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Jason Alitt (played by ALTY_Heave)

Just looking through A’sraha’s profile, there is so much love put into her. It’s amazing. Her backstory is believable and makes complete sense for her character. You’re an amazing writer. Not to mention that I absolutely love A’sraha and her character. She’s definitely the type of character I’d play in a DnD campaign! <3

I’m currently in a roleplay with Jason ^^
Bruh he’s amazing <3 I love his reply’s and his character!
Jason Alitt (played by ALTY_Heave)

Osris wrote:
I’m currently in a roleplay with Jason ^^
Bruh he’s amazing <3 I love his reply’s and his character!

((I appreciate very very much! But be sure to change your reply to a character profile haha))
Macy (played by Osris)

Osris wrote:
I’m currently in a roleplay with Jason ^^
Bruh he’s amazing <3 I love his reply’s and his character!
I'm in Role play with them, and I enjoy it. Interesting character to say the least. And enjoyable too.
Lorelai (played by ChebaTheBee)

Chippy, Pumpo and Akiko sound like cool characters with adorable names (The picture of Chippy and Pumpo oh my.. they look like they're straight out of a videogame or a cartoon)! I can see them in a Halloween themed roleplay and in silly situations. .v.
Geist (played by hexblading)

Love her backstory; she went from dancer in a circus, then because her trusted friend and fiance cheated behind her back, she left to find friends of her own and finally found her calling as speaker of the dead! And pets! Oh, pets galore. We love a glow-up, would love to see the adventures she ends up in next.

Irutis (played anonymously)

I love all the detail and artwork on Geist's profile. They seem like a really interesting person that would be fun to be around.
David Goller (played by Juls)

Did you do the artwork, stalkati? I really like it, particularly the image on the second tab. Very evocative!
There’s clearly an amazing amount of love you put into this character. His description gave me a chuckle, and his personality and backstory are perfectly explained. I love it very much!
Oksana Ilves (played by Dndmama)

Oh my gosh I love this character so much! I want to give him all the hugs and wrap him in blankets! Aaaaahhhh!


On a more serious note Alastor looks like a very interesting and complex character that could inspire a lot of pathos in an rp. Very nicely done.

10/10 would cry for him.
Lazarus Mercury (played by Avalon)

Oksana is a very neat concept, she reminds me a bit of Chrion's role in old greek myths, a mentor helping heroes get started on their journeys. Her design is quite cute and it is not often I have seen blind characters and her seemingly humorous nature reminds me of how Toph from Avatar the Last Airbender was, and Toph like MADE my childhood (and adulthood too I can't lie) so absolutely 10/10

Her profile layout is very straight forward also, makes it easy to find what information you want to without having to click around too much.
Nina Phelps (played by Dawnia)

I like the way Lazarus is presented to us as a sort of a historical dossier.
Very creative and well put together profile with nice visuals!
Nina's profile is really immersive! The sheer amount of details you added, from about her neighborhood (and the people within it) to even your character's cookbook (now THAT was a fun touch), makes Nina feel like less of a character and more like an actual person. This profile of yours was made with love, I'm sure of it! :D
Mixie. Just- wow. (She kinda hot tho) So descriptive and very creative! I haven't seen anything like it before, very interesting in my eyes, filled with passion and effort. It's exactly what we don't want to see under our bed, or ever to run into at night (Although I'd totally want to meet her) I can tell that she'd be fun to roleplay with!
"Video-game development, huh?" the man muses aloud. "That's something I don't think I could do for the life of me, and that in of itself is pretty damn impressive."
Christian (played by EmoAndrewHussie)

"Really nice profile style! very well though out and designed"
Mad Rat (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"Aye, You got a pretty epic profile style i must say. Very neat and well designed."
Gary Stu (played anonymously)

"For real, you're a zombie?! That's SO cool!"
A'sallit (played by hexblading)

I just love the irony of Gary Stu. He's there to be the tragic funny bone. Love him so much.

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