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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Tarra school of magic

Lune nods again. "Yeah, it's French."
Fantasy Characters (played by Kitten)

"I used to know a little French. Then I forgot most of it." Dustin says.
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

“Screw your boss.” She said.”I would love to.” She said.
"Hey, like they say, if you do what you love, you don't work a day in your life." Oli says, walking towards the town.
"I'm French, so I know the whole language. English is just like my second language."
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

Adi smiled.”Yeah I guess.” She said.
Oli walks around and then comes across a little boy by himself. He's crying. Oli smirks, then walks over. "Hey, what's wrong?"
"I-I can't find my mama...." The boy says, sobbing.
"Well, I know where your mama is!" Oli says, gesturing towards an alleyway.
"Yay!" The boy says, and they both walk into the alley.
Fantasy Characters (played by Kitten)

"Oh, that's cool. You speak pretty fluently,"
"Oui, je le fais." Lune says.
Flint (played by jackson111)

he lets go of ren
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

Adi followed the two. She smiled.
Fantasy Characters (played by Kitten)

"Err, I'm assuming you said thanks or something?" Dustin asks her.
Then, Oli suddenly grabs the boy's arm and he screams. The boys eyes turn into blaack pits and his face becomes utterly deformed.
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

Adi stared in amazement. She didn’t think it was scary at all.
Then, the boys limbs grew, and now he stood eight feet tall.
Oli smirks. "This is a corrupted human. Look at it. It's worthless now." Oli touches the corrupted humans hand, and then it disappears.
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

Adi smiled.”He looked like slender man a bit.” She said.
"But his face was deformed and his eyes were black pits." Oli looks at his watch. "You can leave now, if you want. I still have a few more souls to do."
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

“I’ll watch. I’m not afraid.” She said.
"Oh, okay!"
So, Oli corrupts a few more souls, then walks out of town and towards the school building. "Now I just wait until Monday."
Adi Izzla (played by Skykitty)

“Why? What are we waiting for?” She asked.

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