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Forums » Forum Games » Give the person above you a nickname

Sephiroth (played by AgitoAceXIII)

I thought of...

Durandal...It’s a sword in the FF games... >.>
Taluna (played anonymously)

Longshanks. Hah! Geddit???
Elaine Van Freyr (played by 0089)

Angwy Fluffy Throwing Proyectile. =3
Dr Wilkins (played by Meme_Knight)

Cute but Deadly :) (love the character profile btw)
Seeker (played by WhatsInTheCube)

Why not.
Freyja (played by AgitoAceXIII)


...The Seeker kinda just gave me the idea.
You are Fry now.
Pistil and Stema (played by 0089)

Pocahontas >.<
Pint (played anonymously)

Double Trouble
You make me think of Puck.
Like Shakespeare Puck.
Midsummer Nights Dream... Puck.
Puck. uwu
Mikki (played by LillyBlack79)

Fall maybe?
Vincent Valentine (played by AgitoAceXIII)


...Alternate spelling. Yeah.
for the first name i would say Vince , for the last name i would say Val or Valen. I don't know any others , but i just based it on the character's name itself.
Essuru (played anonymously)

Emi (played by Mary_Skelter)

Pretty boy
Amethyst (played by Galaxy-Star)

Emi wrote:
Pretty boy

Sad eye
Nameless (played by Maiden_Alice)

Purple Princess
Flandre Scarlet (played anonymously)

Pretty Doll +_+
Umbra (played by AgitoAceXIII)


...Okay, so the image doesn’t help much, but you know.
Solaire Of Astora (played by turntechGodhead)

Shadow or Dark since Umbra means ''the fully shaded inner region of a shadow cast by an opaque object, especially the area on the earth or moon experiencing the total phase of an eclipse.''

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