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Forums » Forum Games » Fill in the blank

Just read the title
Bob: It’s _____ time

Joe: It’s peanut butter jelly time
What _____ is it?

A.dood : What time is it?
And so on

I won a ______!
I won a pineapple pizza!

I _____to _____
Gvibes Topic Starter

I want to dab

How come _______?
How come you passed out after eating a pickle?

I love to _____ while _____
Gvibes Topic Starter

I love to eat food while watching anime

Where is my _______?
Where is my super suit?

The earth will be struck by a giant ______________
Gvibes Topic Starter

piece of metal

What _______!
What just happened here?!

The world is actually a _______!
The world is actually a: flat disk on top of a cosmic turtle!

ok guys let's do this:____________ jenkins!
ok guys let's do this: but without jenkins!

Science just proved, that frogs and _____ are actually _______!
Science just proved, that frogs and dinosaurs are actually not compatible.
Take that Jurassic Park!

If Tesla put a wearable jet pack on the market for purchase, there would be an incease in _______.
Eros_Calls wrote:
Science just proved, that frogs and dinosaurs are actually not compatible. Take that Jurassic Park!

If Tesla put a wearable jet pack on the market for purchase, there would be an incease in _______.
If Tesla put a wearable jet pack on the market for purchase, there would be an increase in RAINING MEN. (Hallelujah.)

In your friends room, you find a vast collection of____.
In your friends room, you find a vast collection of manga.

The _____ looks lovely today, yet it seems to be ______ soon...
The moon looks lovely today, yet it seems to be Full soon...

There is nothing that I _______ do that would bring back the ________
Godric (played by Eros_Calls)

There is nothing that I would do that would bring back the fashion of the 70s.

I request you guys get creative and not use the most obvious answer.
Which came first, the _____ or the _____?
Which came first, the short movie or the series?
(Yes this is a reference to the fact that the wedding of Rapunzel and Eugene in a short movie came first and then Tangled: The Series after it)

(And to contribute to the theme of my post, another Disney reference. ;))
Bless my _____, ______ is on a ______!
Bless my soul, Herc is on a roll!

Licensed to kill ________ by the government of the United _______. A ______, free to kill ______ at will.
Marianne Martinez (played anonymously)

Licensed to kill you by the government of the United States. A bonus, free to kill associates at will.

"They sent ___ to ___ you and your ___."
They sent chocolate to feed you and your imaginary friend.

When will you __________ that ____________ don't _____________?

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