Smexy boi
Masked feeling
Red-headed badass
Techy Tom
Kindered spirit
Bone head
The other sexy eye...
...Seriously, I love the color red.
Just as long as it's not pink.
...Seriously, I love the color red.

I'll call him Handsome.
Because, come on.
Ardyn Izunia wrote:
The other sexy eye...
...Seriously, I love the color red.
Just as long as it's not pink.
...Seriously, I love the color red.

I'll call him Handsome.
Because, come on.
She's definitly too blunt to. ))
((Don't let that eye trick you.
Lethal Raiponce, because hair.
Blaire Moreno wrote:
((Don't let that eye trick you.

Lethal Raiponce, because hair.
Mildly annoyed
, midly might be light, I'll call her Torrent or something like that, lol.))
Lucifer Errat wrote:
Mildly annoyed

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