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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The cursed prince (OPEN)

Churro (played by BluePoison)

Ten years ago, there was a prince named Churro. He was cruel and loved to watch exacutions and most of all...he hated children. He one day has ordered an exicution on a small child for steeling food. The
Mother of the child was a witch and disliked that her son had been exicuted for such a small thing. The witch casted a spell upon Prince Churro. The prince didn't believe in spells until he woke up the next morning as a small child. A small elven child. He screamed loud being frightened at the way he looked. When the scream was heard, guards came in and noticed the small elven child. Churro yelled and pleaded for them to believe he was the prince, but they didn't beilive him. He was kicked out of the castle.
Prince Churro then went to the witch's house and demanded to be turned back to normal. She said the only way to be turned back to normal is to learn to be nice and kind.
Churro then ran away to the woods behind his castle and stayed there. He did make one friend though...A frog he named Jacklin.

In the woods was a small boy with pink hair and elf ears. He had a frog sitting next to him on a branch as he huffed sadly. "Oh Jacklin...what am I to do?"
The frog jumped on Prince Churro's head and they both made a sighing noise.
He then heard the sound of shuffling in the leafs. His elf ears twitched as a coyote struts out from the bushes and growls. Churro became so frightened that he fell back, falling into a deep body of water. He started to struggle,knowing he couldn't swim. He felt as if he was going to die as his lungs started to fill with water.";
Lathaya D'Urdia (played by Freyya)

Lathaya was flying on Raffeya's back over the forest.

She had once again run off after her father started yelling at her about how much he'd wanted a son. "Tell me Raff, in what possible way could I be to blame for him not having a son!?" she asked. The griffin gave a short shriek, as to say he didn't know either. Lathaya sighed. At that moment she spotted a disturbance in a water source down below. "Fly lower, Raff!"

Raffeya shrieked and started a circling descent. Lathaya saw a coyote flee into the bushes and a shade dissapearing in the water. She took her lance off her back and strapped it to her griffin's flanks. "Wait here, Raff," she said and jumped off the griffin's back. She landed head first in the water. and immediately started looking around. She then saw the shape of a boy. She swam down quickly and grabbed hold of the boy's arm. She swam up again, and once they surfaced, pulled him to the side of the small lake. "Hey, there, are you allright?"
Churro (played by BluePoison) Topic Starter

He caughed and spat up water as his friend jumped onto his head. He looked at the female and then looked away blushing. "IM FINE!" He picked his frog off his head and held it close to his body. He was fiery as a child so this was like old times. His big blue eyes looked at her once more as he blushed. "You didn't have to save me." His frog jumped out of his arms and back onto his head. Churro gave a slightly annoyed look.
Lathaya D'Urdia (played by Freyya)

Lathaya smiled. "Of course."

At that moment, Raffeya landed behind them. He had the Coyote who was threatening Churro earlier now dead in his beak, and watched Churro with an investigating look in his eyes.
Churro (played by BluePoison) Topic Starter

Churro was startled by the rather large creature and nearly fell back. His frog jumped of his head and then jumped on Churro's face. "GYAH! GET OF JACKLIN!" He fell back against the female and made her fall with him. Finally the frog jumped off his face and Churro growled and picked him up. "Ugh! I should rip your tiny legs off and cook them slowly," He yelled in anger but then had sorrow in his big blue eyes. "But I wouldn't do that to are my only friend." He turned to the female. "Sorry for stumbling into you....and...thanks for saving me. My name is Churro." Eberyone has heard of Churro, the most ruthless prince of all so that would bring up the past.
Lathaya D'Urdia (played by Freyya)

Lathaya chuckled as Raffeya obviously surprised him. "Don't mind her, she's a friend," she said, as she got up and petted her griffin. Raffeya gave a content shriek and sat down, devouring the now dead coyote.

Lathaya turned back to Churro. "Churro? I've heard of you." she smiled slightly. So this is what has become of the young prince...
Churro (played by BluePoison) Topic Starter

Churro looked down. "Yes...that's right. The great Prince Churro!" he looked down and hugged his little frog. "I'm just a stupid elven kid now."
Lathaya D'Urdia (played by Freyya)

"You really shouldn't be saying that to an elf, little prince," Lathaya said, smiling.
Churro (played by BluePoison) Topic Starter

His elf ears perked. "Uh! Sorry!" He ended up getting on his knees and bows to her. He began thinking why is he was bowing to her. He was the prince around here, she should be bowing to him. He then remembered that's how he got in the problem he was in,the first place.
Lathaya D'Urdia (played by Freyya)

Lathaya chuckled. "No need to bow! you've really lost your way haven't you, prince Churro?"
Churro (played by BluePoison) Topic Starter

"I suppose so. I just wanna turn back into myself. I miss having the women all begging to be with me. I miss ruling the throne,And I also miss...being human." His frog jumped on his face again as he screamed like a little girl. "Stop it,Jacklin!"
Lathaya D'Urdia (played by Freyya)

Lathaya knew of the terrible history of prince Churro, but she felt sorry for him nevertheless. "I wish I could help, Churro, but my kind doesn't take kindly on yours..." she then shook her head, "I mean, the kind you've turned into."
Churro (played by BluePoison) Topic Starter

"So elf children might as well be cursed? What are you exactly,and in that case,why did you save me?!" The little Prince Churro would back her up, his elf ears twitching slightly as he rose his tiny, twelve year old voice.
"Are just gonna say you are 'different' from others?! Well if you are,save it...because thats what they all said!" He rose up his shirt, exposing beat marks from those who said they were 'different.' They were all lies so it made it hard to trust.
Lathaya D'Urdia (played by Freyya)

Lathaya chuckled as he asked about elf children being cursed, but that smile disappeared like snow in the summer's sun as he showed her his beat marks. She slowly shook her head. "No, elven children aren't cursed." She said. "However, you seem to have turned into a wood elf, or maybe a high elf. I'm one of the drow, the dark elves. Given the drow's inborn 'evil' intentions, my rescue of you should be enough proof that I'm different."
Churro (played by BluePoison) Topic Starter

"Huh? Oh...sorry...I..I am just a bit --" An arrow went right through his arm as he yelled in pain. A male with a bow stretched his arrow back, aiming for Churro's head this time.

"My Prince is gone and I am sure he would not want you discusting elves here,let alone an elven CHILD!"

Churro's eyes closed silently as his pet frog hopped in front of Churro and turned into a half bull, half frog looking creature as it snorted.
Lathaya D'Urdia (played by Freyya)

Raffeya, Lathaya's griffin, shrieked. "It's allright, Raff." She walked over to him calmly before quickly taking a bow from the saddlebags. In a second, she head the bow trained at the man, holding an arrow loosely on the string. "Why don't you go fly for a while, Raff?" The black griffin shrikked and took off.

Lathaya aimed at the man's eye. She didn't waver, and her arm didn't tremble.
"What do you want?" she asked. her voice had gotten cold and her eyes pierced into his.
Churro (played by BluePoison) Topic Starter

"I am simply doing my job. The prince's law is for me to kill all children and other creatures that are on the land. I just happen to be the only demon worthy enough to work for the prince."

The now 'bullfrog' Jacklin narrowed his eyes slightly. The frog began to speak. "You are no longer worthy, for our prince is not here at the moment. If he did not resently order you to kill us, then you have not one right to."

The male lowered his bow and backed up. He turned his back on them and started to leave.
Lathaya D'Urdia (played by Freyya)

Lathaya would keep her aim steady until he was gone. She then threw her bow to the ground and knelt beside churro, inspecting the wound. "This will hurt," she warned. She cracked the arrow's shaft right above the wound, and placed one hand on its tip, which protruded from the other side. "1... 2... 3!" she pulled the arrow out. Keeping his arm still to prevent him from making it worse, she quickly bandadged it up. "how do you feel?"
Churro (played by BluePoison) Topic Starter

Churro yelled as he felt the arrow being ripped from his chubby, baby-skinnded arm. He would then wince a little at the mere sting of his wound. "Well that hurt..."
Lathaya D'Urdia (played by Freyya)

Lathaya couldn't help but chuckle slightly. "Of course it hurt. You didn't seriously think it'd be painless, did you?"

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