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Forums » Forum Games » Give the person above you a nickname

Master Violinist (played by MasterWinter)

Crow man
Amber Davis (played by Deumeawyn)

Music maker
Marcus DeSanta (played by Lanx12)

Creatia (played by Lucretire)

The Mysterious Barista
Freyja (played by AgitoAceXIII)


...The name did it for me, okay?
Asteroth (played by MrFalcon)

Princess of combat
Maxwell (played by Lucretire)

The Treasonous Profane Hunter.
Ice Hanyo (played by MasterWinter)

Whip Master

(XD <3 you Lucree)
Korra (played by MordosKull)

Cold boi
Xandra Denki (played by Meme_Knight)

Punchy lady
Cinaed (played by Libertine)

High Voltage
Freyja (played by AgitoAceXIII)

Unpronounceable name...
Asteroth (played by MrFalcon)

Lady Frost
Pint (played anonymously)

Armor Up
Jessica Saraiva (played anonymously)

Ale Glass?
Lucy Auburn (played by Tink)

Ummm oof this is gonna be a bad name but princess locks
Nari Lotila (played by Meme_Knight)

Just like fire!
Kane Kisho (played by LillyBlack79)

Bun-Bun~ Cute little bunny ^^
Dr Wilkins (played by Meme_Knight)

Candy Kane (get it?)
Freyja (played by AgitoAceXIII)


...It's not much different, but...Eh?

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