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Haha XD! Thanks! :)

Drunk-Buddy? :p
Alexis Abu (played anonymously)

Crimson Light?
Mariposa (played anonymously)

Ivy Stormborn (played by RedLantern)

Alexis Abu wrote:
Crimson Light?
People love that whole Crimson stuff so it seems. xD))
Matilda Dyson (played anonymously)

((It's easy nickname material apparently :P))
Posy, like the flower...?
Mariposa (played anonymously)

(( Ow. Thanks you xD )) ((Unfortunately, she's not that flowery, even if she sweet when at right times, and warm as well...))

Sorry I can't help, but cutie seems fitting yours, she have such a cute face. xD

((I like her template as well!))
Abigail Summers (played by Kitten)

((Thanks! :D I was very glad when I finally found a decent face claim.))
Hector Bossuet (played by Skipbab)

Summer gale, as in the bird
Gwendolyn Orwell (played anonymously)

I like that one :D
Hmmmmmmmm how's about...Mr.Woozy? Cuz ...Illusions? 🤔
Mariposa (played anonymously)

Hector Bossuet wrote:
Summer gale, as in the bird
Admit, he does have an interesting character profile ))

(( I'll go for "The Deceiver", seems to fit his aura well. ;) ))
Gwen- Mellisa Clarke's twin

Mariposa- The immortal butterfly
Holly Braddock (played anonymously)

((The face claim was too perfect, haha))
Ummmm, digit dude.
Presijan Radomir (played by RedLantern)

((XD, Well thanks guys.

(immortal butterfly, sounds poetic, but well, immortal. xD) (the feels)))

Jolly Holly?
Amberlyn Quinn (played by Kitten)

Cyber Reaper (played by jpdelta)

id call you ambie like i do my 3 year old cousin. Who i imagine will look like your character.
Amberlyn Quinn (played by Kitten)

I really like Ambie by the way! I might add it to the official nicknames list, heh.
Dan Burrow (played anonymously)

The Amber Queen
Etta White (played anonymously)

Raken (played by RedLantern)

Amberlyn Quinn wrote:
Good one))

(I was about to go for Dolly but it's already one of her given nicknames...)

(I would have get to "The puppeteress", but it doesn't feel exactly like it in an overall... your character seems too humanish and not in a sense a concept or principe, like an evil, being anthroporized, so I can't flank her with this surname.
She too complex. Not sure if I explained it all and clearly. ))

((I can't really think about something that rings the bell))

((she have too many traits. Personnality traits. and they often doesn't really have an accordance to her powers, so I can't really define something special for her. Puppteress is too heartless for someone who can have friends, being loyal or protective. There are too much antagonistic traits in her personnality for me to come up with something.

I could call her "Impossible Connundrum" thought. XD But I'm not sure you it's what you had in mind when you came up with her, I mean, I don't think it would satisfy you, too. So I'm not going over with it. XD))

((She looks like you mixed a lot of things, into one thing.))
((Even calling her Legions won't be accurate. xD))

((Could call her Connundrum or Paradox. Sorry, I can't get better.))
Darrel Loren (played by Skipbab)


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