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Forums » Introductions » 2J's Bland Intro

Hello! I am new to this site, but I am not new to forum RP. I miss RP.

How long have you been RPing?
I estimate it's been over a decade.

What is your favorite kind of RP?
I like original RP worlds with OCs. An already existing universe with OCs that don't overlap with existing characters can work too.

What do you hope to find here?
I plan to drag a friend of mine into RP, as it is the most exciting collaborative writing method I know.

Do you have any pets?
I have one dog.

What's your favorite subject in school?
I did not like academia. The subjects I pursue outside of school seem much more interesting than the same subjects presented within a classroom.

This seems sufficient for an introduction. It is nice to meet you all.
Welcome to RPR, hope you have a great time here with all the amazing people within here. feel free to make new friends and have fun role playing with everyone.
Hey 2J, welcome to RPR! :)

You have an awesome name ^^
Greetings fellow rper! Feel free to pm me for whatever you need, anytime
Hello, and welcome to RPR!

You seem to like world building, there are a lot of other site members that enjoy it as well! If you ever want to bounce ideas off people, the RP Discussion forum is a great place to start.

Hope you have a great time here!


Welcome to RPR. I'm Asroc. I RP many and mostly Canons, but I am friendly to OC RPers and will RP with them. I do mainly AU RPs as them. Enjoy your time here.

Welcome to Rp Repository, hope you have a wonderful time here! :3

Hello, Tujae! I'm Hibari and welcome to RPR.
Love how you included all of that info into your introduction!
Please do enjoy your stay and have lots of fun RPing!
Tujae Topic Starter

Thank you for the replies everyone! I hadn't expected for anyone to actually read this introduction. Most of the other forums I've visited usually have a handful of core members that just copy and paste a default hello for everyone. I'm impressed!

Hey Tujae
Welcome! Hope you like your stay here :D
Yo welcome to rpr
Welcome to RPR! It's quite a lovely place, especially when you run into a few good eggs!
I have 2 dogs, but I think because they are small, if you lumped them together they would equal one large dog. ...maybe?
Good luck on your travels here!

honey. 🍯

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