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Forums » Forum Games » Give the person above you a nickname

KayKay, I call a friend that and so it works. Plus I like nicknames like that.

Zanez wrote:
KayKay, I call a friend that and so it works. Plus I like nicknames like that.

nice nickname

hmm Zanez.........ohh here Z!!!!

Amazon: Amazon is a name from the Greek Mythology used for strong and tall girls.

Angel Baby: A fun variation of Angel.

Angel Eyes: A cute variation of Angel, a cute nickname for a girl with wonderful eyes.

Angel Face: A cute pet name for a beautiful lady.

Angel: It symbolizes purity, beauty, and kindness.

Atom: Atom symbolizes smallness, and it is a cool name for a short lady.

Barbie: A cute nickname for a beautiful and fashionable lady.

Bean: A small and adorable lady.

Beanie: A cute variation of Bean, used for petite ladies.

Bear: A huge girl, with a warm and fuzzy personality.

Beautiful: A cute nickname for an attractive girl.

Beauty Queen: A cute pet name for a beauty queen.

Beauty: A popular pet name for an attractive girl.

Biggy: For a tall and big lady.

Bitsy: An adorable petite girl.

Blondie: A common pet name for a blonde-haired lady.

Blue Eyes: A wonderful pet name for a lady with beautiful blue eyes.

(i ain't done yet)

Boob Job: For a lady with big tits.

Bre Bre: A sexy and attractive lady.

Bree: A cute pet name for a gorgeous lady.

Bright Eyes: A good name to call a girl with beautiful eyes.

Brown Eyes: A lady with beautiful brown eyes.

Brown Sugar: A cute nickname often used for a beautiful black woman

Brownie: A cute pet name for a girl with a lovely chocolate skin or brown eyes.

Butter Cup: A cute nickname for a beautiful girl.

Button: A good name for a cute and tiny girl.

Cadillac: It signifies excellence, which makes it a great name for a hot and intelligent girl.

Canary: An excellent pet name for a petite girl, or a great singer.

Cherry Blossom: Is she beautiful? Does she have red hair? Then call her Cherry Blossom

Chubby Cheeks: For a beautiful girl with those chunky cheeks that make you want to cuddle her.

Chubs: She’s as soft as a baby’s skin, tender and gentle in her little ways.

Chunky: Small, sturdy and more often or not soft and plumb.

Cinderella: A cute term of endearment for a beautiful, fashionable and adorable girl.

Coffee Table: A cute nickname for a short lady.

Curls: A silly and adorable girl. It can also refer to a beautiful little lady with lots of curly hair.

Curly-Q: A very attractive or a rather hot girl with Curly Hair.

Diva: A girl who behaves like a goddess.

Doll Baby: A cute name for a gorgeous girl.

Doll Face: A good name for a lady with a beautiful face.

Doll: An attractive and beautiful girl.

Donut: Is she a chubby girl? Is she adorable?

Ella Enchanted: A cute nickname culled from the movie “Ella Enchanted,” which means “Beautiful Fairy Maiden” in Old English.

Eye Candy: A lady too appealing to your visual senses. She’s too much magic.

Fine Wine: Is she the most exotic girl you’ve ever laid eyes on?

Flame: For a hot and gorgeous girl.

Flash: A cool name for a girl who is also a fast runner.

Flat Chest: A nickname for a girl who is not so endowed in the boobs’ area.

Flawless: For a stunning girl with no imperfections.

Freckles: A nickname for a girl with freckles.

Fun Size: A funny term of endearment for a short girl.
(still not done)

Goldie: For a girl who’s talented and beautiful, usually with golden hair. Derived from the Old English meaning, “precious metal gold.”

Gorgeous: For a girl who’s absolutely beautiful in all ramifications.

Huckleberry: A sweet nickname for a petite girl.

Jelly Belly: A full-fat girl.

Kitten: Is she cute, smart and feisty when needed? Also, a cute short girl nickname.

Lady Bug: For an extremely good-looking girl.

Lamb Chop: For a beautiful pocket-sized girl.

Lil One: A cute nickname for a short girl or a lady younger than you such as your kid sister.

Little Donut: A term of endearment for a chubby girl.

Little Muppet: For a girl that is clumsy.

Little Puff: For a cute, short and chubby girl.

Little Runner: A cute nickname for a fast runner.

Looker: A girl that’s attractive.

Lubber: Is she a huge and clumsy girl? Then this nickname is for her.

Lumpkins: A fat clumsy girl.

Micro: For a smallish girl.

Mini: Is she a petite-sized lady?

Peanut: Is she a beautiful and attractive short girl?

Pineapple Chunk: Is she a beautiful and exotic lady?

Pinky: A cute name for a girl with lovely pink lips. Also, a cute nickname for a short girl.

Pint Size: A cute nickname for a short girl.

Pinup Girl: A cute pet name for a glamorous girl.

Pipsqueak: Means one that is small. She might be tiny, but she’s adorably hard to resist.

Rug-Rat: A funny nickname for a little girl.

Short Stuff: A cute nickname for a petite lady.

Shortcake: Is she a short and adorable girl? Then this is a wonderful pet name for her.

Shorty: A popular nickname for short girls.

Slay Queen: A beautiful and fashion loving girl.

Slick Chick: Hands down, no one comes close to this lady.

Smallie: Tiny or miniature.

Snookie Bear: A cuter variation of Snookie; A short but adorable girl is your Snookie Bear.

Summer: A cute nickname for an extremely hot lady.

Sunny Hunny: A sweet pet name for an attractive girl.

Tater Tot: Is she a small, cute lady?

Tea Cup: A sweet nickname for a lady with a smaller stature.

Tiny: A cute nickname for a short girl.

Violet: One of the prettiest of the colors; a cute name for a beautiful girl.

Wee-One: A sweet name for a short girl or a little girl.

Whoopsy: For a hot and irresistible girl.

Wiggle Bear: An adorable and flexible girl; a cute name for a girl a great dancer.

Winky Dink: For a girl that always looks sharp and neatly dressed.

Wookie: A common slang used to refer to a hairy girl.

Adorable: Someone who inspires great affection.

Alter Ego: It means “A second self.” A great nickname for someone that brings out a different part of you.

Ankle Biter: A phrase used to refer to Children.

Bam Bam: A fitting nickname for a vibrant girl.

Beagle: A calm and intelligent girl.

Bee’s Knees: A phrase used to denote excellence.

Bibbles: A dope lady with a refreshing attitude.

Biscuit: A lady who is cute and adorable.

Blue: A cute pet name for a lady that brings clarity into your life.

Blueberry: A good name for a lady that keeps you focused.

Bodacious Babe: A good nickname for a brave girl.

Book Worm: A cute name for a girl whose head is often buried in a book.

Boss: A great nickname for a girl who loves to take charge.

Brainiac: A cute nickname for a brilliant girl.

Brat: A cute name for a girl who acts like she’s royalty.

Brave Heart: A cute nickname for a brave girl.

Bubbles: For a fun and energetic girl who lives in a world of her own.

Buckeye: Commonly used for a native of Ohio, USA

(i am stilllll not done a few more)

Bug: A cute nickname for a troublesome or jealous lady.

Bugaboo: A cute nickname for a lady who scares the shit out of you.

Bugaloo: A cute nickname for a dancer or a lady who loves to party.

Bunny Ears: For the girlfriend with the tiniest and cutest ears ever.

Bunny: A nice nickname for a gentle and adorable lady.

Buster: A funny but cute nickname for a girl who snitches a lot.

Butter Age: A cute name for a lady who looks younger than her age.

Butterfly: A cute name for a great dancer, a beautiful lady, and a thoughtful girl.

Champ: Short for “champion”; a nickname for a woman who got things under control.

Charming: Is she the most pleasing and delightful girl? Can she make you do almost anything?

Chatterbox: A lady who cannot keep a secret – a talkative.

Cheeky Chimp: Is she funny and playful? How much of a smart-arse is she?

Cheeky Monkey: A cute pet name for a smart and crafty girl.

Cheese Ball: Is she goofy, corny and adorable?

Cheesecake: Is she a soft-hearted and adorable girl?

Chef: Is she the best cook ever? Does she make always make your taste buds beg for more?

Cherub: Originally Old Persian, it means ‘angel.’ A cute name to call the most righteous girl in your life.

Chickadee: This is a lady who she says the cutest things and makes you laugh even in the most serious of situations.

China Doll: A beautifully fragile girl you never want to hurt.

Chipmunk: Does she make you laugh? Besides that, is she devilishly cute? Then she’s definitely a chipmunk.

Chuf Chuf: A lady that does things in a hilarious way. She can’t help but make you laugh, even when she up has no intention of doing so.

Chunky Money: High spirited and playful, she’s delightful to have around.

Cinnamon Girl: She’s lovely and always seems to lighten things around her with a simply sweet touch.

Claws: Does she find it hard to let go of most things? Are most things in her life valuable and she hates the thought of losing them? This name is for her.

Coco: A cute nickname for a crazy girl.

Collywoggles: Sarcastic yet brilliant in a pleasant manner.

Coma: Is she a boring girl?

Confessor: For a kind-hearted girl.

Cool Breeze: Warm and pleasant, she is a source of comfort any day any time.

Cosmo: A girl who likes her space.

Cowgirl: A girl who’s wild with a fire deep inside her. Being around her is like being on a roller coaster ride.

Crazy Pants: For a bat-shit crazy girl.

Daisy: A nickname for a lady with a sweet personality.

Dashing: A stylish person who’s attractive in an adventurous way.

Deep Water: A lady who can engage in a deep and thoughtful conversation.

Deep: A girl that is full of wisdom.

Dementor: From myths, an eccentric girl.

Dimples: A cute name for a girl who has great dimples.

Dobby: A cute name for a helpful girl. Like the house elf in Harry Potter.

Doobie: Does she excite you in an intoxicating way? If she provides you with a high, you simply can’t explain, Doobie is right for her.

Doodlebug: Is she a great artist? A sweet name for a girl with magical hands.

Doodles: These are random abstract drawings usually off the top of someone’s head.

Dork: A person who can be original and themselves without caring what anyone thinks.

Dove: It signifies purity, gentility, and magnificence. It is a fantastic nickname for a kind and girl.

Dragonfly: It is a symbol of transformation. A name like this is suitable for a girl that is constantly changing, and it’s always into something better.

Drama Queen: A dramatic and controversial girl.

Dreamer: A lady who can imagine the best things even when everything looks bleak.

Dreamweaver: For the girl of your wildest dreams, who has no idea how she fits as the perfect girl for you.

Dreamy: A fun name for a lady who often gets lost in thoughts.

Duchess: A nickname for a girl who could pass for a Queen.

Duckling: A girl with an attractive and friendly personality.

Ducky: An affectionate name for a funny lady.

Dulce: A nickname for a smart, funny and down to earth girl.

Dummy: An amusing nickname for a girl who’s slow and easy to fool.

Ecstasy Queen: For the girl who arouses the high level of ecstasy and bliss for you.

Egghead: A nickname for a smart and brilliant girl.

Enchantress: A cute nickname for a girl who’s effortlessly charming.

Enigma: A cute name for a weird and mysterious girl.

Everything: All in all, she’s so wonderful that your life would be in shambles without her.

Fairy God Mother: For a girl who’s kindhearted, warm and always ready to help.

Farfalle: A nickname for a girl who’s tiny and cute, culled from tiny, bow-shaped pasta (farfalle).

Fashionista: A cute nickname to call a fashionable girl.

Favorite: For the exceptional girl who sits right at the top spot in your heart, no competition, ever.

Feisty: A cute, tease nickname for a touchy, tough and resilient girl.

Firecracker: A cute nickname for an eccentric girl.

Firefly: For the kind of girl with an inquisitive, restless and colorful nature.

Flower Child: If she’s the peace and nature lover, this pretty much does justice to how beautiful her soul is to you.

Flower: Is she as beautiful and delicate as a flower?

Foo Foo: A nickname for a girl who does everything in excess.

Foodie: A nickname for a girl that likes food.

Foxy Lady: A cute nickname for a hardworking, intelligent and tough girl.

Foxy Mama: A nickname for a crafty and cunning girl.

Foxy: A nickname for a crafty girl.

Friend: A simple and cute nickname to show she’s important to you.

Frostbite: For the kind of girl who can switch to icy cold in seconds when upset.

Frozen Fire: Is she calm this minute but crazy the next?

Fruit Loop: For a girl who’s wild and crazy yet adorable.

Gangsta Baby: A girl who’s likely to beat up your enemies before you lift a finger.

Gem: A cute name to call a precious lady.

Genie: The kind of girl who knows how to make everything better.

Genius: Is she a brilliant girl?

Georgia Peach: A calm and sweet girl both on the inside and outside.

Ghosty: A lady who is skilled at escaping uncanny situations.

Giggles: A girl with an adorable smile, who isn’t afraid to show that smile.

Gillette: A lady who’s always on your neck.

Girlie Girl: A cute nickname for a girl who’s young, feminine and full of fun and life.

Goddess: For a girl with an amazing body or personality.

Goggles: A cute nickname for a girl with big glasses that she cannot do without.

Golden: For a girl with an aura that is magnificent to behold.

Goldilocks: A cute nickname for a girl with golden or blonde hair.

Goober: For a girl who’s seen as a kindhearted, rather oblivious goof ball.

Good Looking: For the girl with nearly perfect physical features that are impossible to miss.

Goody Goody: For the kind of girl who’s too abiding and always does everything right.

Goof Ball: For a girl who’s silly, playful and lighthearted.

Goof: For a funny girl.

Goofy: For the girl who adorably pulls the silliest and wackiest stunts.

Google: A girl who’s always ready with a line or an entire chapter, on almost any topic.

Goose: For a girl who is friendly, outgoing and knows how to keep everyone smiling.

Gordo: A Spanish name, implying “fat,” as an affectionate term for a cute, chubby girl.

Grasshopper: For a naive girl.

Green: A nature-inclined and a lover of the earth kind of girl.

Grimm: A cute nickname to refer to a girl who is stern and fierce.

Half Pint: A cute and funny term of endearment used for a short girl.

Halo: A beautiful name for a girl with an aura that is glorious and angelic.

Happiness: She defines this word for you as she never fails to make everyone around her happier.

Happy Face: For a girl who’s always in an optimistic, happy mood.

Heaven: For a girl with an aura that’s majestic and heavenly.

Heavenly: For a girl created by the heavens with distinct traits.

Hero: A girl whose existence brings you strength and hope.

Hipster: For a lady in tune with the latest trends.

Hobbitess: For a girl with peculiar yet adorable physical traits.

Holly: A nickname for a girl destined for greatness and fame.

Hollywood: For a girl who is destined for fame.

Hop: A nickname for a trendy girl.

Hotshot: A girl with an exceptional and amazing personality.

Hummingbird: For a girl who actively brings out the good in you.

Indian Princess: For a girl whose look and appearance is charming.

Indian Warrior: For a girl that is charming and brave.

Issy: A girl who is very sensitive but possesses a charming personality.

Ivy: A cute pet name for a smart and precious girl.

Jazzie: For a girl who is blunt, creative and honest.

Jazzy: A classy, sexy and fabulous girl.

Jeet: For a girl who overcomes her issues all by herself.

Jelly: Short for “Jealous,” other variations include – Jelly Bear, Jellybae, Jellybean, Jellyboo.

Jockey: For a girl that’s an expert in a particular field. E.g., sex jockey, statistics jockey.

Juliet: Someone who will do anything for love.

Katniss: For an attractive girl with a mind of her own.

Kiah: For a girl who has it all, beauty, brains, character, etc.

Kind Witch: For a girl who uses her abilities to do and bring out the good in people.

Kitty: A sweet nickname for a timid or introverted girl who cannot harm a fly.

Lacey: A true friend and wonderful companion.

Lady Godiva: For a girl who is more concerned about your wishes and needs than with her own.

Lala: For a bold, attractive girl.

Lapooheart: For an outgoing, beautiful girl.

Lemon: A cute nickname for a lady that will do what is best for you, irrespective of how it makes you feel. Variations include – Lemon Drop, Lemonade, and Lemon Grass.

Light Priest: A knowledgeable noble lady.

Lil Dove: A girl filled with positivity and advocate peace.

Lil Missy: A cute name for a girl with the right drop of sassy attitude.

Little Dove: A girl filled with positive vibes that advocate for peace.

Little Lamb: A girl as gentle as a lamb.

Magic Lady: For a girl who helps you see the possibility in any impossibility.

Magic: A girl whose awesomeness defies all natural forces. Magic Princess is another cute variation of this nickname.

Magical Fairy: A kind hearted girl.

Magician: For a girl who can turn around your sad moments.

Mama: A girl kind and loving lady.

Marshmallow: A woman with a gentle and relaxed personality.

Mellow: For an easy going girl.

Melody: Does she have a great voice, does she play your heart’s melody? Then call her Melody.

Meow: A fun term for a lady who craves attention.

Milady: A classic nickname for a noble woman.

Mimi: For a cute girl who is funny, sarcastic and great.

Mine: A girl, whose heart, body and soul belongs to you.

Mini Me: A cute nickname for a younger girl who is very much like you.

Minion: A cute nickname for an obedient girl.

Miss Bossy Pants: A cute name to call a bossy lady; commonly used to address a female boss.

Miss Kitty: For a girl you like a lot.

Missy: A cute nickname for a woman with a friendly personality

Momma: A pet name often used to refer to a mother or a mother figure.

Monkey Buns: She’s soft, sweet and warm. Above all, she’s playful and fun to be around.

Monkey Butt: She’d rather stay home to binge watch a movie than step outside.

Monkey Toes: It refers to a person who can pinch or grasp things with her legs. Even though it’s a little weird, it’s a cute way of teasing her.

Monkey: Is she funny, playful and resourceful?

Mookie: A girl that makes you soft-hearted and mushy.

Mooky Porky: An intelligent, funny and creative person. She’s something else.

Mooky: She’s tender and gentle towards people she cares about. Most people love for her this.

Moon Beam: She’s very responsible in everything she does. Her stability and calmness compliment her personality even more.

Moonshine: She is strong, calm and disciplined. She lights up the darkest moments.

Motherboard: Is she your stronghold? An integral part of your life? This definitely symbolizes that.

Mouse: Is she a shy girl? Does she scare easily?

Munchies: Is she a hardcore foodie?

Neptune: The Latin God of water. A resourceful and self-motivated girl is best described as Neptune.

Nibbles: A cute name for a girl that drives you crazy.

Nine: A cute name for a girl that ranks 9 over 10 on the beauty scale.

Ninja: Is she the most talented girl you know?

Nugget: Does she mean the world to you? She’s precious to you no matter what she does.

Num Nums: A sweet and adorable girl.

Nutty: A crazy and bat-shit crazy girl. It helps if she’s on your side.

Odd Duck: Is she a weirdo?

Odie: It is an English name that means inspirational.

Old Lady: Does she act like everyone’s momma?

One And Only: A girl that holds a special place in your heart.

Oompa Loompa: A fictional dwarf who makes candy.

Panda Bear: Is she a protective sweetheart?

Panda: For a chubby, friendly, and tender girl.

Passion Fruit: A passionate, lusciously juicy girl.

Passion: Is she as exciting and enthusiastic as they come?

Peachy: A cute nickname for a lady that never hides her feelings.

Pebbles: A cute name for an adorable little girl.

Pickle Pie: Is she an exciting and adventurous girl?

Pickle: Is she passive-aggressive? Does she keep postponing important stuff only to furiously rush to it at the last minute? She’s a pickle alright.

Pikachu: It is a mouse like an animal. It is a symbol of shyness or gentleness.

Pin Up: Good looking and sexually attractive, calling her this will impress her anytime.

Pineapple: A girl who’s friendly, sweet and sensitive in nature.

Pink: A cute name for a gorgeous, confident girl.

Poker Face: Is she difficult to read? The type of girl you wouldn’t want to face in a Poker game.

Polly-Polly: Rebellious and rather hard headed. She might drive you crazy, but you love her regardless.

Porcelain Doll: A ridiculously attractive girl – the definition of perfect beauty.

Power Puff: Represents anything deemed as small but shockingly powerful.

Pumpkin Pie: A cute term of endearment for a pretty girl.

Pumpkin: A cute and attractive girl with a fun and loving demeanor.

Pumpykins: A term of endearment that proves you cherish and care for her.

Punk: A good nickname for a troublesome girl.

Punkin: A good nickname for a stubborn girl.

Quake: Does she make everyone else sit up? A cute name for a troublesome boss-lady.

Queen Bee: Is she a dominant, fabulous and boss lady?

Queen: Is she the girl every girl would rather be? The girl every guy wants to have by his side? Or is she the Queen of your castle?

Quirky: Is she the right kind of weird?

Rabbit: Is she as cute and adorable as a rabbit?

Radical: For a girl who would rather travel the road less taken.

Raindrop: Have you noticed how deep she is? Or how she always seeks solace in a quiet, peaceful environment? She’s a lot more than most people see.

Ray: Does she know how to lighten the spirit? Is she the ray of sunlight in a dark tunnel?

Rebel: For a girl who never listens to anyone.

Red: This color is a symbol of danger and seduction. A ferocious girl that comes in and leaves by a storm. Also, a cute nickname for a red-haired girl.

Riff: Short for Riff-Raff, often used for stubborn ladies.

Rockstar: A cute nickname for a popular, fashionable, and stylish girl.

Rollie Pollie: Is she an adventurous girl?

Rosie: A beautiful girl with an amazing personality.

Rum-Rum: A girl that gives you a different kind of high.

Saint: A sweet and adorable soul.

Sassy Lassy: Polite and romantic, she shocks you with how goofy she gets at times.

Scooter: A cute nickname for an independent girl; a lone wolf.

Scrumptious Angel: She is a combination of total sexiness and bewildering innocence.

Scrumptious Lady: A sexy and delicious looking girl. She’s very captivating.

Scrumptious: Something appetizing and delicious.

Shadow: A good nickname for your partner-in-crime.

Share Bear: Is she an incredibly selfless lady?

Shining Star: She is a source of light and hope. She makes everything seem lively.

Shot Glass: A good nickname for a tough little girl.

Shrimpy: Generally refers to a small person.

Shy: Does she cringe at the thought of meeting people? For a girl who is as gentle as a lamb.

Silly Goose: A good nickname for a girl who never fails to make you laugh.

Sis: A girl who’s either your sister or as close as a sister.

Sissy: A delicate and fragile girl.

Skippy: Is she a fast runner? A long jumper? Or a fast athlete? Then, call her Skippy.

Sky: A girl with great dreams.

Sleeping Beauty: A girl that loves sleeping a bit too much.

Slick: For the perfect girl.

Slicky: A smooth-talking and charming lady.

Small Fry: Does she seem to sink into the background? Or go unnoticed? This is a name for her.

Smart Cookie: Is she a smart and intelligent girl?

Smarty: A sweet nickname for a lady that excels in virtually everything.

Smiles: A cute name to call a girl with a lovely smile.

Smiley Face: A girl that wears a pretty smile irrespective of the situation.

Smiley: A happy spirit. It’s where the name “Miley” Cyrus originated.

Smoochie Poo: She makes you want to snuggle her every time she’s around.

Smoochie: A cute nickname for a good kisser.

Snappy: Is she a hot tempered mess? Does she get irritated easily? Snappy is a good nickname for a girl with these attributes.

Snicker Doodle: A slang used for a girl who loves and enjoys sex. It can also denote sweetness and awesomeness.

Snitch: A girl so righteous that you cannot rely on to help you bury a body. She will break down and rat you out in a minute.

Snookie: Is she a short and stubborn girl? Then, Snookie is the best nickname for her.

Snow Bunny: A girl that loves snow and winter activities a bit too much.

Snow Pea: Edible pea that’s eaten while the pod is still young.

Snowflake: A girl with a delicate and fragile personality. Someone that gets can murder anyone who disagrees with her.

Soldier: A tough girl who isn’t fazed by anything life throws at her.

Sona: An Irish word denoting happiness and good-fortune.

Soul Friend: Do you share a deep connection with her?

Soul Mate: For that girl that knows you too well. Call her Soul mate, if you cannot imagine your life without her.

Southern Comfort: Her sweetness will get you exceptionally high.

Space Queen: A cute name for an inattentive or forgetful girl.

Spark Of My Life: A girl that lights up your life.

Spark: Is she a lively soul? Is she hot-tempered or does she drives you crazy?

Sparkles: A lady with an awesome glow.

Sparky: A great nickname for a lively and entertaining girl.

Sphinx: A mysterious and enigmatic girl.

Spiky: A girl who gets annoyed easily. She can only be handled with tenderness.

Spirit: She’s lively and deep. Also, for some strange reasons, you cannot hide anything from her.

Sport: For a tough and resilient girl.

Spring: A cute nickname for a girl that never fails to renew your spirit.

Sprout: For a lady who excels that making things better.

Spunky: For a wild and awesome girl.

Squeakers: A girl with a funny high-pitch voice.

Squirrel: Is she inquisitive? Is she restless and full of energy?

Squishy: A cute name for an adorable girl you could hug all day.

Star Bright: For a talented, smart, and intelligent girl.

Star Light: A sweet name for a girl that lights up everywhere with her positive energy.

Star Shine: For a girl who represents a rare gem.

Star: Does she shine bright everywhere she goes? For a girl that stands above her peers.

Starfish: A lady who picks herself from bad situations quickly.

Stepper: An affectionate nickname for a great dancer.

Stinker: A cute name for a girl who’s an expert in sucking the life out of you.

Tad Winks: A girl with whom you share a bit of intimacy.

Tarzan: Is she a wild and exciting girl?

Tiger Toes: Is she a fierce, tough, no-nonsense girl?

Tiger: For an energetic girl that never gets tired.

Tiggy: A fun-loving girl.

Tinkerbell: For that pain-in-your ass biggest cheerleader.

Tippler: A cute nickname for a girl that loves her wine.

Tooti: For a girl that talks a lot.

Tricky: A cute pet name for a cunning and crafty girl.

Turtle: Is she the type of girl that takes too much time? She will always make you late for occasions because of her slow and steady style.

Tweetie: A cute nickname for an extroverted girl.

Tweetie-Pie: A sweet and adorable confident girl.

Tweetums: For a girl who acts childish.

Twinkie: For a girl that is small, sweet and hard to forget.

Twinkle Toes: A lady who is light on her feet. Also a cute name for a girl with tiny feet.

Twinkle: Is she a diamond in the sky?

Uber Friend: A loyal and faithful side-kick

Ultimate: Is she the number one girl?

Unicorn: A girl so full of perfection that it is unreal.

Unstoppable: A determined girl that can overcome any barrier.

Untamed: You cannot tame this girl. She’s so full of energy and awesomeness that you either sign up or drop out.

Viking: A girl that will tear through walls for you.

Westie: A nickname for a Western girl.

Winnie: A Welsh girl.

Wolfie: An energetic and resilient girl.

Wonder Girl: A girl that is very good at all she does.

Wonder Woman: A girl that never ceases to amaze you.

Wonderful: A cute pet name for an all-around amazing lady.

Wookums: An exciting, courageous girl.

Wordsmith: Is she a magician with words? A cute name for a girl blessed with the gift of a poet.

Xena: A cute nickname for a kind and welcoming woman.

Yankee: A common nickname for a girl from the United States of America.

Yummers: Is she so adorable that you wonder how she could be in your life.

Yummy Bear: A sweet and amazing woman.

Yummy: Is she a sweet and kind girl?

Zany: A cute nickname for a crazy, weird girl.

Adopted Sis: A lady that could almost be mistaken for your sister because of the bond you share.

Adopted Twin: Is she your best friend? Do you do everything and go everywhere together? She’s your adopted twin.

All Mine: A term of endearment used for a girl that belongs to you.

Amazing: A breathtaking and dazzling girl.

Anchor: A girl that keeps you sane and grounded.

Angel Heart: A cute name for a kind-hearted girl.

Angel of Mine: A good nickname for a lady you love.

Apple of My Eye: A cute term of endearment for a lady you cherish.

Autumn: Autumn signifies comfort, which makes it a sweet nickname to call a girl that makes you happy.

Baba Ganoush: A term of endearment for a hot lady.

Babe: A common term of endearment for a girlfriend.

Babes: A cute variation of “baby,” used for adorable ladies.

Babette: A sweet variation of “baby”, used for beautiful girls.

Baboo: An affectionate term used to refer to a lover.

Baby Angel: An adorable combination of “Baby” and “Angel.”

Baby Bear: A lovely pet name for a chubby lady.

Baby Boo: An affectionate term for lovers.

Baby Boo-Boo: A fun combination of baby and “boo-boo.” A sweet name to call a girlfriend or little sister.

Baby Bugaboo: A cute mash-up of Baby and Bugaboo.

Baby Butter Fingers: A nice nickname for a clumsy girl.

Baby Cakes: A cute pet name for a sweet and adorable lady.

Baby Cheeks: A sweet name for a pretty lady.

Baby Doll: A common term of endearment used for beautiful girls.

Baby Doodle: A baby doodle is often cute, so when you call someone baby doodle – you are calling the person cute.

Baby Face: A lady who looks much younger than her age.

Baby Girl: A popular term of endearment for a beautiful girl.

Baby Kins: A cute nickname for a beautiful lady.

Baby Love: Baby love is pure and adorable, which makes this nickname perfect for a lady you love with all your heart.

Baby Puff: Baby Puff symbolizes sweetness – a good pet name for a sweet girl.

Baby: A common term of endearment for a cute lady.

Babylicious: A combination of the word “baby” and “delicious.” It is often used as a cute pet name for ladies.

Bae: A popular term of endearment used for a lover e.g. girlfriend.

Bambi: For a cute and gentle lady.

Banana Boo: A sweet and kind soul.

Baybee: A cute name for a girl you love.

Beautiful Mind: A lady with a brilliant and kind heart.

Bebe: A cute variation of “babe,” a fun name for a female lady friend.

Bebits: A playful variation of “babe.” It is a fitting nickname for your girlfriend or best friend.

Berry: A cute nickname for a sweet petite lady.

Bestie: A common nickname for your lady friend.

Better Half: A popular term of endearment used for a wife or a lady who makes you complete.

Bff: It means Best Friend Forever.

Blossoms: A good nickname for a lady that makes your life better.

Bonbon: Bon Bon symbolizes sweetness, which makes it a great name for an adorable lady.

Boo Bear: A beautiful and all-around amazing lady.

Boo Boo: A cute pet name for a girlfriend.

Boo Thang: A lady, most likely a friend, who makes you happy.

Boo: From the French word – Beau, which means beautiful. Boo is one of the most popular terms of endearment for a lover.

Brushcchi: A good nickname for a kind hearted lady.

Bubble Buns: A sweet nickname for a cute lady.

Buddy: The traditional nickname for a friend.

Bun Buns: A good name for a cute and kind soul.

Buppy: A marriage between two cute pet names “baby” and “puppy.” It is often used for as a term of affection for a girlfriend.

Butterscotch: Butterscotch is brown and sweet, which makes it a good nickname for an adorable girl or a girl with a mixed racial background.

Cakes: A sweet and adorable lady.

Candy: A cute pet name for the sweetest of them all. If she were a lollipop and we dared to bite, we’d get diabetes.

Canoodle: A lady love you could get curled up with all day.

Captain: This term of endearment is for the number one girl on your ship.

Caramel: An adorable nickname for a girl who is cute and sweet on the inside and outside.

Care Bear: A girl that brings a smile to any face she encounters. She makes it her goal to lighten and energize everyone around her.

Caretaker: A cute pet name for the girl, the lord, put in charge of your heart.

Chardonnay: Is she priceless? Does she make you feel awesome? Then you can call her by this cute pet name.

Cheerleader: A nickname for a girl who’s always supportive towards your efforts.

Cher: Is she a darling? Is she a sweetheart? Would you call her your honey?

Cherry Pie: Is she the sweetest thing around? Full of color and a source of delight everywhere she goes? Cherry pie without a doubt a name for her.

Cherry: An amazing girl with a kind heart.

Chick: For a resilient girl who is happy and graceful in every single thing she does.

Chicken: When she’s adorably cute and very playful.

Choco Pop: Is she a sweet girl? Does she have a lovely brown skin? Is she your favorite morning treat?

Chocolate Bunny: A girl that’s a combination of delicious delight and cheerfulness. Not to mention she is as cute as them bunnies come.

Chocolate Drop: For a girl who is easy to be a round, mostly because she is as sweet as they get.

Chocolate: Just like chocolate, she’s sweet, addictive and you can’t help but crave her presence.

Chubby Bunny: She’s cuddly, lovely and cute as a bunny.

Chunky Bunny: A charming and warm person.

Cookie Monster: A girl who’s so sweet you just want to hug her anytime you see her.

Cookie: A nickname for a fierce but yummy girlfriend.

(last few)

Temptress: A dangerously seductive and irresistible girl.

Tigress: A fierce or passionate girl.

Cute Nicknames for Girls from Other Languages
cute foreign pet names for girls

Acushla: An Irish term that means “pulse” or “vein.”

Agapi Mou: A Greek term meaning “My Love.”

Ahuva: A Hebrew term meaning “Dearly loved.”

Alamea: The origin of the name is Hawaiian, and it means “Precious.”

Amado: A Spanish term of endearment meaning “sweetheart.”

Amante: A Spanish term meaning “Lover.”

Amiga: A Spanish word meaning “female friend.”

Ammu: An Indian word meaning “happiness.”

Amor: A Spanish term meaning “love.”

Amorcita: A Spanish term of endearment meaning “Little Love.”

Amore Mio: An Italian phrase meaning “My Love.”

Amore: An Italian word meaning “love.”

Angelito: A Spanish term meaning Little Angel.

Anima Mia: An Italian term of endearment best translated as “Soul Mate.”

Aşkım: A Turkish term of endearment meaning “My Love.”

Azúcar: A Spanish word meaning “Sugar.”

Babochka: A Russian term meaning “Butterfly.” Pronounced – BAH-bushka. When pronounced as Ba-bu-shka (Babushka) it means “Old Lady” or “Grandma.”

Baja: A Spanish slang used for a Short girl.

Ballerina: A female ballet dancer. A great nickname for a fit lady, a great dancer or a beautiful girl in general.

Bambina: An Italian term of endearment for a beautiful lady.

Bean an tí: Pronounced BAN-a-TEE, it refers to the woman of the house.

Bel Fanm: A Haitian word meaning beautiful girl.

Bella Mariposa: Spanish phrase meaning Beautiful butterfly.

Bella: A popular nickname used for beautiful ladies.

Belle me: A French phrase meaning “Beautiful Soul.”

Belle: Belle is the French word for beautiful. It is often used for a beautiful and charming girl.

Cara Mia: An Italian phrase meaning “My Darling.”

Caramela: Caramela is the feminine term for Caramelo, which means Candy. It is a great nickname for a girl that makes you happy.

Cariño: A Spanish term of affection, which is similar to calling her “Honey.”

Chica: The Spanish term for “girl.” It is a great pet name for any attractive lady.

Chico: A gorgeous yet jumpy and playful girl.

Chippya: It is an Indian name that means love. It could also be a girl who’s well-mannered with the highest of virtues.

Corazon: A Spanish word that means heart. When she steals your heart away, this is a perfect nickname for her.

Dara: An all-round lovely pet name for a girl. In Hebrew, Dara refers to compassion. In Swahili, Dara means beautiful one, and in Macedonia, Dara means “Gift.”

Dolce: It means sweet in Italian.

Douceur: French for pleasantness or sweetness.

Ebio: An Indian name meaning “Honey.”

Envie: Spanish nickname meaning “wish” or “desire,” for the girl who’s all you could ever want.

Esha: Meaning “Desire,” for a girl who’s everything you ever wanted.

Esposa: Meaning “spouse,” or “wife,” for the girl who deserves the ring.

Gaïenne: A sweet nickname with a French origin, which means “girlfriend.”

Golubushka: A cute Russian word used as an endearment, meaning “dearie,” “darling.”

Hela: A divine nickname for a girl, with a Greek origin, meaning “moonlight.”

Hermanita: An affectionate Spanish nickname for a girl, meaning “little sister.”

Hermosa: A Spanish word, for a girl who is beautiful inside and out.

Innamorata: An Italian word used to address a girl you love deeply.

Itoshii Aisuru: A Japanese term for ‘dear’ and ‘love.’ It can be used for a girl that is so dear to you.

Jiya: An Indian phrase, meaning sweetheart

Khaleesi: A cute pair couple nickname from Game of Thrones meaning “wife of Khal.” If she’s your Khaleesi, then you’re her – Khal.

Kiya: For an attractive girl with an adventurous personality.

Luce Mia: An Italian phrase, meaning my light.

Luna: An Italian phrase for the moon.

M’fhíorghrá: An Irish phrase meaning, my treasure.

Ma Beauté: A French phrase for my beauty.

Ma Belle: A French phrase meaning my beautiful.

Ma Biche: It means my baby.

Ma Blonde: A French term of endearment used to address a girlfriend.

Ma Colombe: A French phrase meaning, my little love.

Mahi: An Indian phrase, meaning Goddess.

Mamacita: A cute name for a hot girl.

Mami: A Spanish term for the mother of your kids. Also, a popular term of endearment for a hot girl.

Mariposa: Mariposa is the Spanish word for Butterfly, which symbolizes beauty.

Mhuirnín: An Irish phrase for darling.

Mi Amor: A Spanish phrase, which means “my love.”

Mi Cielito: A Spanish phrase, which means my Sweetie.

Mi Osito: A Spanish phrase for my cutie.

Mia Princepessa: An Italian phrase for my princess.

Mijn Schat: A Dutch phrase meaning, my love.

Mithi: For a girl that is truthful.

Mo Chuisle: An Irish word which translates to ‘pulse of my heart.’ She represents something very darling to you.

Mo Ghrá: An Irish term meaning “My Love.”

Moe: It is of Hebrew origin meaning ‘to love.’ You can also use it if she’s your savior or your redemption from something.

Moll: In Latin, it refers to ‘star of the sea.’ She’s one of a kind, bright and beautiful.

Mon Amour: It is the French phrase for “my love.”

Mon Bébé: When you want to sound a little romantic, you can never go wrong with French. Mon Bébé is a French phrase which translates to my baby.

Mon Cherí: A French way to call her darling; if she’s your beloved one, it works too.

Mon Chou: A French phrase meaning “Sweetie.”

Mon Coeur: Is she your heart, your sweetheart? This is how to let her know.

Moya Golubushka: In Russian, it refers to my little dove.

Musu: Indian for beautiful. She’s mellow and dazzling.

Mwen Bebe: A fun way to call her my baby in Haitian Creole.

My Chica: When you call her this, you’re basically telling her that she’s your girl.

My Peche: Implies she’s sweet and tasty.

Noori: It is a Muslim name that means shining.

Oma: Arabic for commanding. When she’s fierce and has that fire within her, this name completely describes her.

Opaline: Sanskrit word that means jewel; the perfect nickname for a dazzling girl.

P’tit Coeur: A French phrase meaning “Little Heart.”

Pinalangga: A Cebuano term meaning “sweetheart.” If you’re Pinoy, you would know this affectionate term.

Princesa: A Spanish word meaning “princess.”

Principesa: Romanian term meaning “Princess.”

Sakura: A Japanese word, meaning “cherry blossom.” It is the perfect nickname for a cute and pretty lady.

Samba: Hindu word meaning rising or shining.

Schatzi: A German way to call her dear or honey.

Sheba: A Hebrew name that means promise.

Sigal: It means purple or violet in Hebrew.

Sorella: An Italian word meaning “sister.”

Süsse: A German phrase meaning Sweet.

Tesoro: An Italian phrase meaning treasure.

Ti Fi: A Haitian word meaning “girl.”

Vita Mia: A Spanish phrase meaning my life.

Vita: An Italian word with Latin origin meaning life. An affectionate term for the love of your life.

Vye Fi: A Haitian word meaning “bad girl.” It could denote “Wifey” as well.
(and that's it)

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