"Ooh, a Genie!" Her quiet demeanor suddenly changed.
Hector pulled a stick then went over a large map of the school that were hanging on the wall. "Your dorm is right here" He pointed with the stick at a room named Evers dorm. As soon as he said the words and the stick made contact with the map it rewrote. Now it said Ever & Jackies dorm.
"Okay. Thank you!" She walks out of the office and pulls out the map, finding her dorm. She goes inside.
Ever was currently sitting in Althea’s class, unaware of her new dorm mate.
Jackie puts away her things, and heads to class. She sits down.
Iggy held her hand in the air.
((Sorry I was in band what did I miss?))
Celes finally got to class. She took a seat in the middle of the room.
((Althea’s class is starting.))
Damian walked with the students to the classroom and sat in the back corner.
Jackie looks around. So many people. She tries to ignore it and pay attention to the teacher.
"Why does youw houseewf wook so pissed?"
“Redcaps are very malevolent and murderous creatures, so they don’t enjoy being used as servents.”
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