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Forums » General Roleplay » Breach of Lost Time RP

James Grinnan (played by PowerSurge320) Topic Starter

Like the rest of us//
Jerome (played by Shadowtaker869)

Buddy appears biting down on The Giga's throat killing it instantly Jerome smiles "thats my boy"
Leon podavlennyy (played anonymously)

Like arms on the wall?))
James Grinnan (played by PowerSurge320) Topic Starter

Dude really//
James Grinnan (played by PowerSurge320) Topic Starter

Buddy cant even reach that high//
James Grinnan (played by PowerSurge320) Topic Starter

And it wont kill it to just bite its neck once Buddy's bite force isnt a flippin hydraulic system//
James Grinnan (played by PowerSurge320) Topic Starter

The giga runs at Snow and evades her bite, then bites down on the top of her neck and starts clawing.
James Grinnan (played by PowerSurge320) Topic Starter

The other giga turns and slams Buddy with its tail
Jerome (played by Shadowtaker869)

Jerome (played by Shadowtaker869)

Buddy whimpers then throws his spikes into the Gigas hide then goes invisible again
Leon podavlennyy (played anonymously)

Leon cant do anything
James Grinnan (played by PowerSurge320) Topic Starter

The giga roars in pain and looks around for Buddy, bleeding on the ground. Snow grabs her opponent's leg in her mouth and lifts, nearly pulling it off the ground and causing it to fall. She is about to deliver the final blow when the other giga body slams her.
Jerome (played by Shadowtaker869)

Buddy runs in charging the Giga that hit snow and Headbuts it then bites its leg and lets go as the other giga bleeds to death
James Grinnan (played by PowerSurge320) Topic Starter

The other giga tries to get up, its really not bleeding too badly. Buddy has an opportunity
James Grinnan (played by PowerSurge320) Topic Starter

Snow gets a hold on the other giga's neck and sharply twists, breaking it. She drops it to the floor and roars.
Jerome (played by Shadowtaker869)

Buddy flings spikes into it's throat then bites its neck killing it and if that doesn't do it then his spit will make it bleed to death quickly
James Grinnan (played by PowerSurge320) Topic Starter

The spikes piercing deep into its neck kills it within a few seconds.
Jerome (played by Shadowtaker869)

Jerome looks at him "Buddy can't be killed at all so you should just stop trying"
James Grinnan (played by PowerSurge320) Topic Starter

"Well well well!" The announcer shouts to the crowd. "Looks like these two make a pretty good team. But can this unnatural monster kill a T. Rex?" Guards start trying to make them fight each other.
James Grinnan (played by PowerSurge320) Topic Starter

"All things can be killed somehow." The leader responds.

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