are good. ill follow the others." she said as she runs off towards Decemi as she she hid in the shadows. staying hidden until the last moment.
Decemi (played by Ace)

Decemi uppercuts and punches down on various golems. There are tons of golems around all clanking against each other while trying to break stuff or kill people or Decemi. Decemi shoots light at some of the Damned guards which heals their broken face but not enough for them to not be a monstrous sight. Decemi directly destroys the chest of one of the Golem and combine with the guards they expose the cores of the rest of them. The golem with the broken chest nearly falls apart but it sparks and rebuilds its chest automagicly but half of the whole group of golems are all at the perfect moment to be taken down.
Rea Selyore (played by fallensiner)

Rea quickly takes in a deep breath as she watched the golems fall. Ace was right when he mentioned these things comeback after they have fallen. She smiled seeing the exposed core of the others as she quickly sped out of the shadows. She stepped on the ground light as she quickly jumped high in the air as she slashed the core of the first golem. After words she landed on the ground letting her arms hold in the air as it fell. Once done she began to dispatch the other weakened golems. This time it was much easier then getting flung into a wall. On occasion she felt the gust of wind over her head as a golem tried to smash her head in. She smirked as she dodged other rocks being flung at her as she crept into the shadows once more and waited for Decemi to allow the other golems cores to be exposed.
Decemi (played by Ace)

More of the same looking golem's begin to rush into the city from the same direction as the others and they join the weakened golem's and pretty soon it begins to become confusing on what golem's have been reset from being defeated. More and more damned warriors flood in from the city square and others who have survived the fight retreat quickly through fear of being pummeled by the golem like some of the others who have had their heads smashed. The Damned were good fighters and they were certainly winning against the golem considering they have Decemi and the hero's helping but as many golem as there are there suggest there are many more and though they are advanced they may be easy to make for all anyone here knows.
Ace looks to Vela and she looks back and they stare at each other in a serious state and Vela turns around and rushes off to her group and Ace turns around and leads his group in the other direction into the city.

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