Miss dedication because Jesus Crist
A damn soft meme.
This person looks like the softest, meme-iest person I have ever stumbled upon in my life, lol
This person looks like the softest, meme-iest person I have ever stumbled upon in my life, lol

Detailist and admirer of things long past.
(Not an insult.)
(Not an insult.)
Arcol wrote:
Detailist and admirer of things long past.
(Not an insult.)
(Not an insult.)
Fire lily
Winged edge
The Poetic Arctic Arcol
Vee vee
Poetic Professional
(It basically means cool person in my language)
(It basically means cool person in my language)
((Translation; great friend/trusted ally in Netharanic))
((Translation; great friend/trusted ally in Netharanic))
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