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Forums » Forum Games » Give the person above you a nickname


Caring gentle woman
Scarlett Sara Dylan (played by LakotaSiouxWarrior)

Japanese Italian angel
Super Smash Bros.
get it? because the acronym's the same as SexySultryBabe, and...smash... I'll show myself out now.
Sup Mal
Raven (played by Raven14)

Kiki or Kiko
Xavier Juan Vellucci (played by Galaxy-Star)

Hello to you too Rave
The killer simply held up a torn piece of paper with just ‘X’ in messy, child-like writing.
Xavier Juan Vellucci (played by Galaxy-Star)


Miyuki (played by Imthenaysayer)

Black cat
Lynn (played by Raven14)

Adelia (played by North-Wood)

Miss Wolfie.

OOC: Be as mean as you want, I need more nicknames that are insulting in nature for Adie.
Richie Tozier (played by WhatsInTheCube)

Imma be nice now that you said that.

H e l l o—
Richie Tozier wrote:
Imma be nice now that you said that.

H e l l o—


I would act in-character but Lisa doesn't actually do nicknames, so...oh well.
Raven (played by DazzlingDragon)

Little snot.

Rude cat XD
Jane Ives (played by WhatsInTheCube)

el needs more nicknames now

... Lily?

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