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Astra (played by AgitoAceXIII)

Presijan Radomir wrote:
Sidus, which means star, if I'm not mistaking. It's Latin.

((Actually...It is Latin! But, Sidus is not the only way to say it...Stella, Astra, Astrum, Adstrum...And so on. Sidus is more of a way, to say "Rainy weather", and also another way to say the following: Constellation, Season, Region, Day, Night, Wet Weather, Scorching Heat, and Intense Heat...My source is Google Translate, 'cause I can't speak Latin on my own, heh.))
Presijan Radomir (played by RedLantern)

Astra wrote:
Presijan Radomir wrote:
Sidus, which means star, if I'm not mistaking. It's Latin.

((Actually...It is Latin! But, Sidus is not the only way to say it...Stella, Astra, Astrum, Adstrum...And so on. Sidus is more of a way, to say "Rainy weather", and also another way to say the following: Constellation, Season, Region, Day, Night, Wet Weather, Scorching Heat, and Intense Heat...My source is Google Translate, 'cause I can't speak Latin on my own, heh.))
XD I wont rely too much on Google Translation for a dead language, if I where you. Either for a still living one. But, whelp. Lol.))
Astra (played by AgitoAceXIII)

((Nah, I rely on whatever source I get, heh. XD I mean, I could go and learn Latin, but...I don't wanna be Catholic, I'm good as an atheist. >.>))
Chasity Isabelle Roy (played by 8_Stars_8)

Presijan Radomir (played by RedLantern)

Astra wrote:
((Nah, I rely on whatever source I get, heh. XD I mean, I could go and learn Latin, but...I don't wanna be Catholic, I'm good as an atheist. >.>))
wt *xD*, you do not need any religion to learn a language, my latin teacher wasn't, and I wasn't, still not, and I have been in public school. What is this kind of conception? XD))

((no hard feelings, was just shaked lol.))
Elaine Van Freyr (played by 0089)

Sagume Kishin (played by Miwi_Sama)

Astra wrote:
Presijan Radomir wrote:
Sidus, which means star, if I'm not mistaking. It's Latin.

((Actually...It is Latin! But, Sidus is not the only way to say it...Stella, Astra, Astrum, Adstrum...And so on. Sidus is more of a way, to say "Rainy weather", and also another way to say the following: Constellation, Season, Region, Day, Night, Wet Weather, Scorching Heat, and Intense Heat...My source is Google Translate, 'cause I can't speak Latin on my own, heh.))

I believe Astra is Latin for Star though.
Sagume Kishin (played by Miwi_Sama)

Elaine Van Freyr wrote:

Elly the cutest Blonde ever!
Elaine Van Freyr (played by 0089)

One winged Waifu!

((just to put it, Latin was speaked in it's time by LOTS of guys, who got NOTHING to do with catholicism belief. If you're intesrestd in old times, it's nice to have some background to know about. ))

Miyuki (played by AgitoAceXIII)

((It was a joke, sillies. XD Catholics learn Latin themselves, so, yeah. >.>))

All that text and trying to read it gives me a headache
Girl at my school

(I'm not even joking Miyuki is the surname of a girl in my Economics class)
Ardyn Izunia (played by AgitoAceXIII)

Orose_Khan wrote:
(I'm not even joking Miyuki is the surname of a girl in my Economics class)

((An odd coincidence, as Miyuki was also a Japanese ship, and that's where I got her namesake from.))

Ghengis Khan?

...Screw my name skills.
Lucifer Errat (played by Skipbab)

Ardyn Iz U Nyah? (Think of someone talking "kawaii")
Kaija (played by Mundanity)

Angel's Blessing (Matter of perspective Xb)
Kai! :)
The Brandwein Lycan


B.B. Marino
Alister Vernon (played by MrFalcon)

Outsider of Sayalami
Nyx Ulric (played by AgitoAceXIII)



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