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Forums » Art & Creativity » Holiday Goodies from Jinx!

So, in the spirit of RPR's Festival of Being Excellent To Each Other, I thought I might do something nice. As some of you know, (since I never shut up about it) I'm in Japan for University. I speak a fair bit of it and can write a fair bit of it (I'm far from perfect though lol). My gift to the denizens of RPR is this:

If you'd like your name written in Japanese Kana/Kanji you can respond to this thread and I'll translate it for you. If you're not totally comfortable with giving your real name, you can message it to me privately (just first names please) and I'll translate it privately for you :3

I'll give you an example of how I'll do it.

My name is Michelle. The Japanese romanji of my name is Mi-shi-e-ru. (Sounds pretty much like it reads, MesheEru)

In Kana: ミシエル
In Kanji: 美詩絵琉

Each kana has several kanji to it. Since you are choosing kanji for your preexisting name, you choose the ones you like the best or suit your personality. Since I am artistically inclined I chose the kanji I felt best represented me:

美 - mi (beauty)
詩 - shi (poem)
絵 - e (design, drawing)
琉 - ru (precious stone)

If you'd like it as a .jpg (in the event you can't see the text due to whatever) I'd be happy to do that too.


Oh! Oh! Can you do one for me? I use Lily online everywhere and I would like that :D
Ohhhh that is so cool!

Is Celestina applicable to this situation? If not, I can PM my real first name :3
Highjinx Topic Starter

TheLily wrote:
Oh! Oh! Can you do one for me? I use Lily online everywhere and I would like that :D

That one is actually pretty simple. In katakana it would be Riri- (sounds like Reree, there isn't a L sound in Japanese lol) There's quite a few Kanji for 'ri' out there but I thought the ones that looked most pretty together are 利理

Kana: リリー

利 - Ri (Clever)
理 - Ri (Reason)

(The other Kanji suitable for a name as ri are: 李 (plum) 莉 (jasmine) 梨 (pear tree) 黎 (black or many))

PS, there is the name for the flower Lily that gets used as a name ゆり (yu-ri) Kanji: 百合 but the katakana of it ユリ (also yu-ri) is often used for 'girls love' comics (usually but not always lesbian related.)
Highjinx Topic Starter

CelestinaGrey wrote:
Ohhhh that is so cool!

Is Celestina applicable to this situation? If not, I can PM my real first name :3

Celestina is ok lol, if that's the one you want.

It's a bit tricky though. Hmmm...

I think the closest would be Se-re(i)-su-chi-na (Sounds like Sereisuchena)

Kana: セレスチナ
Kanji: 世怜守禎成

世 -se (world)
怜 -rei (wise)
守 -su (protect)
禎 -chi (happiness)
成 -na (successful)

(Gah, I hope you don't mind if I don't list the other kanji. There's just way too many o__o;. These look prettiest together. )
o.o Zane. *hopes he isn't being a bother here, but shall give hugs either way!*
Woah! This is awesome!! :D I'll definitely PM you my name ^_^
Uh uh uh uh uh!!!! Can you do Rubix?!
Sanne Moderator

This is super awesome and sweet of you!! Can you do Sanne? :) It's pronounced in a particular way, I have a link to a soundfile where I pronounce it on my profile!
Oh, wow. That's amazing! I'd definitely would love to see my name in Japanese :O

My real name is Dylan. I think it's easier to write than Rynh, if I'm not mistaken.
could you do this for my rpr mame and my real name? :o my real name is zeger :p a bit hard to pronounce, so just take your pick :p
Well my RPR name is obviously Terel [Teh-Rel is how I pronounce it]

My real name is Nathan.

And if anyone's astute enough to notice the name of my very fist character is Nathaniel... yeah I was stuck for inspiration and Nathaniel Tynian was actually a placeholder name I never got around to replacing. Tynian (I pronounce it Tie-nee-an, but apparently it's Tih-nyan) after a character from David Eddings' Elenium/Tamuli series. Despite taking the name, partially as a homage to an awesome author and partly because it's an awesome name, my character Nate is almost nothing like this name sake.
Not to overload you here but it would be awesome to have this! (take your time however!)

Desireé is my real name :) If you need me to shorten it that's fine
I totally want to do this, my name Is Alex.
My name's Austin. This is a super cool idea!
Highjinx Topic Starter

Lorvilran wrote:
o.o Zane. *hopes he isn't being a bother here, but shall give hugs either way!*

Not a bother at all! Let’s see, Zane.It would be ze-i-n (sounds like zeyIn)
Kana: ゼイン
Kanji: 是蔭
是 – Ze (justice)
蔭 – in (shadow, backing assistance)

Rubix wrote:
Uh uh uh uh uh!!!! Can you do Rubix?!

Yes I can! Lol Rubix it would be Ru-bi-ku-zu (sounds like rubekuzu)
Kana: ルビ クズ
Kanji: 留備 功事
留 – ru (stop/delay)
備 – bi (provide)
功 – ku (achievement)
事 – zu (abstract thing)

Sanne wrote:
This is super awesome and sweet of you!! Can you do Sanne? :) It's pronounced in a particular way, I have a link to a soundfile where I pronounce it on my profile!

Let’s see, from what I could hear on your clip it sounds like Sanuh? I hope I’m doing this right lol. It would be Sa-n-a (sounds like sanah)
Kana: ア
Kanji: 賛明
賛 – San (Praise)
明 – a (bright)

Rynh wrote:
Oh, wow. That's amazing! I'd definitely would love to see my name in Japanese :O

My real name is Dylan. I think it's easier to write than Rynh, if I'm not mistaken.

Yeah, Dylan is a bit easier lol It would be de-i-ran (sounds like deeran)
Kana: ディラン
Kanji: 出伊 嵐
出- de (emerge)
伊- I (noble)
嵐- ran (storm)

Olthain wrote:
could you do this for my rpr mame and my real name? :o my real name is zeger :p a bit hard to pronounce, so just take your pick :p

Hmmm, let’s see. Olthain would be O-ru-ta-ne (sounds like orutayne)
Kana: オルターネ
Kanji: 和流汰練
和- o (peace)
流- ru (stream)
汰- ta (luxurious)
練-ne (refine)

Zeger (if I’m pronouncing it right) would be Ze-i-ge-i-ru (sounds like Zeygeyru)
Kana: ゼイゲイル
Kanji: 勢芸瑠
勢- Zei (power)
芸- gei (art)
瑠- ru (dark gem/lapis)

Terel wrote:
Well my RPR name is obviously Terel [Teh-Rel is how I pronounce it]

My real name is Nathan.

Nathan is a nice name to translate lol. It would be Ne-i-sa-n (sounds like neysan)
Kana: ネイサン
Kanji: 寧賛
寧- nei (peace)
賛- san (praise)

TornBySanity wrote:
Not to overload you here but it would be awesome to have this! (take your time however!)

Desireé is my real name :) If you need me to shorten it that's fine

Desireé isn’t too difficult lol It would be De-zu-ri (sounds like dezurii)
Kana: デズリー
Kanji: 出津理
出- de (emerge)
津- zu (haven)
理- ri (reason)

Strangedisease wrote:
I totally want to do this, my name Is Alex.

Woo! Another easy name lol! Alex would be A-re-ku-su (sounds like Arek-kusu)
Kana: アレックス
Kanji: 上玲久守
上- a (superior/above)
玲- re(clever/exquisite)
久- ku (eternal)
守- su (protect)

Oaky wrote:
My name's Austin. This is a super cool idea!

Austin is one of my favorite names lol. It would be o-su-chi-n (sounds like Oosuchin)
Kana: オースチン
Kanji: 生寿珍
生- o (life)
寿- su (longevity)
珍- chin (rare)

I'm glad everyone is so pleased with this idea! lol
Sanne Moderator

I smacked that straight onto my profile! Thanks!! :D This is so cool. <3
Kim Site Admin

Wow, what a cool idea! I am for sure tweeting this thread. Thank you for being so Excellent! :D
oh this is awesome! a fantastic gift very generous of you <3 I'd love it if you could do mine, my real name is actually Nikina, but I tend to go by Niki. <3
Jinx, can you just do Fox for me? :)

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