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Forums » Forum Games » Give the person above you a nickname

Kodoku (played by Icyrosyseal)

((OK, but we have given these characters nicknames.))
Holly Braddock (played anonymously)

((What about Holly?))
Kodoku (played by Icyrosyseal)

((i guess.))
Lotal (played by Icyrosyseal)

Holy Holly
Alexis Abu (played anonymously)

Lolly Lotal
Kiki (played by Icyrosyseal)

giant bob
Abigail Summers (played by Kitten)

Claw (played by Icyrosyseal)

Blaire Moreno (played anonymously)

Pointy nail
Claw (played by Icyrosyseal)

((omg pointy nail))
Chachiri (played by Icyrosyseal)

blaire leve it or not i'm walking on air
Chelsea Lo'rise (played anonymously)

Lee (played by Icyrosyseal)

Etta White (played anonymously)

Alice (played by Icyrosyseal)

Smol Nozomi (played anonymously)

Alice in Wonderland
Matilda Dyson (played anonymously)

Nom nom
Alice (played by Icyrosyseal)

person i have already nicknamed
Etta White (played anonymously)

Person I have already nicknamed as well
Burrito (played by Icyrosyseal)

person i have nicknamed.

You are on: Forums » Forum Games » Give the person above you a nickname

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