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Forums » General Roleplay » Breach of Lost Time RP

James Grinnan (played by PowerSurge320) Topic Starter

They hop on Snow and start following, going about 45mph.
Jerome (played by Shadowtaker869)

Buddy is going full 70 mph
Leon podavlennyy (played anonymously)

Leon looks up at the sky and sighs as he walks back to the boat
James Grinnan (played by PowerSurge320) Topic Starter

Snow roars and tries tokeep up. (Slow down 45mph is fast enough to get there in less than an hour
James Grinnan (played by PowerSurge320) Topic Starter

Jerome (played by Shadowtaker869)

Jerome whistles and Buddy slows down
James Grinnan (played by PowerSurge320) Topic Starter

Snow keeps up
James Grinnan (played by PowerSurge320) Topic Starter

They eventually make it to the wall. They start looking for a way in.
Leon podavlennyy (played anonymously)

leon stops and starts petting flaffy
Jerome (played by Shadowtaker869)

On the way there Jerome grabbed Leon
James Grinnan (played by PowerSurge320) Topic Starter

They eventually find a locked gate.
Leon podavlennyy (played anonymously)

"where am I?"
Jerome (played by Shadowtaker869)

Jerome nods and buddy head butts the crap out of it
James Grinnan (played by PowerSurge320) Topic Starter

The gate is about 50 ft high, and a few feet thick. hes not getting it open. James thinks for a second, and he and jerome start arguing about how to getin. Neither of them notice Lizzie scaling the wall.
Leon podavlennyy (played anonymously)

leon chucks flaffy over the wall
Jerome (played by Shadowtaker869)

Jerome looks at him confused
Elizabeth Stevens (played by PowerSurge320) Topic Starter

The gate opens and Lizzie is standing on the other side. "If you boys are done arguing we can continue on."
Leon podavlennyy (played anonymously)

"give about 5 minutes with that girl"
Leon podavlennyy (played anonymously)

Flaffy squeaks next to her
James Grinnan (played by PowerSurge320) Topic Starter

James grabs Leon and punches him in the face, then walks through the gate.

You are on: Forums » General Roleplay » Breach of Lost Time RP

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